view src/external_flash.asm @ 599:8087295a518b

Identify battery type in menu
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 12 Aug 2018 18:10:10 +0200
parents b455b31ce022
children ca4556fb60b9
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;   File external_flash.asm											## V2.98
;   External flash
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;  2011-08-12 : [mH] creation

	#include ""
	#include ""

basic	CODE

	global	incf_ext_flash_address_p1
incf_ext_flash_address_p1:					; Increase by one
	movlw		.1

	global	incf_ext_flash_address0
	addwf	ext_flash_address+0,F			; increase address
	movlw	d'0'
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+1,F
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F

	movlw	0x40
	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; at address 40FFFF?
	return									; No, return
;	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
;	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	clrf	ext_flash_address+2				; Yes, rollover to 0x000000

	global	incf_ext_flash_address0_p1_0x20
incf_ext_flash_address0_p1_0x20:			; Increase by one
	movlw	.1

	global	incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20
incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20:				; with roll-over at 0x200000 to 0x000000
	addwf	ext_flash_address+0,F			; increase address
	movlw	d'0'
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+1,F
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	movlw	0x20
	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; at address 0x200000?
	return									; No, return
;	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
;	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	clrf	ext_flash_address+2				; Yes, rollover to 0x000000

	global	decf_ext_flash_address0
	subwf	ext_flash_address+0,F			; decrease address: do a 16-8bits subtract
	movlw	d'0'
	subwfb	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movlw	d'0'
	subwfb	ext_flash_address+2,F
	btfss	ext_flash_address+2,7			; Rollover to 0xFFFFFF?
	return									; No, return
	clrf	ext_flash_address+2				; Set to 0x00FFFFF
	setf	ext_flash_address+1
	setf	ext_flash_address+0

	global	ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Return data read in WREG and SSP2BUF and 
ext_flash_byte_read_plus:					; increase address after read
	rcall	ext_flash_byte_read
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store received data
	bra		incf_ext_flash_address_p1		; +1 and return

	global	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Return data read in WREG and SSP2BUF and 
ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20:				; increase address after read with banking at 0x200000
	rcall	ext_flash_byte_read
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store received data
	bra		incf_ext_flash_address0_p1_0x20	;+1 and return

	global	ext_flash_byte_read				; Return data read in WREG
	movlw	0x03							; Read command
	rcall	write_spi
	rcall	ext_flash_write_address			; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
	rcall	write_spi						; Dummy write to read data into WREG
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movwf	ext_flash_rw
	return									; Return data read in WREG and ext_flash_rw

ext_flash_write_address:					; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
	movf	ext_flash_address+2,W			; 24Bit Address
	rcall	write_spi
	movf	ext_flash_address+1,W
	rcall	write_spi
	movf	ext_flash_address+0,W
	bra 	write_spi						; And return....

	global	ext_flash_read_block_start		; Return data read in WREG
	movlw	0x03							; Read command
	rcall	write_spi
	rcall	ext_flash_write_address			; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
	rcall	write_spi						; Dummy write to read data into WREG
	return									; Return data read in WREG

	global	ext_flash_read_block			; Return data read in WREG
	rcall	incf_ext_flash_address_p1		; Increase address +1
	bra		write_spi1						; Dummy write to read data into WREG and return

	global	ext_flash_read_block_stop		; Return data read in WREG
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	return									; NO data in WREG

	global	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_header
write_byte_ext_flash_plus_header:			; Write from WREG and increase address after write
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data
	; test if write is done at first byte of 4kB block
	; if yes -> delete 4kB block first
	tstfsz	ext_flash_address+0				; at 0x00?
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus_h1	; No, normal Write
	movf	ext_flash_address+1,W
	andlw	0x0F							; Mask lower nibble
	tstfsz	WREG							; at 0x.0?
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus_h1	; No, normal Write
	; At beginning of 4kB block -> erase first!
	rcall	ext_flash_erase4kB				; Erases 4kB sector @ext_flash_address:3
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W
	rcall	ext_flash_byte_write			; Write the byte
	bra		incf_ext_flash_address_p1		; +1 and return

	global	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nocnt	; No increase of ext_flash_dive_counter:3
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus2

	global	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nodel	; Does NOT delete 4kB Page when required
write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nodel:			; Write from WREG and increase address after write with banking at 0x200000
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus1		; Ignore possible begin of 4kB page, there have been written 0xFF already

	global	write_byte_ext_flash_plus		; Write from WREG and increase address after write with banking at 0x200000
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data
	; First, increase dive length counter
	incf	ext_flash_dive_counter+0,F
	movlw	.0
	addwfc	ext_flash_dive_counter+1,F
	addwfc	ext_flash_dive_counter+2,F		; 24bit++

