Mercurial > public > hwos_code
view src/ @ 21:79b2084fd75a
Reset options to default if they are not within the allowed min/max values
author | heinrichsweikamp |
date | Thu, 04 Jul 2013 09:51:33 +0200 |
parents | 4e3f133dfbf4 |
children | e402813343b6 |
line wrap: on
line source
;============================================================================= ; ; File text_french.asm ; ; French texts translation file. ; ; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved. ;============================================================================= ; Basic texts TCODE tNo, "Non" ; No TCODE tYes, "Oui" ; Yes = No + 1 ; Surface-mode texts TCODE tBeta, "béta" ; beta TCODE tMenu, "<Menu" ; <Menu TCODE tView, "vues>" ; View> TCODE tHeading, "Heading:" ; Heading: ; Divemode Menu TCODE tDivemenu_Gaslist, "listgaz" ; Gaslist TCODE tDivemenu_ResetAvr, "Resetchrono" ; Reset Avr. TCODE tDivemenu_Setpoint, "Setpoint" ; Setpoint TCODE tDivemenu_UseSensor,"cellules" ; Use Sensor TCODE tDivemenu_ToggleGF, "bascul.GF" ; Toggle GF ; Main menu TCODE tNext, "<Suiv." ; <Next TCODE tEnter, "Entrer>" ; Enter> TCODE tMainMenu, "Menu Principal"; MainMenu TCODE tLogbook, "Carnet de Plongée" ; Logbook TCODE tGasSetup, "Config.gaz OC" ; OC Gas Setup TCODE tSimulator, "Simulateur" ; Simulator TCODE tSetTime, "Réglage Heure" ; Set Time TCODE tSetDate, "Réglage Date" ; Set Date TCODE tSetTimeDate,"Date & Heure" ; Set Time & Date TCODE tDispSets, "Préf. Affich." ; Display Settings TCODE tExit, "Retour" ; Exit TCODE tResetMenu, "Menu reset" ; Reset Menu TCODE tDiveModeMenu,"Menu Déco" ; Deco Mode TCODE tInfoMenu, "Information" ; Information TCODE tCCRSetup, "Config. CCR" ; CCR Setup TCODE tDiluentSetup,"Config. Diluent" ; Diluent Setup TCODE tFixedSetpoints,"Setpoints fixes" ; Fixed Setpoints TCODE tCCRSensor, "Cellules CCR" ; CCR Sensor ; Gas menu TCODE tGaslist, "List. gaz OC" TCODE tGasEdit, "Préf. Gaz" TCODE tType, "Type: " TCODE tGasDisabled,"Desactiv." ; Disabled TCODE tGasFirst, "Premier" ; First TCODE tGasTravel, "Travel" ; Travel TCODE tGasDeco, "Deco" ; Deco TCODE tDilDisabled,"Desactiv." ; Disabled TCODE tDilFirst, "Premier" ; First TCODE tDilNorm, "Normal" ; Normal TCODE tAir, "Air " ; Enum: values must follows (5 chars) TCODE tO2, "O2 " ; tAir + 5 TCODE tO2Plus, "O2 +" TCODE tO2Minus, "O2 -" TCODE tHePlus, "He +" TCODE tHeMinus, "He -" TCODE tMOD, "PMU:" TCODE tEAD, "PEA:" TCODE tGasDepth, "Prof. changmt" TCODE tDepthPlus, "Prof. +" TCODE tDepthMinus,"Prof. -" TCODE tDepthReset,"PMU par défaut:" TCODE tSetup_mix, "Confi. Mix" TCODE tCCRMode, "Mode CCR:" ; CCR Mode: TCODE tCCRModeFixedSP, "SP Fixe" ; Fixed SP TCODE tCCRModeSensor, "Cellule" ; Sensor TCODE tSP, "SP" ; SP (SetPoint) TCODE tSPPlus, "pO2+" ; pO2+ ; New batteries menu TCODE tNewBattTitle, "Nouvelle Batterie?" TCODE tNewBattOld, "Conserver" TCODE tNewBattNew36, "Réinit. 