view src/ghostwriter.asm @ 597:66334c6adcf6

BUGFIX: "lost gas" was re-activated in rare cases
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 08 Jul 2018 12:22:20 +0200
parents b455b31ce022
children 08a0162d3ca1
line wrap: on
line source

;   File ghostwriter.asm							REFACTORED VERSION 2.98
;   Ghostwriter (Log profile recorder)
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;  2011-11-27 : [mH] Creation

#include ""						; Mandatory header
#include "shared_definitions.h"			; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

	;---- Private local variables -------------------------------------------------

	CBLOCK	local2						; max size is 16 Byte !!!
		divisor_temperature				; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_deco					; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_gf						; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_ppo2_sensors			; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_decoplan				; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_cns						; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		divisor_tank					; divisor used to time the sampling of dive data
		ProfileFlagByte					; used to store events
	ENDC								; used: 8 byte, remaining: 8 byte

ghostwriter		CODE


	global	init_recording_params		; Initialize profile recording parameters
	movff	samplingrate,samplesecs_value; to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
	movlw	div_temperature
	movwf	divisor_temperature			; load divisors for profile storage
	movlw	div_deco
	movwf	divisor_deco
	movlw	div_gf
	movwf	divisor_gf
	movlw	div_ppo2_sensors
	movwf	divisor_ppo2_sensors
	movlw	div_decoplan
	movwf	divisor_decoplan
	movlw	div_cns
	movwf	divisor_cns
	movlw	div_tank
	movwf	divisor_tank
	btfss	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; In Apnoe mode?
	bra		init_recording_params_1		; NO
	movlw	samplingrate_apnoe			; YES - overwrite some parameters in Apnoe mode
	movwf	samplesecs_value			;       to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode				; in CCR mode?
	bra		init_recording_params_2		; YES
	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; in pSCR mode?
	bra		init_recording_params_2		; YES
	; in OC Mode, disable ppO2 logging
	movlw	.0
	movwf	divisor_ppo2_sensors

	global	store_dive_data
	bcf		store_sample				; clear flag

	ifndef __DEBUG
		btfsc	simulatormode_active	; Are we in simulator mode?
		return							; Yes, discard everything

	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; In Apnoe mode?
	return								; Yes, discard everything

	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
	movf	lo,W						; store depth with every sample
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movf	hi,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

; First, find out how many bytes will append to this sample....
	clrf	ProfileFlagByte				; clear number of bytes to append

; Check Extended informations
	decfsz	divisor_temperature,W		; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended1
	movlw	infolength_temperature
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_deco,W				; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended2
	movlw	infolength_deco
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_gf,W				; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended3
	movlw	infolength_gf
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_ppo2_sensors,W		; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended4
	movlw	infolength_ppo2_sensors
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_decoplan,W			; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended5
	movlw	infolength_decoplan
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_cns,W				; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended6
	movlw	infolength_cns
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	decfsz	divisor_tank,W				; Check divisor
	bra		check_extended7
	movlw	infolength_tank
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte

; Second, check global event flag
	btfss	event_occured				; Check global event flag
	bra		store_dive_data3			; No Event

	incf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add one byte (The EventByte1)

	clrf	EventByte1					; reset EventByte1
	clrf	EventByte2					; reset EventByte2

	movf	AlarmType,W					; Type of Alarm Bit 0-3
	addwf	EventByte1,F				; Copy to EventByte1 Bit 0-3
	clrf	AlarmType					; Reset AlarmType

; Third, check events and add additional bytes
	btfss	gas6_changed				; Check flag
	bra		check_event2
	movlw	d'2'						; Information length
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	bsf		EventByte1,4				; Also set Flag in EventByte1!
	btfss	stored_gas_changed			; Check flag
	bra		check_event3
	movlw	d'1'						; Information length
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	bsf		EventByte1,5				; Also set Flag in EventByte1!
	btfss	setpoint_changed			; Check flag
	bra		check_event4
	movlw	d'1'						; Information length
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	bsf		EventByte1,6				; Also set Flag in EventByte1!
	btfss	bailoutgas_event			; =1: bailout was selected or a gas change during bailout
	bra		check_event5
	movlw	d'2'						; Information length
	addwf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add to ProfileFlagByte
	bsf		EventByte2,0				; set flag in EventByte2!
	bsf		EventByte1,7				; =1: Another EventByte1 is available

