view src/logbook.asm @ 599:8087295a518b

Identify battery type in menu
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 12 Aug 2018 18:10:10 +0200
parents b455b31ce022
children 08a0162d3ca1
line wrap: on
line source

;   File logbook.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.98
;   Logbook
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;  2011-11-12 : [mH] moving from OSTC code

#include ""						; Mandatory header
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

	extern	do_main_menu2
	extern	comm_mode
	extern	customview_show_mix

	;---- Private local variables -------------------------------------------------

	CBLOCK	local1						; max size is 16 byte !!!
		count_temperature				; current sample count for temperature divisor
		count_deco						; current sample count for deco (ceiling) divisor
		logbook_cur_depth:2				; current depth, for drawing profile.
		logbook_cur_tp:2				; current temperature, for drawing profile.
		logbook_last_tp					; Y of the last item in Tp° curve.
		logbook_min_tp:2				; min temperature, for drawing profile.
		logbook_max_tp:2				; maximum temperature, for drawing profile.
		logbook_ceiling					; current ceiling, for drawing profile.
		logbook_flags					; flags only used in logbook.asm
		logbook_page_number				; page# in logbook
		logbook_divenumber				; # of dive in list during search
		logbook_max_dive_counter		; counts dive# to zero
	ENDC								; used: 16 byte, remaining: 0 byte => FULL

	CBLOCK	local2						; max size is 16 byte !!!
		profile_temp1:2					; temp for profile display
		profile_temp2:2					; temp for profile display
		logbook_sample_counter:2		; amount of read samples
		y_scale:2						; y-scale (The horizontal lines)
		x_scale:2						; x-scale (The vertical lines)
		logbook_pixel_x_pos				; x2 position of current pixel in X-direction
		logbook_min_temp_pos			; lowest row in the temp graph
		logbook_max_temp_pos			; lowest row in the temp graph
		logbook_menupos_temp			; last position of cursor
		logbook_divenumber_temp			; used to back-up dive number
		logbook_max_dive_counter_temp	; used to back-up max_dive_counter
	ENDC								; used: 16 byte, remaining: 0 byte => FULL

	CBLOCK	local3						; max size is 16 byte !!!
		divenumber						; used for accessing dives
		vertical_interval:2				; holds interval of samples for vertical 10min line
		backup_color1					; used for restoring drawing color
		backup_color2					; used for restoring drawing color
		backup_divedata					; used to backup depth and salinity
		fill_between_rows				; used for fill between rows
		logbook_temp					; used as temp
		logbook_temp_backup				; used as backup for temp
		divisor_temperature				; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_deco					; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_gf						; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_ppo2_sensors			; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_decoplan				; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_cns						; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
		divisor_tank					; divisor used while sampling of the dive data
	ENDC								; used: 16 byte, remaining: 0 byte => FULL

	; Remark: The variable gaslist_gas is "misused" here as a local variable,
	;         because the storage space for local variables is fully used up.

;---- Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------

; Flags
#DEFINE return_from_profileview		logbook_flags,0
#DEFINE all_dives_shown				logbook_flags,1
#DEFINE logbook_page_not_empty		logbook_flags,2
#DEFINE end_of_profile				logbook_flags,3
#DEFINE keep_cursor_new_page		logbook_flags,4
#DEFINE log_marker_found			logbook_flags,5
#DEFINE log_show_gas_short			logbook_flags,6
;									logbook_flags,7	; unused

; Logbook Coordinates
#DEFINE logbook_list_left			.10				; Column of dive# in list
#DEFINE logbook_row_offset			.28				; Distance between rows of list
#DEFINE logbook_row_number			.6				; Amount of rows in the list

; Profile display
#DEFINE profile_height_pixels		.157			; Amount of pixels height for profile display
#DEFINE profile_width_pixels		.156			; Amount of pixels width for profile display
#DEFINE profile_left				.1				; Left border
#DEFINE profile_top					.65				; Top border

; "Bailout"
#DEFINE logbook_bailout_column		.124
#DEFINE logbook_bailout_row			.207

; Dive number
#DEFINE logbook_divenumer_column	.1
#DEFINE logbook_divenumer_row		.1
; Date and Time
#DEFINE logbook_date_column			.100
#DEFINE logbook_date_row			.7
#DEFINE logbook_time_column			.120
#DEFINE logbook_time_row			.38
; Max. Depth
#DEFINE log_max_value_row			.38
#DEFINE log_max_value_column		.1
; Divetime
#DEFINE log_divetime_value_row		.38
#DEFINE log_divetime_value_column	.60
; Gaslist below profile
#DEFINE log_gas_row					.225
#DEFINE log_gas_column1				.0
#DEFINE log_gas_column2				log_gas_column1+(.1*.32)
#DEFINE log_gas_column3				log_gas_column1+(.2*.32)
#DEFINE log_gas_column4				log_gas_column1+(.3*.32)
#DEFINE log_gas_column5				log_gas_column1+(.4*.32)

; Logbook Page2
; Gaslist
#DEFINE log2_title_row1				.20
#DEFINE log2_title_column			.90
#DEFINE log2_gas_column				log2_title_column
#DEFINE log2_gas_row1				.36
#DEFINE log2_gas_row2				1*.16+log2_gas_row1
#DEFINE log2_gas_row3				2*.16+log2_gas_row1
#DEFINE log2_gas_row4				3*.16+log2_gas_row1
#DEFINE log2_gas_row5				4*.16+log2_gas_row1

; Setpoint List
#DEFINE log2_title_sp_row			.130
#DEFINE log2_sp_row1				.146
#DEFINE log2_sp_row2				1*.16+log2_sp_row1
#DEFINE log2_sp_row3				2*.16+log2_sp_row1
#DEFINE log2_sp_row4				3*.16+log2_sp_row1
#DEFINE log2_sp_row5				4*.16+log2_sp_row1

; Details list
#DEFINE log2_salinity_row			.55
#DEFINE log2_salinity_column		.2
#DEFINE log2_cns_row				.1*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_cns_column				log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_avr_row				.2*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_avr_column				log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_decomodel2_row			.3*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_decomodel2_column		log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_decomodel3_row			.4*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_decomodel3_column		log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_decomodel_row			.5*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_decomodel_column		log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_firmware_row			.6*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_firmware_column		log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_battery_row			.7*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_battery_column			log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_divemode_row			.8*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_divemode_column		log2_salinity_column
#DEFINE log2_lastdeco_row			.9*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE log2_lastdeco_column		log2_salinity_column
; Air pressure
#DEFINE MBAR_row					.10*.16+log2_salinity_row
#DEFINE MBAR_column					log2_salinity_column

; Header coordinates
#DEFINE log_profile_version			.8
#DEFINE log_date					.12
#DEFINE log_time					.15
#DEFINE log_max_depth				.17
#DEFINE log_divetime				.19
#DEFINE log_min_temp				.22
#DEFINE log_surface_press			.24
#DEFINE log_desattime				.26
#DEFINE log_gas1					.28
#DEFINE log_gas2					.32
#DEFINE log_gas3					.36
#DEFINE log_gas4					.40
#DEFINE log_gas5					.44
#DEFINE log_firmware				.48
#DEFINE log_battery					.50
#DEFINE log_samplingrate			.52
#DEFINE log_cns_start				.53
#DEFINE log_gf_start				.55
#DEFINE log_gf_end					.56
#DEFINE log_batt_info				.59
#DEFINE log_sp1						.60
#DEFINE log_sp2						.62
#DEFINE log_sp3						.64
#DEFINE log_sp4						.66
#DEFINE log_sp5						.68
#DEFINE log_salinity				.70
#DEFINE log_cns_end					.71
#DEFINE log_avr_depth				.73
#DEFINE log_total_seconds			.75
#DEFINE log_gf_lo					.77
#DEFINE log_sat_mult				.77
#DEFINE log_gf_hi					.78
#DEFINE log_desat_mult				.78
#DEFINE log_decomodel				.79
#DEFINE log_total_dives				.80
#DEFINE log_divemode				.82
#DEFINE log_last_stop				.243