3,6V" TCODE tNewBattNew15, "Réinit. 1,5V" ; Gaslist management TCODE tGas, "Gaz" ; Gas TCODE tNx, "Nx " ; Nx (3 chars) TCODE tTx, "Tx " ; Tx (3 chars) TCODE tGasErr, "Err" ; Err (3 chars) ; Communication Menu TCODE tUsbMode, "USB" TCODE tUsbTitle, "Mode USB" TCODE tUsbStarting, "Début..." TCODE tUsbStartDone, "Ok. " TCODE tUsbServiceMode,"Mode maintenance" TCODE tUsbClosed, "Port fermé" TCODE tUsbExit, "Terminé" TCODE tUsbDownloadMode,"Mode téléchargement" TCODE tUsbLlBld, "Chargeur bas-niv." ; Dive Settings TCODE tDvMode, "Mode:" TCODE tDvOC, "OC" TCODE tDvCC, "CC" TCODE tDvGauge, "Gauge" TCODE tDvApnea, "Apnee" TCODE tDkMode, "Modèle:" TCODE tZHL16, "ZH-L16" TCODE tZHL16GF, "ZH-L16+GF" TCODE tPPO2Max, "ppO2 Max:" TCODE tPPO2Min, "ppO2 Min:" TCODE tLastDecostop, "Dern. palier:" TCODE tDecoparameters, "Param. Deco" TCODE tGF_low, "GF bas:" TCODE tGF_high, "GF haut:" TCODE tSaturationMult, "Saturation:" TCODE tDesaturationMult, "Desaturation:" TCODE tFTTSMenu, "Future DTR:" ; Future TTS TCODE taGFMenu, "GF Alternatif" ; Alternative GF TCODE taGF_low, "aGF bas:" ; aGF low TCODE taGF_high, "aGF haut:" ; aGF high TCODE taGF_enable,"aGF Possible:" ; aGF Selectable TCODE tDiveaGF_active,"aGF!" ; aGF! ; Display Settings TCODE tBright, "Luminosité:" TCODE tEco, "Eco" TCODE tMedium, "Medium" TCODE tHigh, "Haute" TCODE tDvSalinity,"Salinité:" ; Salinity ; Setup Menu TCODE tSystSets, "Configuration" TCODE tLanguage, "Langue:" TCODE tEnglish, "Anglais" TCODE tGerman, "Allemand" TCODE tFrench, "Français" TCODE tItalian, "Italien" TCODE tCompassMenu,"Calibration boussole" ; Compass calibration TCODE tCompassGain,"Sensibilité" ; Compass gain TCODE tcharx, "x" TCODE tUnits, "Unités:" TCODE tMetric, " m/°C" ; Enum menu TCODE tImperial, "ft/°F" TCODE tDefName, "HW OSTC3" TCODE tbar, "bar" ; bar ; Units for all menu TCODE tMeters, "m" TCODE tFeets, "ft" TCODE tFeets1, "f" TCODE tMinutes, "'" TCODE tPercent, "%" ; Date TCODE tDateFormat, "Date:" TCODE tDateformat, "MMJJAA" TCODE tDateformat1,"JJMMAA" TCODE tDateformat2,"AAMMJJ" ; Simulator menu TCODE tInter, "Simulateur" ; Dive Simulator TCODE tPlan, "Planification" ; Deco Planner ; Decoplanner submenu TCODE tBtTm, "Tps. fond:" ; Bot. Time: (10 chars) TCODE tMxDep, "Prof. max:" ; Max Depth: (10 chars) TCODE tIntvl, "Intervalle:" ; Interval : (10 chars) TCODE tDeco, "Calcul..." ; Calculate Deco TCODE tDivePlan, "Runtime:" ; Dive Plan: TCODE tNoDeco, "SansDéco" ; No Deco TCODE tMore, "Suite..." ; More... TCODE