	; more events?

	btfsc	EventByte1,7				; =1: Another EventByte1 is available
	incf	ProfileFlagByte,F			; add one byte (The EventByte2)

	btfsc	event_occured				; Check global event flag
	bsf		ProfileFlagByte,7			; Set EventByte1 Flag in ProfileFlagByte

	movf	ProfileFlagByte,W			; finally, write ProfileFlagByte!
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	btfss	event_occured				; Check global event flag (again)
	bra		store_dive_data4			; No Event

; Store the EventByte(s) + additional bytes now
	movf	EventByte1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	movf	EventByte2,W				; Write second event byte...
	btfsc	EventByte1,7				; =1: Another EventByte1 is available
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	btfss	gas6_changed				; Check flag
	bra		store_dive_data3b
	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,WREG		; store gas 6 o2 ratio
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	char_I_He_ratio,WREG		; store gas 6 He ratio
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	bcf		gas6_changed				; Clear this event
	btfss	stored_gas_changed			; Check flag
	bra		store_dive_data3c
	movf	active_gas,W				; Store active gas
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	bcf		stored_gas_changed			; Clear this event
	btfss	setpoint_changed			; Check flag
	bra		store_dive_data3d
	movff	char_I_const_ppO2,WREG		; store setpoint
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	bcf		setpoint_changed			; Clear this event
	btfss	bailoutgas_event			; Check flag
	bra		store_dive_data4
	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,WREG		; store O2 ratio of bailout gas
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	char_I_He_ratio,WREG		; store He ratio of bailout gas
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	bcf		bailoutgas_event			; Clear this event

; Store extended informations
	decfsz	divisor_temperature,F		; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended1	
	rcall	store_dive_temperature
	decfsz	divisor_deco,F				; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended2	
	rcall	store_dive_decodata
	decfsz	divisor_gf,F				; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended3
	rcall	store_dive_gf
	decfsz	divisor_ppo2_sensors,F		; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended4
	rcall	store_dive_ppO2_sensors
	decfsz	divisor_decoplan,F			; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended5
	rcall	store_dive_decoplan
	decfsz	divisor_cns,F				; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended6
	rcall	store_dive_cns
	decfsz	divisor_tank,F				; Check divisor
	bra		store_extended7
	rcall	store_dive_tank

; The next block is required to take care of "store never"
	btfsc	divisor_temperature,7		; Test highest Bit (Register must have been zero before the "decfsz" command!)
	clrf	divisor_temperature			; And clear register again, so it will never reach zero...
	btfsc	divisor_deco,7
	clrf	divisor_deco
	btfsc	divisor_gf,7
	clrf	divisor_gf
	btfsc	divisor_ppo2_sensors,7
	clrf	divisor_ppo2_sensors
	btfsc	divisor_decoplan,7
	clrf	divisor_decoplan
	btfsc	divisor_cns,7
	clrf	divisor_cns
	btfsc	divisor_tank,7
	clrf	divisor_tank

	bcf		event_occured				; Clear the global event flag
	clrf	EventByte1					; reset EventByte1
	clrf	EventByte2					; reset EventByte2
	return								; Done. (Sample with all informations written to external flash)

	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movlw	div_cns
	movwf	divisor_cns					; Reload divisor from CF

	movlw	div_tank
	movwf	divisor_tank				; Reload divisor from CF

	; Store the deco plan
	lfsr	FSR1,char_O_deco_time_for_log+.0
	movlw	.15
	movwf	lo
	movf	POSTINC1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	decfsz	lo,F
	bra		store_dive_decoplan_loop
	movlw	div_decoplan
	movwf	divisor_decoplan			; Reload divisor from CF

	movf	o2_ppo2_sensor1,W			; Sensor1 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor1,lo	; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
	movf	lo,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movf	hi,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	movf	o2_ppo2_sensor2,W			; Sensor2 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor2,lo	; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
	movf	lo,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movf	hi,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	movf	o2_ppo2_sensor3,W			; Sensor3 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor3,lo	; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
	movf	lo,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movf	hi,W						; in 0.1mV steps
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash

	movlw	div_ppo2_sensors
	movwf	divisor_ppo2_sensors		; Reload divisor

	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,WREG; gradient factor absolute (range is limited to 255, only lower byte used for value)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movlw	div_gf
	movwf	divisor_gf					; Reload divisor