LOG_POINT_TO	macro	address
	movlw	address
	movwf	ext_flash_address+0

logbook		code


;	call	speed_fastest
	WIN_BOX_BLACK .0, .240-.16, logbook_list_left-.8, logbook_list_left-.1	; top, bottom, left, right

	WIN_LEFT logbook_list_left-.8
;	bcf		win_invert								; Reset invert flag
	call	TFT_standard_color

	movff	menupos1,lo
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	d'0'
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.2*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.3*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.4*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.5*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.6*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.7*logbook_row_offset
	dcfsnz	lo,F
	movlw	.8*logbook_row_offset

	movwf	win_top

	global	logbook									; entry point coming from menu_tree.asm
	clrf	logbook_flags
	clrf	CCP1CON									; stop PWM
	bcf		PORTC,2									; Pull PWM out to GND
	call	TFT_boot
;	call	TFT_standard_color
	clrf	menupos3								; Here: used rows on current logbook-page
	clrf	logbook_page_number						; Here: # of current displayed page
	clrf	logbook_divenumber						; # of dive in list during search
	clrf	logbook_temp
	clrf	logbook_temp_backup
	clrf	timeout_counter2						; For timeout
	movlw	logbook_row_number
	movwf	menupos1								; Here: stores current position on display (logbook_row_number-x)
	read_int_eeprom .2								; Get low-byte of total dives
	movff	EEDATA,logbook_max_dive_counter

; display dive headers backwards from read_int_eeprom .2 = lo-1
; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255 (And hi>0...)
; Stop when
; a) no dive is stored (no valid header found)
; b) current dive has no valid header (Number of stored dives < 256)
; c) when 255 dives are reached logbook_temp = 255

;	call	speed_fastest
	incf	logbook_temp,F							; increase dive counter
	incf	logbook_temp,W							; = 0x..FF ?
	bz		logbook_reset							; Yes: FF --> loop.

	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> logbook_max_dive_counter=0
	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> logbook_max_dive_counter=1
	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> logbook_max_dive_counter=2
	; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> logbook_max_dive_counter=255 (And hi>0...)

	decf	logbook_max_dive_counter,F				; -1

	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	movlw	0x20
	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
	movlw	.16
	mulwf	logbook_max_dive_counter				; logbook_max_dive_counter*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movf	PRODH,W
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	; pointer at the first 0xFA of header

	call	ext_flash_byte_read						; Reads one byte@ext_flash_address:3 into WREG and ext_flash_rw
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	movlw	0xFA
	cpfseq	ext_flash_rw							; 0xFA found?
	bra		logbook3b								; No, abort

	incf	logbook_divenumber,F					; new header found, increase logbook_divenumber
	bra		logbook4								; Done with searching, display the header!

	btfss	logbook_page_not_empty					; Was there at least one dive?
	bra		exit_logbook							; Not a single header was found, leave logbook.
	bra		logbook_display_loop2

	tstfsz	logbook_divenumber						; Was there at least one dive?
	bra		logbook_reset2
	bra		logbook3b								; No, Nothing to do

	bsf		all_dives_shown							; Yes
	bra		logbook_display_loop2					; Continue

	btfsc	all_dives_shown							; All dives displayed?
	bra		logbook_display_loop2					; Yes, but display first page again.

	call	display_listdive						; display short header for list on current list position

	movlw	logbook_row_number
	cpfseq	menupos1								; first dive on list (top place)?
	bra		logbook_display_loop1					; no, so skip saving of address

	; store all registers required to rebuilt the current logbook page after the detail/profile view
	movff	logbook_divenumber,logbook_divenumber_temp	; # of dive in list of the current page
	movff	logbook_max_dive_counter,logbook_max_dive_counter_temp	; backup Counter
	movff	logbook_temp,logbook_temp_backup		; amount of dives drawn until now

	decfsz	menupos1,F								; List full?
	bra		logbook2								; no, search another dive for our current logbook page

	btfss	logbook_page_not_empty					; Was there one dive at all?
	bra		logbook									; Yes, so reload the first page

	; TFT_mask...

	WIN_LEFT	logbook_list_left
	WIN_TOP		logbook_row_offset*logbook_row_number
	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tNextLog						; "Next Page"
	WIN_LEFT	logbook_list_left
	WIN_TOP		logbook_row_offset*(logbook_row_number+.1)
	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tExit							; "Exit"

	movlw	d'1'									; Set cursor to position 1...
	btfsc	return_from_profileview					; .. unless we are returning from a detail/profile view
	movf	logbook_menupos_temp,W					; load last cursor position again
	movwf	menupos1								; and set menupos1 byte
	bcf		return_from_profileview					; Do this only once while the page is loaded again!

	bcf		logbook_page_not_empty					; Obviously the current page is NOT empty

	movlw	d'7'									; Set cursor to position 7...
	btfsc	keep_cursor_new_page					; ... if we came from the "new Page" line
	movwf	menupos1								; and set menupos1 byte
	bcf		keep_cursor_new_page

	call	TFT_logbook_cursor						; Show the cursor

	call	logbook_preloop_tasks					; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
	call	menu_processor_bottom_line				; Show bottom line

	btfsc	switch_left								; SET/MENU?
	goto	next_logbook3							; adjust cursor or create new page
	btfsc	switch_right							; ENTER?
	bra		display_profile_or_exit					; view details/profile or exit logbook

	rcall	log_screendump_and_onesecond			; Check if we need to make a screen-shot and check for new second
	btfsc	sleepmode								; Timeout?
	bra		exit_logbook							; Yes
	bra		logbook_loop							; Wait for something to do

	movlw	logbook_row_number+.2					; exit?
	cpfseq	menupos1
	bra		display_profile_or_exit2				; No, check for "Next Page"

;	call	TFT_DisplayOff
;	call	TFT_boot
	goto	do_main_menu2							; jump-back to menu_tree.asm

	movlw	logbook_row_number+.1					; Next page?
	cpfseq	menupos1
	bra		display_profile							; No, show details/profile
	goto	next_logbook2							; Next page!

	bcf		is_bailout
	bcf		gas6_changed							; Clear event flags
;	call	speed_fastest
	movff	menupos1,logbook_menupos_temp			; store current cursor position
	bsf		return_from_profileview					; tweak search routine to exit after found

	movf	logbook_page_number,W					; Number of page
	mullw	logbook_row_number
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	menupos1,W								; page * logbook_row_number + menupos1 =
	movwf	divenumber								; # of dive to show

;	call	speed_fastest
	clrf	CCP1CON									; stop PWM
	bcf		PORTC,2									; Pull PWM out to GND
	call	TFT_boot
;	call	TFT_ClearScreen							; Clear screen
; Set ext_flash pointer to "#divenumber-oldest" dive
; compute read_int_eeprom .2 - divenumber
; Read required header data for profile display
; look in header for pointer to begin of dive profile (Byte 2-4)
; Set pointer (ext_flash_log_pointer:3) to this address, start drawing

	decf	divenumber,F							;-1
	read_int_eeprom .2
	movf	EEDATA,W
	bcf		STATUS,C
	subfwb	divenumber,W							; max. dives (low value) - divenumber
	movwf	lo										; result
	incf	divenumber,F							;+1
	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
	; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255 (And hi>0...)
	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	movlw	0x20
	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
	movlw	.16
	mulwf	lo										; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movf	PRODH,W
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	; pointer at the first 0xFA of header

	; Now, show profile
	LOG_POINT_TO log_samplingrate
	call	ext_flash_byte_read						; Read sampling rate
	movff	ext_flash_rw,samplesecs_value			; needed later...