tCNS, "CNS" ; CNS ; Information menu TCODE tFirmware, "Logiciel: " ; Firmware: (space) TCODE tSerial, "N. Série: " ; Serial : (space) TCODE tTotalDives,"Plongées tot.: " ; Total Dives: (space) ; Divemode screen TCODE tNDL, "NDL" TCODE tTTS, "DTR" TCODE tVelMetric, "m/min" TCODE tVelImperial,"ft/m " TCODE tGasSelect, "Activer Gaz" ; Select Gas TCODE tSelectAir, "Air " ; Air TCODE tSelectO2, "O2 " ; O2 TCODE tSelectNx, "Nx" ; Nx TCODE tSelectTx, "Tx" ; Tx TCODE tDepth, "Prof." ; Depth TCODE tMaxDepth, "Prof. Max." ; Max. Depth TCODE tDivetime, "DuréeTot." ; Divetime TCODE tDiveHudMask1, "cell. 1" TCODE tDiveHudMask2, "cell. 2" TCODE tDiveHudMask3, "cell. 3" TCODE tDiveTotalAvr, "Prof. Moy." TCODE tDiveStopwatch, "Chrono" TCODE tDiveStopAvr, "P.MoyChrono" TCODE tApnoeMax, "Dern.plongée" ; Last decend TCODE tApnoeSurface, "Tps.Surface" ; Surface Time TCODE tDiveDecoplan, "Runtime" ; Decoplan TCODE tDiveClock, "Heure" ; Clock TCODE tDiveEAD_END, "PEA/END" ; EAD/END TCODE tDiveTissues, "Tissus" ; Tissues TCODE tEND, "END:" ; END: TCODE tHe, "He" ; He TCODE tN2, "N2" ; N2 TCODE tDiveBailout, "Bailout" ; Bailout TCODE tGFactors, "Valeurs GF" ; GF Values TCODE taGFactors, "Valeurs aGF" ; aGF Values TCODE tGFInfo, "GF Info" ; GF Info ; Divemode menu TCODE tDivePreMenu, "Menu?" ; Menu? ; Simulator menu TCODE tQuitApnea, "Fin?" ; Quit Apnea mode? TCODE tQuitSim, "Fin?" ; Quit Simulation? TCODE tDescent1m, "Sim:-1m" ; Descent 1m TCODE tAscent1m, "Sim:+1m" ; Ascent 1m ; Logbook TCODE tCNS2, "SNC:" TCODE tAVR, "Moy:" TCODE tGF, "GF:" TCODE tSAT, "Sat:" ; Sat: ; Logbook units TCODE tLogTunitC, "°C" TCODE tLogTunitF, "°F" TCODE tKGL, "kg/l" TCODE tMBAR, "mbar" ; Logbook menu TCODE tNextLog, "Page suiv." TCODE tExitLog, "Sortir carnet" ; Reset menu TCODE tReboot, "Redemarrage" ;Reboot TCODE tResetMenu2,"Confirmer ?" ;Are you sure? TCODE tAbort, "Quitter" ;Abort TCODE tResetSettings, "RàZ complète" ;Reset all TCODE tResetDeco, "RàZ Deco" ;Reset Deco TCODE tResetBattery, "RàZ Batterie" ;Reset Battery ; Set Time Menu/Set Date Menu TCODE tSetHours, "Ajust. Heures" ; Set Hours TCODE tSetMinutes,"Ajust. Minutes" ; Set Minutes TCODE tSetSeconds,"RàZ Secondes" ; Clear seconds TCODE tSetDay, "Ajust. Jours" ; Set Day TCODE tSetMonth, "Ajust. Mois" ; Set Month TCODE tSetYear, "Ajust. Année" ; Set Year ; After update texts TCODE tNewFirmware1, "Mise à jours ok !" ; Update sucessful! TCODE tNewFirmware2, "Nouvelle version: " ; New Firmware: ; Logbook Offset Menu TCODE tLogOffset, "Num. 1er plongée" ; Logbook offset TCODE tLogOffsetp1, "+1" ; +1 TCODE tLogOffsetp10, "+10" ; +10 TCODE tLogOffsetm1, "-1" ; -1 TCODE tLogOffsetm10, "-10" ; -10