	; Check if deco stops are necessary
	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,WREG; get ceiling
	tstfsz	WREG						; ceiling < 0m (aka in deco) ?
	bra		store_dive_decodata_deco	; YES
	; NO - within NDL
	clrf	WREG						; =0: no stop dive
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	char_O_nullzeit,WREG		; remaining NDL time
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	bra		store_dive_decodata_common
	; YES - in deco
	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,WREG; ceiling in m
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	char_O_first_deco_time,WREG	; length of first stop in minutes
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movlw	div_deco
	movwf	divisor_deco				; Reload divisor

	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY temperature,lo
	movf	lo,W						; append temperature to current sample!
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movf	hi,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile		; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movlw	div_temperature
	movwf	divisor_temperature			; Reload divisor

	goto	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_header ; (This call will also delete the 4kB TOC entry first)
	; returns...

	goto	write_byte_ext_flash_plus	; writes byte and increases address with banking at 0x200000
	; returns...

	global	ghostwriter_end_dive
	movff	ext_flash_address+0,ext_flash_log_pointer+0
	movff	ext_flash_address+1,ext_flash_log_pointer+1
	movff	ext_flash_address+2,ext_flash_log_pointer+2	; Save end-of-profile pointer to store in header

	movff	menupos3,customview_divemode ; store last custom view

	btfss	realdive					; dive longer then one minute
	goto	ghostwriter_end_dive_common	; No, discard everything

; In DEBUG compile, keep all simulated dives in logbook, Desat time, nofly, etc...
	ifndef __DEBUG
		btfsc	simulatormode_active			; Are we in simulator mode?
		goto	ghostwriter_end_dive_common_sim	; Yes, discard everything

	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; In Apnoe mode?
	goto	ghostwriter_end_dive_common	; Yes, discard everything

	; Dive finished (and longer then one minute)

	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; Calc max. depth (again) for very short apnoe dives
	call	apnoe_calc_maxdepth

	; calculate desaturation time
	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,int_I_pres_surface+0	; Pass surface to desat routine !
	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,int_I_pres_surface+1

	call	deco_calc_dive_interval_1min	; calculate deco in surface mode
	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time		; calculate desaturation time
	banksel	common							; select ram bank 1

	movlw	0xFD							; .... End-of-Profile Bytes
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movlw	0xFD
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
	movff	ext_flash_address+0,ext_flash_log_pointer+0
	movff	ext_flash_address+1,ext_flash_log_pointer+1
	movff	ext_flash_address+2,ext_flash_log_pointer+2	; Save end-of-profile pointer to store in header

	; Set to first address again to store dive length ext_flash_dive_counter:3
	rcall	ghostwriter_load_pointer		; Load ext_flash_address:3 from EEPROM .4-.6

	incf_ext_flash_address_0x20	d'6'		; Skip internal "0xFA 0xFA #Divenumber:2 0xFA 0xFA" Header
	; Store dive length
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+0,W
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nodel	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase) and does NOT delete 4kB page
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+1,W
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nodel	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase) and does NOT delete 4kB page
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+2,W
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nodel	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase) and does NOT delete 4kB page

; profile recording done.

	; Load total number of dives
	read_int_eeprom .2
	movff	EEDATA,lo
	read_int_eeprom .3
	movff	EEDATA,hi
	; +1									; increase total dive counter
	infsnz	lo,F
	incf	hi,F
	; Store new number in EEPROM
	movff	lo,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .2
	movff	hi,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .3

	decf	lo,F							; -1

	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
	; 255: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255

	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
	movlw	0x20
	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
	movlw	.16
	mulwf	lo								; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
	movf	PRODL,W
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movf	PRODH,W
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F

; Now, write header

	movlw	0xFA							; Header start
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; (This call will also delete the 4kB TOC entry first)
	movlw	0xFA
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; store pointer to begin of dive profile
	read_int_eeprom .4
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	read_int_eeprom .5
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	read_int_eeprom .6
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; store pointer to end of dive profile
	movf	ext_flash_log_pointer+0,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; write rest of header
	movlw	logbook_profile_version			; Defined in
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Store dive length
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+0,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	ext_flash_dive_counter+2,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movff	start_year,WREG					; Date
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	start_month,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	start_day,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	start_hours,WREG				; Start of dive time
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	start_mins,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	btfss	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; Store apnoe max or normal max (Which is only max from the last descent)
	bra		end_dive1						; Store normal depth