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read start address of profile
	movff	ext_flash_rw,ext_flash_log_pointer+0
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read start address of profile
	movff	ext_flash_rw,ext_flash_log_pointer+1
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read start address of profile
	movff	ext_flash_rw,ext_flash_log_pointer+2

	clrf	logbook_sample_counter+0
	clrf	logbook_sample_counter+1				; holds amount of read samples

	call	TFT_standard_color
	call	logbook_show_divenumber					; Show the dive number in medium font

	WIN_SMALL logbook_date_column, logbook_date_row
	LOG_POINT_TO log_date
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,up							; year
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi							; month
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo							; day
	call	TFT_convert_date						; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2

	WIN_SMALL log_divetime_value_column,logbook_date_row	; align with surrounding data
	LOG_POINT_TO log_divemode
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into ext_flash_rw
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	TFT_display_decotype_surface1			; "strcat_print"s divemode (OC, CC, APNEA or GAUGE)

	WIN_SMALL logbook_time_column, logbook_time_row
	LOG_POINT_TO log_time
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; hour
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; minutes
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	output_99x										; hour
	PUTC	':'
	movff	hi,lo
	output_99x										; minute
	STRCAT_PRINT ""									; Display 1st row of details

	LOG_POINT_TO	log_profile_version
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Profile version
	movlw	0x24
	cpfslt	ext_flash_rw							; <0x24?
	bra		log_skip_extra_icon						; Yes, skip

	WIN_SMALL logbook_time_column-.8, logbook_time_row
	STRCPY_PRINT 0x94								; "End of dive" icon

	LOG_POINT_TO log_max_depth
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read max depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read max depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	movff	lo,xA+0									; calculate y-scale for profile display
	movff	hi,xA+1
	movlw	profile_height_pixels					; pixel height available for profile
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16								; does xA/xB=xC
	movff	xC+0,y_scale+0							; holds LOW  byte of y-scale (mbar/pixel!)
	movff	xC+1,y_scale+1							; holds HIGH byte of y-scale (mbar/pixel!)
	infsnz	y_scale+0,F								; increase one, because there may be a remainder
	incf	y_scale+1,F

	movlw	LOW   ((profile_height_pixels+1)*.1000)
	movwf	xC+0
	movlw	HIGH  (((profile_height_pixels+1)*.1000) & h'FFFF')
	movwf	xC+1
	movlw	UPPER ((profile_height_pixels+1)*.1000)
	movwf	xC+2
	clrf	xC+3

	movff	lo,xB+0									; Max. Depth in mbar
	movff	hi,xB+1									; Max. Depth in mbar
	call	div32x16								; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder

	movff	xC+0,x_scale+0
	movff	xC+1,x_scale+1							; = Pixels/10m (For scale, draw any xx rows a scale-line)

	movf	x_scale+0,W
	iorwf	x_scale+1,W								; x_scale:2 = Null?
	bnz		display_profile_offset4					; No, continue
	incf	x_scale+1,F								; Yes, make x_scale+1>1 to make "display_profile2e" working

	WIN_SMALL log_max_value_column,log_max_value_row

	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
	bra		display_profile_offset4_metric
	; display_profile_offset4_imperial:
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet					; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	PUTC	' '
	bcf		leftbind
	output_16_3										; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
	bra		display_profile_offset4_common

	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'3'								; max. depth

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; divetime in minutes	
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi							; divetime in minutes

	movff	lo,xA+0									; calculate x-scale for profile display
	movff	hi,xA+1									; calculate total diveseconds first
	movlw	d'60'									; 60seconds are one minute...
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	mult16x16								; result is in xC:2 !

	WIN_SMALL log_divetime_value_column,log_divetime_value_row
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16										; divetime minutes
	movlw	LOW  d'600'
	movwf	xA+0
	movlw	HIGH d'600'
	movwf	xA+1									; a vertical line every 600 seconds
	movff	samplesecs_value,xB+0					; Copy sampling rate
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16								; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
	movff	xC+0,vertical_interval+0
	movff	xC+1,vertical_interval+1
	; vertical_interval:2 holds interval of samples for vertical 10min line

	; Restore divetime in minutes:
	; get real sample time
	LOG_POINT_TO log_total_seconds
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Total sample time in seconds
	movff	ext_flash_rw,xC+0
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Total sample time in seconds
	movff	ext_flash_rw,xC+1

	PUTC	':'
	LOG_POINT_TO log_divetime+.2
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read divetime seconds
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	movff	xC+0,xA+0								; now calculate x-scale value
	movff	xC+1,xA+1
	movlw	profile_width_pixels					; pix width available
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16								; xA/xB=xC
	movff	xC+0,xA+0
	movff	xC+1,xA+1
	movf	samplesecs_value,W						; divide through sample interval!
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16								; xA/xB=xC
	movff	xC+0,profile_temp1+0					; store value (use any #xC sample, skip xC-1) into temp registers
	movff	xC+1,profile_temp1+1					; store value (use any #xC sample, skip xC-1) into temp registers
	infsnz	profile_temp1+0,F						; Increase by one, there might be a remainder
	incf	profile_temp1+1,F

	bsf		leftbind
	output_99x										; divetime seconds
	call	TFT_standard_color

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read min. Temperature
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_min_tp+0
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read min. Temperature
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_min_tp+1

	; Set pointer to Gas 1 Type.
	LOG_POINT_TO	log_gas1+.3
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read Gas Type
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,W							; =1 (="First")?
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas2					; No.
	movlw	.1
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas_done
	; Set pointer to Gas 2 Type.
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gas2+.3
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read Gas Type
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,W							; =1 (="First")?
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas3					; No.
	movlw	.2
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas_done
	; Set pointer to Gas 3 Type.
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gas3+.3
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read Gas Type
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,W							; =1 (="First")?
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas4					; No.
	movlw	.3
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas_done
	; Set pointer to Gas 4 Type.
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gas4+.3
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read Gas Type
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,W							; =1 (="First")?
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas5					; No.
	movlw	.4
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	bra		logbook_find_first_gas_done
	movlw	.5										; Must be Gas5
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	movff	ext_flash_rw,backup_color1				; keep copy to restore color
	movff	ext_flash_rw,WREG						; copy gas number to WREG for color coding
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; Back to normal profile color.
	; Pointer is now trashed!

	; Point to profile portion of this dive
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+0,ext_flash_address+0
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,ext_flash_address+1
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,ext_flash_address+2

	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'				; Skip 0xFA 0xFA
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read low byte of total dives into ext_flash_rw (at the time the dive was made)

	; Load total number of dives (low byte only)
	read_int_eeprom .2
	incf	EEDATA,W								; +1
	bsf		STATUS,C								; Set borrow
	subfwb	divenumber,W							; total dives - dive# to show - 1 = low byte of total dives (at the time the dive was made)
	cpfseq	ext_flash_rw							; # of dive in logbook (Must be equal with low byte in short header)
	bra		display_profile_no_profile				; Not equal, no profile for this dive available!