	; Now test if write is done at first byte of 4kB block
	; if yes -> delete 4kB block first
	tstfsz	ext_flash_address+0				; at 0x00?
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus1		; No, normal Write
	movf	ext_flash_address+1,W
	andlw	0x0F							; Mask lower nibble
	tstfsz	WREG							; at 0x.0?
	bra		write_byte_ext_flash_plus1		; No, normal Write
	; At beginning of 4kB block -> erase first!
	rcall	ext_flash_erase4kB				; Erases 4kB sector @ext_flash_address:3
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W
	rcall	ext_flash_byte_write			; Write the byte
	bra		incf_ext_flash_address0_p1_0x20	; +1 and roll over at 0x200000 to 0x000000	and return

	global	ext_flash_byte_write			; Write from WREG
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data byte
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x06							; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x02							; Write (PP, Page-Program) command
	rcall	write_spi
	rcall	ext_flash_write_address			; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W					; load data byte
	rcall	write_spi						; write one byte of data!
	bra		ext_flash_wait_write			; And return...

	global	ext_flash_byte_write_comms		; without wait, ~86us fixed delay due to 115200 Bauds
	movwf	ext_flash_rw					; store data byte
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x06							; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x02							; Write (PP, Page-Program) command
	rcall	write_spi
	rcall	ext_flash_write_address			; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
	movf	ext_flash_rw,W					; load data byte
	rcall	write_spi						; write one byte of data!
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1

	global	ext_flash_disable_protection	; Disable write protection
	; unlock old memory
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x50							; EWSR command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x01							; WRSR command
	rcall	write_spi
	movlw	b'00000000'						; New status
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	; unlock new memory
	movlw	0x06							; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x98							; ULBPR command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x06							; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1
	movlw	0x42							; WBPR command
	rcall	write_spi
	movlw	.18
	movwf	lo
	movlw	0x00
	rcall	write_spi
	decfsz	lo,F							; 18 bytes with 0x00
	bra		ext_flash_disable_protection2
	bsf		flash_ncs						; CS=1

	global	ext_flash_enable_protection
	; lock old memory
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x50						; EWSR command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x01						; WRSR command
	rcall	write_spi
	movlw	b'00011100'					; New status (Write protect on)
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	; lock new memory
;	movlw	0x06						; WREN command
;	rcall	write_spi
;	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
;	movlw	0x8D						; LBPR command
;	rcall	write_spi
;	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x06						; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x42						; WBPR command
	rcall	write_spi
	movlw	.18
	movwf	lo
	movlw	0xFF
	rcall	write_spi
	decfsz	lo,F						; 18 bytes with 0xFF
	bra		ext_flash_enable_protection2
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1

	global	ext_flash_erase4kB			; Erases 4kB sector
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x06						; WREN command
	rcall	write_spi
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	movlw	0x20						; Sector erase command
	rcall	write_spi
	rcall	ext_flash_write_address		; Write 24bit address ext_flash_address:3 via SPI
;	bra		ext_flash_wait_write		; Wait for write... and return
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
;	WAITMS	d'1'						; TBE/TSE=25ms...
	movlw	0x05						; RDSR command
	rcall	write_spi					; Read status
	rcall	write_spi					; Read status into WREG
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	btfsc	SSP2BUF,0					; Write operation in process?
	bra		ext_flash_wait_write		; Yes, wait more..

	global	ext_flash_erase_logbook		; erases logbook memory (000000h -> 2FFFFFh -> 3MByte -> 3145728 Bytes)
	bsf		flash_ncs					; CS=1
	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	clrf	ext_flash_address+2

	setf	ext_flash_rw				; 256*12kB=3145728 Bytes
	rcall	ext_flash_erase4kB			; 4kB
	rcall	ext_flash_add_4kB			; Increase ext_flash_address:3 by 4kB
	rcall	ext_flash_erase4kB			; 4kB
	rcall	ext_flash_add_4kB			; Increase ext_flash_address:3 by 4kB
	rcall	ext_flash_erase4kB			; 4kB
	rcall	ext_flash_add_4kB			; Increase ext_flash_address:3 by 4kB
	decfsz	ext_flash_rw,F
	bra		ext_flash_erase_logbook_loop

	movlw	0x10
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movlw	d'0'
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F

write_spi:								; With data in WREG...
	bcf		flash_ncs					; CS
	global	write_spi1
write_spi1:								; With data in WREG...
	bcf		SSP2STAT,WCOL				; Clear flag
	movwf	SSP2BUF						; Write to buffer
	btfsc	SSP2STAT,WCOL				; Was buffer full?
	bra		write_spi1					; Yes, try again
write_spi2:								; Wait for write command
	btfss	SSP2STAT, BF				; Buffer full?
	bra		write_spi2					; No, wait.
	movf	SSP2BUF,W
	return								; Returns RX data in WREG and SSP2BUF