	movff	apnoe_max_pressure+0,lo
	movff	apnoe_max_pressure+1,hi
	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity		; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
	movff	lo,apnoe_max_pressure+0
	movff	hi,apnoe_max_pressure+1
	movf	apnoe_max_pressure+0,W			; Max. depth
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	apnoe_max_pressure+1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	bra		end_dive2						; skip normal max. depth

	movff	max_pressure+0,lo
	movff	max_pressure+1,hi
	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity		; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
	movff	lo,max_pressure+0
	movff	hi,max_pressure+1

	movff	max_pressure+0,WREG				; Max. depth
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	max_pressure+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movf	divemins+0,W					; dive time minutes
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	divemins+1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	divesecs,W						; dive time seconds
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	minimum_temperature+0,WREG		; minimum temperature
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	minimum_temperature+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,WREG	; air pressure before dive
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,WREG	; desaturation time in minutes
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CCR mode...
	bra		end_dive_oc_gaslist				; No, write OC gases
	; Write Diluents...
	movff	opt_dil_O2_ratio+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_dil_He_ratio+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	char_I_dil_change+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_dil_type+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal

	movff	opt_dil_O2_ratio+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_dil_He_ratio+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	char_I_dil_change+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_dil_type+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal

	movff	opt_dil_O2_ratio+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_dil_He_ratio+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	char_I_dil_change+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_dil_type+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal

	movff	opt_dil_O2_ratio+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_dil_He_ratio+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	char_I_dil_change+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_dil_type+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal

	movff	opt_dil_O2_ratio+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_dil_He_ratio+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	char_I_dil_change+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_dil_type+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
	bra		end_dive_oc_cc_common

end_dive_oc_gaslist:						; OC Gases...
	movff	opt_gas_O2_ratio+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_gas_He_ratio+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_gas_type+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2= Travel, 3= Deco

	movff	opt_gas_O2_ratio+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_gas_He_ratio+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_gas_type+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2= Travel, 3= Deco

	movff	opt_gas_O2_ratio+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_gas_He_ratio+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_gas_type+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2= Travel, 3= Deco

	movff	opt_gas_O2_ratio+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_gas_He_ratio+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_gas_type+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2= Travel, 3= Deco

	movff	opt_gas_O2_ratio+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %O2
	movff	opt_gas_He_ratio+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; %He
	movff	opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Configured change depth in m
	movff	opt_gas_type+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2= Travel, 3= Deco
;	bra	 end_dive_oc_cc_common

	movlw	softwareversion_x				; Firmware version
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
	movlw	softwareversion_y
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
	movf	batt_voltage+0,W				; Battery voltage 
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
	movf	batt_voltage+1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header

	movf	samplingrate,W					; Sampling rate
	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; Apnoe mode?
	movlw	samplingrate_apnoe				; Apnoe sampling rate
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; CNS at beginning of dive
	movff	CNS_start+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	CNS_start+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	; Gradient factor
	movff	GF_start,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,WREG	; value limited to 255, only lower byte in use
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Logbook offset
	call	do_logoffset_common_read		; Read into lo:hi
	movf	lo,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movf	hi,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Battery info at Byte 59
	movf	batt_percent,W					; 0-100
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	; Store 5 Setpoints
	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Setpoint in cbar
	movff	char_I_setpoint_change+0,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Change depth
	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Setpoint in cbar
	movff	char_I_setpoint_change+1,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Change depth
	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Setpoint in cbar
	movff	char_I_setpoint_change+2,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Change depth
	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Setpoint in cbar
	movff	char_I_setpoint_change+3,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Change depth
	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Setpoint in cbar
	movff	char_I_setpoint_change+4,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Change depth

	movff	opt_salinity,WREG				; Salinity (0-4%)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Store Salinity to Dive