	; Skip rest of short header: 3 Bytes
	; Skip length of profile data: 3 Bytes
	; Skip sampling rate in profile section: 1Byte
	; Skip number of divisors: 1Byte
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'8'

; Divisor temp
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W
	movwf	divisor_temperature						; Store divisor
	movwf	count_temperature						; Store to tp° counter too.
; Divisor Deco
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W
	movwf	divisor_deco							; Store divisor
	movwf	count_deco								; Store as temp, too
; Divisor GF
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movff	ext_flash_rw,divisor_gf					; Store divisor
; Divisor ppO2 Sensors
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movff	ext_flash_rw,divisor_ppo2_sensors		; Store divisor
; Divisor decoplan
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movff	ext_flash_rw,divisor_decoplan			; Store divisor
; Divisor CNS
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movff	ext_flash_rw,divisor_cns				; Store divisor
; Divisor Tank data
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 d'2'
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information type
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Length
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read information Divisor
	movff	ext_flash_rw,divisor_tank				; Store divisor

	; Start Profile display
	movlw	color_deepblue
	call	TFT_set_color							; Make this configurable?
	; Draw a frame around profile area
	WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 profile_top-1,profile_top+profile_height_pixels+1,profile_left-1,profile_left+profile_width_pixels+1

	movlw	profile_top
	movwf	win_top
	movlw	profile_left
	movwf	win_leftx2								; Left border (0-159)
	movlw	d'1'
	movwf	win_height
	movlw	profile_width_pixels+.1
	movwf	win_width+0								; Right border (0-159)
	clrf	win_width+1
	bra		display_profile2f						; No 0m line
	call	TFT_box									; Inputs: win_top, win_leftx2, win_height, win_width, win_color1, win_color2
	movf	win_top,W								; Get row
	addwf	x_scale+0,W								; Add line interval distance to win_top
	tstfsz	x_scale+1								; >255?
	movlw	d'255'									; Yes, make win_top>239 -> Abort here
	btfsc	STATUS,C								; A Cary from the addwf above?
	movlw	d'255'									; Yes, make win_top>239 -> Abort here
	movwf	win_top									; Result in win_top again
	movlw	profile_top+profile_height_pixels+.1	; Limit
	cpfsgt	win_top									; >239?
	bra		display_profile2e						; No, draw another line

	clrf	gaslist_gas						; here: used as counter for depth readings
	movlw	profile_width_pixels+profile_left-.1
	movwf	ignore_digits							; here: used as counter for x-pixels
	bcf		end_of_profile							; clear flag

	movlw	profile_left+.1
	movwf	logbook_pixel_x_pos						; here: used as colum x2 (Start at Colum 5)

	movlw	profile_top+.1							; Zero-m row
	movwf	fill_between_rows
	movwf	logbook_last_tp							; Initialize for Tp° curve too.

	movlw	LOW(-.100)								; Initialize max tp° to -10.0 °C.
	movwf	logbook_max_tp+0
	movlw	HIGH 0xFFFF & (-.100)
	movwf	logbook_max_tp+1

	setf	logbook_cur_tp+0						; Initialize Tp°, before the first recorded point.
	setf	logbook_cur_tp+1
	clrf	logbook_last_tp							; Also reset previous Y for Tp°
	clrf	logbook_ceiling							; Ceiling = 0, correct value for no ceiling.
	movlw	profile_top+.1
	movwf	logbook_min_temp_pos					; Initialize for displaying the lowest temperature
	movlw	profile_top+profile_height_pixels
	movwf	logbook_max_temp_pos					; Initialize for displaying the highest temperature

	movlw	profile_left
	movwf	win_leftx2
	movlw	profile_top
	movwf	win_top
	movlw	profile_height_pixels
	movwf	win_height
	movlw	LOW (profile_width_pixels*.2)
	movwf	win_width+0
	movlw	HIGH (profile_width_pixels*.2)
	movwf	win_width+1
	call	TFT_box_write							; open box for d1

;	INIT_PIXEL_WRITE logbook_pixel_x_pos			; pixel x2 (also sets standard color!)

	; Init pixel write
	movf	logbook_pixel_x_pos,W
	mullw	2
	call	pixel_write_col320

	movff	profile_temp1+0,profile_temp2+0
	movff	profile_temp1+1,profile_temp2+1			; 16Bit x-scaler
	incf	profile_temp2+1,F
	tstfsz	profile_temp2+0							; Must not be Zero
	bra		profile_display_loop2					; Not Zero!
	incf	profile_temp2+0,F						; Zero, Increase!

	rcall	profile_view_get_depth					; reads depth, temp and profile data

	btfsc	end_of_profile							; end-of profile reached?
	bra		profile_display_loop_done				; Yes, skip all remaining pixels

	;---- Draw Ceiling curve, if any ---------------------------------------------
	movf	divisor_deco,W
	bz		profile_display_skip_deco

	movf	logbook_ceiling,W						; Any deco ceiling ?
	bz		profile_display_skip_deco

	mullw	.100									; Yes: convert to mbar
	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1
	movff	logbook_cur_depth+0,sub_b+0				; Compare with UNSIGNED current depth (16bits)
	movff	logbook_cur_depth+1,sub_b+1
	call	subU16									; set (or not) neg_flag

	movlw	color_dark_green						; Dark green if Ok,
	btfss	neg_flag
	movlw	color_dark_red							; Or dark red if ceiling overflown.
	call	TFT_set_color

	movff	PRODL,xA+0
	movff	PRODH,xA+1
	movff	y_scale+0,xB+0							; divide pressure in mbar/quant for row offset
	movff	y_scale+1,xB+1
	call	div16x16								; xA/xB=xC

	movlw	profile_top+.1							; Starts right after the top line.
	movwf	win_top
	movff	logbook_pixel_x_pos,win_leftx2			; Left border (0-159)
	movff	xC+0,win_height
	call	half_vertical_line						; Inputs: win_top, win_leftx2, win_height, win_color1, win_color2

	;---- Draw Tp° curve, if any ---------------------------------------------
	movf	divisor_temperature,W
	bz		profile_display_skip_temp

	movf	logbook_cur_tp+0,W						; Did we had already a valid Tp°C record ?
	andwf	logbook_cur_tp+1,W
	incf	WREG
	bz		profile_display_skip_temp				; No: just skip drawing.

	movlw	LOW  (((profile_height_pixels-.10)*.256)/.370)	 ; fixed tp° scale: (-2 .. +35°C * scale256 )/153pix
	movwf	xB+0
	movlw	HIGH (((profile_height_pixels-.10)*.256)/.370)
	movwf	xB+1

	movf	logbook_cur_tp+0,W						; Current Tp° - (-2.0°C) == Tp° + 20.
	addlw	LOW(.20)								; Low byte.
	movwf	xA+0
	movf	logbook_cur_tp+1,W
	btfsc	STATUS,C								; Propagate carry, if any
	incf	WREG
	movwf	xA+1
	call	mult16x16								; xA*xB=xC

	; scale: divide by 256, ie. take just high byte.
	movf	xC+1,W
	sublw	profile_top+profile_height_pixels-.10	; Upside-down: Y = .75 + (.153 - result)
	movwf	xC+0

	; Check limits
	movlw	profile_top+.1
	movwf	xC+1
	cpfsgt	xC+0
	movff	xC+1,xC+0

	movlw	color_orange
	call	TFT_set_color

	movf	logbook_last_tp,W						; do we have a valid previous value ?
	bz		profile_display_temp_1					; No: skip the vertical line.
	movwf	xC+1
	call	profile_display_fill					; In this column between this row (xC+0) and the last row (xC+1)
	movf	xC+0,W									; current row
	cpfsgt	logbook_min_temp_pos					; check limit
	movwf	logbook_min_temp_pos					; lowest row in the temp graph
	cpfslt	logbook_max_temp_pos					; check limit
	movwf	logbook_max_temp_pos					; highest row in the temp graph

	movff	xC+0,logbook_last_tp
	PIXEL_WRITE logbook_pixel_x_pos,xC+0			; Set col(0..159) x row (0..239), put a current color pixel.