	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,WREG		; copy into bank1
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Stores CNS%
	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+1,WREG		; copy into bank1
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Stores CNS%

	movff	avg_rel_pressure_total+0,WREG	; Average Depth
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	avg_rel_pressure_total+1,WREG	; Average Depth
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movff	total_divetime_seconds+0,WREG	; Total dive time (Regardless of start_dive_threshold)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	total_divetime_seconds+1,WREG	; Total dive time (Regardless of start_dive_threshold)
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movff	char_I_GF_Low_percentage,WREG	; GF_lo
	movff	char_I_deco_model,lo
	decfsz	lo,F							; jump over next line if char_I_deco_model == 1
	movff	char_I_saturation_multiplier,WREG ; Saturation Multiplier
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movff	char_I_GF_High_percentage,WREG	; GF_hi
	movff	char_I_deco_model,lo
	decfsz	lo,F							; jump over next line if char_I_deco_model == 1
	movff	char_I_desaturation_multiplier,WREG ; Desaturation Multiplier
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	movff	char_I_deco_model,WREG			; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; writes byte and increases address (no banking)

	read_int_eeprom .2
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Total dive counter, low
	read_int_eeprom .3
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; Total dive counter, high

	movff	opt_dive_mode,WREG
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR

; Store all tissue data available
	movlw	.16
	movwf	lo
	lfsr	FSR1,char_O_tissue_N2_saturation+0
	movf	POSTINC1,W
	bcf		WREG,7							; clear flag bit for ongassing/offgassing
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	decfsz	lo,F
	bra		end_dive_store_tissues_N2		; No

	movlw	.64
	movwf	lo
	lfsr	FSR1,0x700						; pres_tissue_N2+0 ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
	movf	POSTINC1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	decfsz	lo,F
	bra		end_dive_store_tissues_N2_2		; No

	movlw	.16
	movwf	lo
	lfsr	FSR1,char_O_tissue_He_saturation+0
	movf	POSTINC1,W
	bcf		WREG,7							; clear flag bit for ongassing/offgassing
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	decfsz	lo,F
	bra		end_dive_store_tissues_He		; No

	movlw	.64
	movwf	lo
	lfsr	FSR1,0x740						; pres_tissue_He+0 ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
	movf	POSTINC1,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	decfsz	lo,F
	bra		end_dive_store_tissues_He_2		; No

	; Some deco stuff
	movff	char_I_depth_last_deco,WREG		; last stop [m]
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	char_I_deco_distance,WREG		; assumed distance to shown stop
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Last HUD data
	movff	hud_battery_mv+0,WREG			; Last HUD battery value
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	hud_battery_mv+1,WREG			; Last HUD battery value
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	hud_status_byte,WREG			; Last HUD status
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Battery gauge registers [nAs]
	movff	battery_gauge+0,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	battery_gauge+1,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	battery_gauge+2,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	battery_gauge+3,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	battery_gauge+4,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movff	battery_gauge+5,WREG			; Battery gauge register
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	; Header stop
	movlw	0xFB
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
	movlw	0xFB
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash

	call	divemode_store_statistics		; Store/update statistics for this unit

	clrf	surface_interval+0
	clrf	surface_interval+1				; Clear surface interval timer

; Update ext_flash_log_pointer into EEPROM
	clrf	EEADRH
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+0,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .4
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .5
	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .6

	bcf		simulatormode_active			; if we were in simulator mode

; In DEBUG compile, keep all simulated dives in logbook, Desat time, nofly, etc...
	ifndef __DEBUG
		extern	deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
		btfsc	restore_deco_data				; Restore decodata?
		call	deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
		banksel common							; Bank1
	call	update_battery_registers			; update battery registers into EEPROM
	goto	surfloop							; and return to surface loop

	tstfsz	surface_interval+0					; Was interval zero?
	bra		ghostwriter_end_dive_common_sim2	; No
	tstfsz	surface_interval+1					; Was interval zero?
	bra		ghostwriter_end_dive_common_sim2	; No
	bra		ghostwriter_end_dive_common			; Yes, done.

	movf	divemins+0,W
	addwf	surface_interval+0,F
	movf	divemins+1,W
	addwfc	surface_interval+1				; Add simulated dive time to surface interval
	bra		ghostwriter_end_dive_common

ghostwriter_load_pointer:					; Load ext_flash_address:3 from EEPROM .4-.6
	clrf	EEADRH							; Make sure to select EEPROM bank 0
	read_int_eeprom	.4
	movff	EEDATA,ext_flash_address+0
	read_int_eeprom	.5
	movff	EEDATA,ext_flash_address+1
	read_int_eeprom	.6
	movff	EEDATA,ext_flash_address+2

ghostwriter_short_header_init:				; Proceed one page forward
	clrf	EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .4						; ext_flash_address+0 = 0
	movlw	.16
	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
	movlw	.0
	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
	movlw	0x20
	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; at address 0x200000?
	bra		ghostwriter_short_header_init2	; No
	clrf	ext_flash_address+2				; Yes, rollover to 0x000000
	movlw	0xF0
	andwf	ext_flash_address+1,F			; keep higher nibble, set lower nibble to 0

	movff	ext_flash_address+1,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .5						; Write new pointer
	movff	ext_flash_address+2,EEDATA
	write_int_eeprom .6						; Write new pointer
	bra		ghostwriter_short_header2		; Done.