	;---- Draw depth curve ---------------------------------------------------
	movff	y_scale+0,xB+0							; divide pressure in mbar/quant for row offset
	movff	y_scale+1,xB+1
	movff	logbook_cur_depth+0,xA+0
	movff	logbook_cur_depth+1,xA+1
	call	div16x16								; xA/xB=xC
	movlw	profile_top+.1
	addwf	xC+0,F									; add 75 pixel offset to result

	btfsc	STATUS,C								; Ignore potential profile errors
	movff	fill_between_rows,xC+0

	movff	backup_color1,WREG						; copy gas number to WREG for color-coding
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; Back to normal profile color.

	movff	fill_between_rows,xC+1
	call	profile_display_fill					; In this column between this row (xC+0) and the last row (xC+1)
	movff	xC+0,fill_between_rows					; Store last row for fill routine

	PIXEL_WRITE logbook_pixel_x_pos,xC+0			; Set col(0..159) x row (0..239), put a std color pixel.
	incf	logbook_pixel_x_pos,F					; Next column

	;---- Draw Marker square , if any ----------------------------------------
	btfss	log_marker_found						; Any marker to draw?
	bra		profile_display_skip_marker				; No

	; tiny "m"
	incf	fill_between_rows,W						; increase row (Y)
	movwf	win_top
	; limit win_top to 220
	movlw	.220
	cpfslt	win_top
	movwf	win_top
	decf	logbook_pixel_x_pos,W					; decrease column (X)
	movwf	win_leftx2
	; limit win_leftx2 to 151
	movlw	.151
	cpfslt	win_leftx2
	movwf	win_leftx2

	movlw	color_orange
	call	TFT_set_color
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	bcf		log_marker_found						; Clear flag

	movlw	profile_left
	movwf	win_leftx2
	movlw	profile_top
	movwf	win_top
	movlw	profile_height_pixels
	movwf	win_height
	movlw	LOW (profile_width_pixels*.2)
	movwf	win_width+0
	movlw	HIGH (profile_width_pixels*.2)
	movwf	win_width+1
	call	TFT_box_write							; re-open box for d1

	;---- Draw CNS curve, if any ---------------------------------------------
	movf	divisor_cns,W
	bz		profile_display_skip_cns

	;---- Draw GF curve, if any ----------------------------------------------
	movf	divisor_gf,W
	bz		profile_display_skip_gf

	;---- All curves done.

profile_display_skip_loop1:							; skips readings!
	dcfsnz	profile_temp2+0,F
	bra		profile_display_loop3					; check 16bit....

	rcall	profile_view_get_depth					; reads depth, temp and profile data

	btfsc	end_of_profile							; end-of profile reached?
	bra		profile_display_loop_done				; Yes, skip all remaining pixels

	bra		profile_display_skip_loop1

	decfsz	profile_temp2+1,F						; 16 bit x-scaler test
	bra		profile_display_skip_loop1				; skips readings!

	decfsz	ignore_digits,F							; counts drawn x-pixels to zero
	bra		profile_display_loop					; Not ready yet
	; Done.

display_profile_no_profile:							; No profile available for this dive!

	btfss	is_bailout								; Bailout during the dive?
	bra		profile_display_loop_done_nobail		; No
	; Yes, show "Bailout"
	movlw	color_pink
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_TINY logbook_bailout_column,logbook_bailout_row
	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveBailout					; Bailout
	btfss	gas6_changed							; Gas6
	bra		profile_display_loop_done_nogas6		; No
	; Yes, show "Gas 6!"
	movlw	color_pink
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_TINY logbook_bailout_column,logbook_bailout_row-.15
	STRCPY_TEXT tGas								; Gas

	decf	divenumber,F							;-1
	read_int_eeprom .2
	movf	EEDATA,W
	bcf		STATUS,C
	subfwb	divenumber,W							; max. dives (low value) - divenumber
	movwf	lo										; result
	incf	divenumber,F							;+1
	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
	; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255 (And hi>0...)
	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	movlw	0x20
	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
	movlw	.16
	mulwf	lo										; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movf	PRODH,W
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	; pointer at the first 0xFA of header

	movff	logbook_min_temp_pos,win_top			; Y position at lowest temperature
	movff	logbook_pixel_x_pos,win_leftx2
	movlw	.130
	cpfslt	win_leftx2								; limit left border to 130
	movwf	win_leftx2
	movlw	color_orange							; Use same color as tp° curve
	call	TFT_set_color

	movff	logbook_min_tp+0,lo
	movff	logbook_min_tp+1,hi
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer

	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=°C, 1=°F
	bra		logbook_show_temp_metric
	call	TFT_convert_signed_16bit				; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
	call	convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit			; convert value in lo:hi from Celsius to Fahrenheit
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer								; Overwrite "-"
	bsf		ignore_digit5							; Full degrees only
	; Now, the max. temperature
	movlw	.15
	subwf	logbook_max_temp_pos,W
	movff	WREG,win_top							; Y position at max temperature
	movff	logbook_max_tp+0,lo
	movff	logbook_max_tp+1,hi
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	call	TFT_convert_signed_16bit				; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
	call	convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit			; convert value in lo:hi from Celsius to Fahrenheit
	bcf		ignore_digit5

	bra		logbook_show_temp_common

	call	TFT_convert_signed_16bit				; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
	movlw	d'3'
	movwf	ignore_digits
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'2'								; temperature
	; Now, the max. temperature
	movlw	.15
	subwf	logbook_max_temp_pos,W
	movwf	win_top		; Y position at max temperature
	movff	logbook_max_tp+0,lo
	movff	logbook_max_tp+1,hi
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	call	TFT_convert_signed_16bit				; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
	movlw	d'3'
	movwf	ignore_digits
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'2'								; temperature

	bcf		leftbind
	call	TFT_standard_color

	; Get pointer to Gaslist
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gas1
	bsf		log_show_gas_short						; do the short version of log_show_gas
	bsf		leftbind

	WIN_TINY log_gas_column1, log_gas_row
	movlw	.1										; Color for Gas 1
	call	log_show_gas

	WIN_TINY log_gas_column2, log_gas_row
	movlw	.2										; Color for Gas 2
	call	log_show_gas

	WIN_TINY log_gas_column3, log_gas_row
	movlw	.3										; Color for Gas 3
	call	log_show_gas

	WIN_TINY log_gas_column4, log_gas_row
	movlw	.4										; Color for Gas 4
	call	log_show_gas

	WIN_TINY log_gas_column5, log_gas_row
	movlw	.5										; Color for Gas 5
	call	log_show_gas

	bcf		leftbind

	rcall	logbook_preloop_tasks					; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
	btfsc	switch_right
	bra		logbook_page2							; Show more information
	btfsc	switch_left
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list

	rcall	log_screendump_and_onesecond			; Check if we need to make a screen-shot and check for new second
	btfsc	sleepmode								; Timeout?
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	bra		display_profile_loop					; wait for something to do

	global	log_screendump_and_onesecond
log_screendump_and_onesecond:						; Check if we need to make a screen-shot and check for new second
	btfsc	onesecupdate
	call	timeout_surfmode						; Timeout
	btfsc	onesecupdate
	call	set_dive_modes							; Check, if divemode must be entered
	bcf		onesecupdate							; one second update
	btfsc	divemode
	goto	restart									; Enter divemode if required

	btfsc	enable_screen_dumps						; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
	bra		log_screendump_and_onesecond2
	btfsc	vusb_in									; USB plugged in?
	call	comm_mode								; Start COMM mode
	btfss	vusb_in									; USB (still) plugged in?
	bcf		enable_screen_dumps						; No, clear flag
	call	rs232_get_byte
	btfsc	rs232_receive_overflow
	movlw	"l"
	cpfseq	RCREG1
	goto	TFT_dump_screen							; Dump the screen contents and return

; Draw a vertical line between xC+1 and xC+0, at current X position.
; Note: should keep xC+0
; Note: ascending or descending !
	; First, check if xC+0 > fill_between_rows or xC+0 < aponoe_mins
	movf	xC+0,W
	cpfseq	xC+1									; xC+0 = apone_mins?
	bra		profile_display_fill2					; No!

	; Make sure to init X position.
	movf	logbook_pixel_x_pos,W
	mullw	2
	decf	PRODL,F
	movlw	0
	subwfb	PRODH,F
	call	pixel_write_col320

	movf	xC+0,W
	cpfsgt	xC+1									; fill_between_rows > xC+0?
	bra		profile_display_fill_up					; Yes!

profile_display_fill_down2:							; Loop
	decf	xC+1,F

	HALF_PIXEL_WRITE xC+1							; Updates just row (0..239)

	movf	xC+0,W
	cpfseq	xC+1									; Loop until xC+1 = xC+0
	bra		profile_display_fill_down2
	return											; fill_between_rows and xC+0 are untouched

profile_display_fill_up:							; Fill upwards from xC+0 to apone_mins!
	incf	xC+1,F

	HALF_PIXEL_WRITE xC+1							; Updates just row (0..239)

	movf	xC+0,W
	cpfseq	xC+1									; Loop until xC+1 = fill_between_rows
	bra		profile_display_fill_up
	return											; fill_between_rows and xC+0 are untouched


	infsnz	logbook_sample_counter+0,F
	incf	logbook_sample_counter+1,F				; Count read pixels

	movf	logbook_sample_counter+0,W
	cpfseq	vertical_interval+0
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_no_line			; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
	movf	logbook_sample_counter+1,W
	cpfseq	vertical_interval+1
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_no_line			; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
	; draw a new 10min line here...
	clrf	logbook_sample_counter+0
	clrf	logbook_sample_counter+1				; clear counting registers for next line

	; Vertical lines...
	movlw	color_deepblue
	call	TFT_set_color							; Make this configurable?
	movlw	profile_top+.1
	movwf	win_top
	incf	logbook_pixel_x_pos,W					; draw one line to right to make sure it's the background of the profile
	movwf	win_leftx2								; Left border (0-159)
	movlw	profile_height_pixels
	movwf	win_height
	movlw	profile_height_pixels
	movwf	win_width								; "Window" height
	call	half_horizontal_line					; Inputs: win_top, win_leftx2, win_width, win_color1, win_color2

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; read depth first
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_cur_depth+0		; low value
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; read depth first
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_cur_depth+1		; high value
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; read Profile Flag Byte
	movff	ext_flash_rw,gaslist_gas			; store Profile Flag Byte

	bcf		event_occured							; clear flag
	btfsc	gaslist_gas,7
	bsf		event_occured							; We also have an Event byte!
	bcf		gaslist_gas,7						; Clear Event Byte Flag (If any)
	; gaslist_gas now holds the number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
	movlw	0xFD									; end of profile bytes?
	cpfseq	logbook_cur_depth+0
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_new1				; no 1st. 0xFD
	cpfseq	logbook_cur_depth+1
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_new1				; no 2nd. 0xFD
	bsf		end_of_profile							; End found! Set Flag! Skip remaining pixels!

	btfsc	event_occured							; Was there an event attached to this sample?
	rcall	profile_view_get_depth_events			; Yes, get information about this event(s)

	;---- Read Tp°, if any AND divisor reached AND bytes available -----------
	movf	divisor_temperature,W					; Is Tp° divisor null ?
	bz		profile_view_get_depth_no_tp			; Yes: no Tp° curve.
	decf	count_temperature,F						; Decrement tp° counter
	bnz		profile_view_get_depth_no_tp			; No temperature this time

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Tp° low
	decf	gaslist_gas,F
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_cur_tp+0
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Tp° high
	decf	gaslist_gas,F
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_cur_tp+1
	movff	divisor_temperature,count_temperature	; Restart counter.

	; Compute Tp° max on the fly...
	movff	logbook_cur_tp+0,sub_a+0				; Compare cur_tp > max_tp ?
	movff	logbook_cur_tp+1,sub_a+1
	movff	logbook_max_tp+0,sub_b+0
	movff	logbook_max_tp+1,sub_b+1
	call	sub16									; SIGNED sub_a - sub_b
	btfsc	neg_flag
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_no_tp

	; store max. temp only below start_dive_threshold (1,0m)
	tstfsz	logbook_cur_depth+1						; > 2,56m?
	bra		profile_view_compute_max_temp			; Yes, include in max. temp measurement
	movlw	start_dive_threshold					; 1,0m
	cpfsgt	logbook_cur_depth+0						; low value
	bra		profile_view_get_depth_no_tp			; above 1,0m, ignore temp

	movff	logbook_cur_tp+0,logbook_max_tp+0
	movff	logbook_cur_tp+1,logbook_max_tp+1

	;---- Read deco, if any AND divisor=0 AND bytes available ----------------
	movf	divisor_deco,W
	bz		profile_view_get_depth_no_deco
	decf	count_deco,F
	bnz		profile_view_get_depth_no_deco

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20
	decf	gaslist_gas,F
	movff	ext_flash_rw,logbook_ceiling
	movff	divisor_deco,count_deco					; Restart counter.
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Skip stop length
	decf	gaslist_gas,F

	;---- Read GF, if any AND divisor=0 AND bytes available ------------------
	; Then skip remaining bytes...
	movf	gaslist_gas,W						; number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
	tstfsz	gaslist_gas						; Anything to skip?
	call	incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20			; Yes, increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching

	clrf	EventByte2								; Clear EventByte2
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read Event byte
	movff	ext_flash_rw,EventByte1					; store EventByte1
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter

	btfss	EventByte1,7							; Another Event byte?
	bra		profile_no_second_eventbyte				; No
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read Event byte2
	movff	ext_flash_rw,EventByte2						; store EventByte2
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter
	bcf		EventByte1,7							; Clear flag

	; Check event flags in the EventBytes
	btfsc	EventByte1,4							; Manual Gas Changed?
	rcall	logbook_event1							; Yes!
	btfsc	EventByte1,5							; Stored Gas Changed?
	rcall	logbook_event4							; Yes!
	btfsc	EventByte1,6							; Setpoint Change?
	rcall	logbook_event3							; Yes!
	btfsc	EventByte2,0							; Bailout?
	rcall	logbook_event2							; Yes!
	; Any Alarm?
	bcf		EventByte1,4							; Clear bits already tested
	bcf		EventByte1,5
	bcf		EventByte1,6
	movlw	.6										; manual marker?
	cpfseq	EventByte1
	return											; No, return
	bsf		log_marker_found						; Manual marker! Draw small yellow rectangle here

logbook_event4:										; Stored Gas changed!
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20			; Read Gas#
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter
	movff	ext_flash_rw,backup_color1
	movff	ext_flash_rw,WREG							; copy gas number to WREG for color-coding
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; Change profile color according to gas number

logbook_event1:										; Gas 6 used
	bsf		gas6_changed
	movlw	.6										; Use Gas6 color
	movwf	backup_color1
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; set profile color
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 .2					; Skip two bytes
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter

logbook_event2:										; Bailout
	bsf		is_bailout								; Set flag
	movff	backup_color1,backup_color2	; Backup last gas color in case we return to CCR
	movlw	.6										; Use Gas6 color
	movwf	backup_color1
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; Use Gas6 color
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 .2					; Skip two bytes
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter

logbook_event3:										; Setpoint change
	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20 .1					; Skip one byte
	decf	gaslist_gas,F						; reduce counter
	btfss	is_bailout								; Are we in bailout?
	return											; No, return
	; We were in bailout before, restore profile color
	movff	backup_color2,backup_color1				; Restore color
	movff	backup_color2,WREG						; copy gas number to WREG for color-coding
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; Back to normal profile color