	global	ghostwriter_short_header
ghostwriter_short_header:					; Write short header with dive number into profile memory
	; load pointer for profile storing into RAM (Updated in EEPROM after the dive)
	rcall	ghostwriter_load_pointer		; Load ext_flash_address:3 from EEPROM .4-.6

	; The following code is used to write a clean new dive after the previous hasn't been
	; stored correctly. e.g. after a battery fail during the dive
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Into ext_flash_rw
	incfsz	ext_flash_rw,F
	bra		ghostwriter_short_header_init	; Not 0xFF -> init page
	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Into ext_flash_rw
	incfsz	ext_flash_rw,F
	bra		ghostwriter_short_header_init	; Not 0xFF -> init page

	; All ok, reload the pointer and start
	rcall	ghostwriter_load_pointer		; Load ext_flash_address:3 from EEPROM .4-.6

	; Clear dive length counter
	clrf	ext_flash_dive_counter+0
	clrf	ext_flash_dive_counter+1
	clrf	ext_flash_dive_counter+2

	; Write short header with dive number into profile memory
	movlw	0xFA
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	0xFA
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	; Load total number of dives (low byte only)
	read_int_eeprom .2
	incf	EEDATA,W						;+1	
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	read_int_eeprom .3
	movf	EEDATA,W
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	0xFA
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	0xFA
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	; Keep room for dive length ext_flash_dive_counter:3 (Stored at the end of the dive)
	; Writing 0xFF three times here is mandatory
	; - 0xFF can be overwritten after the dive
	; - ghostwrite_byte_profile takes care of 4kB Page switching
	; - fixes an issue when we are at exactly 0xXXX000 here...

	movlw	0xFF
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nocnt	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase)
	movlw	0xFF
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nocnt	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase)
	movlw	0xFF
	call	write_byte_ext_flash_plus_nocnt	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash (No ext_flash_dive_counter:3 increase)

	movf	samplingrate,W					; Sampling rate
	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; Apnoe mode?
	movlw	samplingrate_apnoe				; Apnoe sampling rate
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.7								; Number of divisors
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.0								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_temperature
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_temperature					; Divisor temperature
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.1								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_deco
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_deco						; Divisor deco data
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.2								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_gf
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_gf							; Divisor gf
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.3								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_ppo2_sensors
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_ppo2_sensors				; Divisor ppO2
	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
	movlw	.0								; No ppO2 data in OC mode
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.4								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_decoplan
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_decoplan					; Divisor debug
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.5								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_cns
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_cns							; Divisor CNS
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash

	movlw	.6								; Type
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	infolength_tank
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
	movlw	div_tank						; Divisor Tank
	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash


divemode_store_statistics:					; Store/update statistics for this unit
	call	vault_decodata_into_eeprom		; update deco data
	call	do_logoffset_common_read		; Existing logbook offset into lo:hi

	tstfsz	lo								; lo=0?
	bra		change_logbook_offset1			; No, adjust offset	
	tstfsz	hi								; hi=0?
	bra		change_logbook_offset1			; No, adjust offset
	bra		change_logbook_offset2			; lo=0 and hi=0 -> skip Offset routine

	movlw	d'1'
	addwf	lo
	movlw	d'0'
	addwfc	hi
	call	do_logoffset_common_write		; lo:hi -> EEPROM

	; Clear lastdive:4
	banksel	lastdive_time+0
	clrf	lastdive_time+0
	clrf	lastdive_time+1
	clrf	lastdive_time+2
	clrf	lastdive_time+3
	movff	divemins+0,lastdive_duration+0
	movff	divemins+1,lastdive_duration+1
	movff	divesecs,  lastdive_duration+2
	movff	max_pressure+0,lastdive_maxdepth+0
	movff	max_pressure+1,lastdive_maxdepth+1
	banksel	common

	; Add more here...