;	call	speed_fastest
	bcf		sleepmode
	clrf	gaslist_gas						; restore all registers to build same page again
	movff	logbook_divenumber_temp,logbook_divenumber
	movff	logbook_max_dive_counter_temp,logbook_max_dive_counter
	movff	logbook_temp_backup,logbook_temp
	incf	logbook_max_dive_counter,F
	decf	logbook_divenumber,F
	bcf		all_dives_shown
	clrf	menupos3								; here: used row on current page
	movlw	logbook_row_number
	movwf	menupos1								; here: active row on current page
;	call	TFT_DisplayOff
	call	TFT_boot
	clrf	CCP1CON									; stop PWM
	bcf		PORTC,2									; Pull PWM out to GND
	call	TFT_boot
;	call	TFT_ClearScreen							; clear details/profile
	goto	logbook2								; start search

	btfsc	all_dives_shown							; all shown
	goto	logbook									; all reset
	clrf	menupos3
	movlw	logbook_row_number
	movwf	menupos1
	incf	logbook_page_number,F					; start new screen
	bsf		keep_cursor_new_page					; Keep cursor on "next page"
	clrf	CCP1CON									; stop PWM
	bcf		PORTC,2									; Pull PWM out to GND
	call	TFT_boot
;	call	TFT_ClearScreen
	goto	logbook2								; start search

	incf	menupos1,F								; +1
	movlw	logbook_row_number+.2
	cpfsgt	menupos1								; =logbook_row_number+.3?
	bra		next_logbook3a							; No
	movlw	.1
	movwf	menupos1
	bra		next_logbook3b

	incf	menupos3,W								; last entry in current page +1
	cpfseq	menupos1								; same as cursor pos.?
	bra		next_logbook3b							; No
	movlw	logbook_row_number+.1					; Yes, ...
	movwf	menupos1								; ... jump directly to "next page" if page is not full

	movlw	logbook_row_number
	cpfseq	menupos3								; Last dive was row logbook_row_number?
	bsf		all_dives_shown							; No, set flag to load first page again (full reset)

	clrf	timeout_counter2
	call	TFT_logbook_cursor
	bcf		switch_left
	goto	logbook_loop

	bsf		logbook_page_not_empty					; Page not empty
	incf	menupos3,F

	bsf		leftbind
	WIN_LEFT logbook_list_left

	decf	menupos3,W								; -1 into wreg
	mullw	logbook_row_offset
	movff	PRODL,win_top

	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	call	do_logoffset_common_read				; Read into lo:hi
	tstfsz	lo										; lo=0?
	bra		display_listdive1						; No, adjust offset
	tstfsz	hi										; hi=0?
	bra		display_listdive1						; No, adjust offset
	bra		display_listdive1b						; Display now

	; Check limit (lo:hi must be <1000)
	movlw	LOW		d'1000'							; Compare to 1000
	subwf	lo,W
	movlw	HIGH	d'1000'
	subwfb	hi,W
	bc		display_listdive1b						; carry = no-borrow = > 1000, skip!

	infsnz	lo,F
	incf	hi,F									; hi:lo = hi:lo + 1
	movff	lo,sub_a+0
	movff	hi,sub_a+1
	movff	logbook_divenumber,sub_b+0
	clrf	sub_b+1
	call	subU16									; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
	movff	sub_c+0,lo
	movff	sub_c+1,hi
	bra		display_listdive1a

	clrf	hi
	movff	logbook_divenumber,lo					; lo=0 and hi=0 -> show without applied offset
	output_16_3										; displays only last three figures from a 16Bit value (0-999), # of dive
	PUTC	' '
	LOG_POINT_TO log_date+1							; Point to month
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read month
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi								; month
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read day
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo								; day
	call	TFT_convert_date_short					; converts into "DD/MM" or "MM/DD" or "MM/DD" into buffer
	PUTC	' '

	LOG_POINT_TO log_max_depth						; Point to max. depth
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; max. Depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi

	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
	bra		display_listdive2_metric
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet					; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	PUTC	' '
	bcf		leftbind
	output_16_3										; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
	bra		display_listdive3

	bsf		ignore_digit5							; no cm...
	movlw	d'1'									; +1
	movff	WREG,ignore_digits						; no 1000m
	bcf		leftbind
	output_16dp .3									; xxx.y
	PUTC	' '

	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo							; read divetime minutes
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	output_16_3										; Divetime minutes (0-999min)
	clrf	WREG
	movff	WREG,buffer+.21							; limit to 21 chars
	STRCAT_PRINT ""									; Display header-row in list

	call	do_logoffset_common_read				; Read into lo:hi
	tstfsz	lo										; lo=0?
	bra		logbook_show_divenumber2				; No, adjust offset
	tstfsz	hi										; hi=0?
	bra		logbook_show_divenumber2				; No, adjust offset
	movff	divenumber,lo							; lo=0 and hi=0 -> skip Offset routine
	bra		logbook_show_divenumber3				; Display now

	infsnz	lo,F
	incf	hi,F									; hi:lo = hi:lo + 1
	movff	lo,sub_a+0
	movff	hi,sub_a+1
	movff	divenumber,sub_b+0
	clrf	sub_b+1
	call	subU16									; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
	movff	sub_c+0,lo
	movff	sub_c+1,hi

	WIN_MEDIUM	logbook_divenumer_column, logbook_divenumer_row
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16										; # of dive in logbook
	bcf		leftbind

logbook_page2:										; Show more info
	rcall	log_details_header						; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info

	; Deco model
	WIN_SMALL .5,.65
	LOG_POINT_TO log_decomodel
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read deco model
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,F
	bra		logbook_decomodel1
	; Deco model GF Version
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gf_lo
	WIN_SMALL .5,.90
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read GF lo
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	STRCAT	"%/"
	bra		logbook_decomodel_common
	; Deco model NON-GF Version
	LOG_POINT_TO log_sat_mult
	WIN_SMALL .5,.90
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read sat_mult
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	STRCAT	"%/"
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read desat_mult or GF_hi
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo

	; CNS
	LOG_POINT_TO log_cns_start
	WIN_SMALL .5,.115
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read cns low
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read cns high
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	LOG_POINT_TO log_cns_end
	STRCAT	"->"
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read CNS low
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read CNS high
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi

	; Salinity
	WIN_SMALL	.5,.140
	LOG_POINT_TO log_salinity
	STRCPY_TEXT tDvSalinity
	bsf		leftbind
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read salinity
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	movff	ext_flash_rw,backup_divedata			; backup for average depth display

	; Average depth
	WIN_SMALL .5,.165
	LOG_POINT_TO log_avr_depth
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read avr low
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read avr high
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	movf	backup_divedata,W						; salinity for this dive
	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity_log			; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
	output_16dp .3

	; Last deco
	LOG_POINT_TO log_last_stop
	WIN_SMALL .5,.190
	STRCPY_TEXT tLastDecostop
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read last stop
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo

	movlw	color_lightblue
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 .63,.220,.2,.105				; Top, Bottom, Left, Right

	; Firmware
	call	TFT_standard_color
	WIN_SMALL .110,.65
	LOG_POINT_TO log_firmware
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read firmware xx
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	bsf		neg_flag								; set flag for 2.15 or newer
	movlw	.1
	cpfsgt	lo										; >1?
	bcf		neg_flag								; No, clear flag
	movlw	.9
	cpfslt	lo										; <9 ?
	bcf		neg_flag								; No, clear flag (When unit was upgraded from hwOS Sport (10.xx))
	bsf		leftbind
	PUTC	"."
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read firmware yy
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	movlw	.14
	cpfsgt	lo										; >14 ?
	bcf		neg_flag								; No, clear flag

	btfss	neg_flag								; set flag for 2.15 or newer
	bra		logbook_no_batt_info

	; Battery percent (for dives with 2.15 or newer)
	WIN_SMALL .110,.140
	LOG_POINT_TO log_batt_info						; Battery percent
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read battery low
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo

logbook_no_batt_info:								; dives with firmware <2.15

	; Battery voltage
	WIN_SMALL .110,.90
	WIN_SMALL .110,.115
	LOG_POINT_TO log_battery						; Battery voltage...
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read battery low
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read battery high
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	output_16dp .2

	; surface pressure in mbar
	LOG_POINT_TO log_surface_press
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read surface pressure
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read surface pressure
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	WIN_SMALL .110,.165
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16										; Air pressure before dive
	clrf	WREG
	movff	WREG,buffer+7							; limit to 7 chars

	movlw	color_greenish
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 .63,.220,.107,.159			; Top, Bottom, Left, Right

	rcall	logbook_preloop_tasks					; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
	btfsc	switch_right
	bra		logbook_page3							; Details, 2nd page
	btfsc	switch_left
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	rcall	log_screendump_and_onesecond			; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
	btfsc	sleepmode								; Timeout?
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	bra		display_details_loop					; wait for something to do

	global	logbook_preloop_tasks
	movlw	CCP1CON_VALUE							; See
	movwf	CCP1CON									; Power-on backlight
	call	TFT_standard_color
	bcf		sleepmode								; clear some flags
	bcf		switch_right
	bcf		switch_left
	clrf	timeout_counter2
	goto	speed_normal							; and return

logbook_page3:										; Show even more info +++
	rcall	log_details_header						; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
	LOG_POINT_TO log_gas1
	bcf		log_show_gas_short						; do the long version of log_show_gas
	bcf		leftbind

	WIN_SMALL .5,.90
	movlw	.1										; Color for Gas 1
	rcall	log_show_gas

	WIN_SMALL .5,.115
	movlw	.2										; Color for Gas 2
	rcall	log_show_gas

	WIN_SMALL .5,.140
	movlw	.3										; Color for Gas 3
	rcall	log_show_gas

	WIN_SMALL .5,.165
	movlw	.4										; Color for Gas 4
	rcall	log_show_gas

	WIN_SMALL .5,.190
	movlw	.5										; Color for Gas 5
	rcall	log_show_gas

	; OC/CC Gas List
	WIN_SMALL .5,.65
	WIN_COLOR color_greenish
	LOG_POINT_TO log_divemode
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into ext_flash_rw
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,w							; =1 (CC)? 
	bra		logbook_page3a
	bra		logbook_page3b
	movlw	color_lightblue
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 .63,.220,.2,.90				; Top, Bottom, Left, Right

	rcall	logbook_preloop_tasks					; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
	btfsc	switch_right
	goto	logbook_page4							; Show more info
	btfsc	switch_left
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	rcall	log_screendump_and_onesecond			; Check if we need to make a screen shot and check for new second
	btfsc	sleepmode								; Timeout?
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	bra		display_details2_loop					; wait for something to do

logbook_page4:										; Show even more info in CC mode
	LOG_POINT_TO log_divemode
	call	ext_flash_byte_read						; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into WREG and ext_flash_rw 
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,w							; =1 (CC)? 
	goto	display_profile2						; no 

	rcall	log_details_header						; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
	; Setpoint list
	LOG_POINT_TO log_sp1
	WIN_SMALL .5,.65
	WIN_COLOR color_greenish
	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tFixedSetpoints
	call	TFT_standard_color
	WIN_SMALL .5,.90
	rcall	  log_show_sp
	WIN_SMALL .5,.115
	rcall	  log_show_sp
	WIN_SMALL .5,.140
	rcall	  log_show_sp
	WIN_SMALL .5,.165
	rcall	  log_show_sp
	WIN_SMALL .5,.190
	rcall	  log_show_sp

	movlw	color_greenish
	call	TFT_set_color
	WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 .63,.220,.2,.112				; Top, Bottom, Left, Right

	rcall	logbook_preloop_tasks					; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
	btfsc	switch_right
	goto	display_profile2						; Show the profile view again
	btfsc	switch_left
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	rcall	log_screendump_and_onesecond			; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
	btfsc	sleepmode								; Timeout?
	bra		exit_profileview						; back to list
	bra		display_details3_loop					; wait for something to do

	clrf	CCP1CON									; stop PWM
	bcf		PORTC,2									; Pull PWM out to GND
	call	TFT_boot
;	call	TFT_ClearScreen							; Clear screen

; Set ext_flash pointer to "#divenumber-oldest" dive
; compute read_int_eeprom .2 - divenumber
; Read required header data for profile display
; look in header for pointer to begin of diveprofile (Byte 2-4)
; Set pointer (ext_flash_log_pointer:3) to this address, start drawing

	decf	divenumber,F							;-1
	read_int_eeprom .2
	movf	EEDATA,W
	bcf		STATUS,C
	subfwb	divenumber,W							; max. dives (low value) - divenumber
	movwf	lo										; result
	incf	divenumber,F							;+1
	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
	; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255 (And hi>0...)
	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	movlw	0x20
	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
	movlw	.16
	mulwf	lo										; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movf	PRODH,W
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	; pointer at the first 0xFA of header
	rcall	logbook_show_divenumber					; show the dive number in medium font
	; Show date and time in first row
	WIN_SMALL .59,.10
	LOG_POINT_TO log_date
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,up							; year
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi							; month
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo							; day
	call	TFT_convert_date						; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2
	PUTC	"-"
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; hour
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; minutes
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	output_99x										; hour
	PUTC	':'
	movff	hi,lo
	output_99x										; minute
	STRCAT_PRINT ""									; display 1st row of details

	; Show max depth and dive time
	WIN_SMALL .5,.35
	STRCAT	"Max:"
	LOG_POINT_TO log_max_depth
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read max depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read max depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi

	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
	bra		logbook_page2_depth_metric
	; imperial
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet					; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	PUTC	' '
	bcf		leftbind
	bra		logbook_page2_depth_common

	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'3'								; max. depth

	STRCAT	" - "
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; divetime in minutes
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi							; divetime in minutes

	bsf		leftbind
	output_16										; divetime minutes
	PUTC	"m"
	LOG_POINT_TO log_divetime+.2
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read divetime seconds
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	bsf		leftbind
	output_99x										; divetime seconds
	call	TFT_standard_color
;	; Dive mode
;	LOG_POINT_TO log_divemode
;	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read divemode
;	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
;	call	TFT_display_decotype_surface1			; "strcat_print"s divemode (OC, CC, APNEA or GAUGE)

	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; Read setpoint
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	clrf	hi
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'3'
	bcf		leftbind
	PUTC	" "
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; change depth
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo

	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=Meter, 1=Feet
	bra		log_show_sp_metric
	movf	lo,W
	mullw	.100									; convert meters to mbar
	movff	PRODL,lo
	movff	PRODH,hi
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet					; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	STRCAT_TEXT tFeets								; "ft"
	bra		log_show_sp_common
	STRCAT_TEXT tMeters								; "m"

log_show_gas:										; show gas data
	call	TFT_color_code_gas						; color the output (gas number is in WREG)
	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read gas O2 fraction
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read gas He fraction
	movff	ext_flash_rw,hi
	call	customview_show_mix						; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read change depth

	btfsc	log_show_gas_short						; shall we do the short version?
	bra		log_show_gas_common						; YES
	; long version
	movff	ext_flash_rw,lo							; process change depth
	TSTOSS	opt_units								; 0=Meter, 1=Feet
	bra		log_show_gas_metric
	movf	lo,W
	mullw	.100									; convert meters to mbar
	movff	PRODL,lo
	movff	PRODH,hi
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet					; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	STRCAT_TEXT tFeets								; "ft"
	bra		log_show_gas_common
	STRCAT_TEXT tMeters								; "m"
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read gas type - just to increment the pointer