view src/gaslist.asm @ 605:5ce603c29750

gas color coding fixed
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 25 Nov 2018 13:21:52 +0100 (2018-11-25)
parents ca4556fb60b9
children c40025d8e750
line wrap: on
line source
;   File gaslist.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.99e
;   Managing OSTC gas list
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;   2011-08-11 : [jDG] Creation.

#include ""						; mandatory header
#include ""
#include ""						; div16x16 for MOD calculations
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include "shared_definitions.h"
#include ""

 IFDEF _rx_functions
#include ""

	extern	convert_mbar_to_feet
	extern	customview_show_mix
	extern	tSetup_GasDepth
	extern	tGasDisabled
	extern	tDilDisabled
	extern	tLiter
	extern	tbar10
	extern	tbar

gaslist		CODE

; Helper Functions for divemenu_tree.asm
; They need to be put in a different file than
; where the MENU_DYNAMIC macros uses them.

	global	do_toggle_gf_label
	movff	char_I_deco_model,WREG		; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
	decfsz	WREG,W						; toggle GF only in GF modes - in GF mode?
	bra		do_toggle_gf_label_1		; NO - print in disabled color
	movff	opt_enable_aGF,WREG			; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
	decfsz	WREG,W						; aGF enabled?
	bra		do_toggle_gf_label_1		; NO - print in disabled color
	bra		do_toggle_gf_label_2		; YES to both - print in standard color
	call	TFT_disabled_color
	STRCAT_TEXT tDivemenu_ToggleGF

 IFDEF _cave_mode
	global	do_turn_dive_label
	btfss	FLAG_cave_mode				; in cave mode?
	call	TFT_disabled_color			; NO  - print in disabled color
	btfsc	FLAG_dive_turned			; dive already turned?
	call	TFT_attention_color			; YES - print in attention color
	STRCAT_TEXT tDivemenu_TurnDive		; output label

	global	do_toggle_max_pres_diff_label
	movff	opt_TR_mode,WREG			; get TR mode
	xorlw	.2							; compare with 2 (ind.double)
	tstfsz	WREG						; equal?
	call	TFT_disabled_color			; NO - print in disabled color
	STRCAT_TEXT tTrMaxDeltaP			; output label
	movff	char_I_max_pres_diff,lo
	STRCAT_TEXT	tbar					; " bar"

	global	gaslist_copy_dil_to_oc
;  Memory Map:
;  -----------------------------------------
;  opt_gas_O2_ratio				res 5
;  opt_dil_O2_ratio				res 5
;  opt_gas_He_ratio				res 5
;  opt_dil_He_ratio				res 5
;  opt_gas_type					res 5
;  opt_dil_type					res 5
;  opt_gas_change				res 5
;  opt_dil_change				res 5
;  char_I_tank_size				res 10
;  char_I_tank_pres_fill		res 10
	bcf		aux_flag					; clear aux_flag by default
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; copy current gas or diluent number to WREG
	btfss	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR menus?
	bra		gaslist_copy_dil_to_oc_1	; NO  - gaslist_gas is already pointing to an OC gas
	addlw	-.5							; YES - subtract offset between diluents and gases
	movwf	gaslist_gas					;     - let gaslist_gas point to the corresponding OC gas
	bsf		aux_flag					;     - remember we came from a CCR menu
	bcf		FLAG_diluent_setup			;     - pretend we came from an OC gas menu
	lfsr	FSR0,opt_dil_O2_ratio		; load base address of diluents settings, ASM variables
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of gas      settings, ASM variables
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy O2 ratio
	addlw	.10							; add offset from O2 ratios to He ratios
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy He ratio
	addlw	.10							; add offset from He ratios to types
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy type
	addlw	.10							; add offset from type to change depth
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy change depth
	addlw	-.30						; wind back to initial gas number
	lfsr	FSR0,char_I_tank_size+5		; load base address of diluents settings, shared variables
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_tank_size+0		; load base address of gas      settings, shared variables
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy tank size
	addlw	.10							; add offset from tank sizes to pressure budget
	movff	PLUSW0,PLUSW1				; copy pressure budget
	call	gaslist_cleanup_list		; make sure that there will be just one first gas
	btfss	aux_flag					; did we came from a CCR menu?
	return								; NO  - done
	bsf		FLAG_diluent_setup			; YES - restore proper origin again
	movlw	.5							;     - offset between OC gases and diluents
	addwf	gaslist_gas,F				;     - let gaslist_gas point to the diluent again
	WIN_BOX_BLACK .30,.239,.0,.159		;     - create some visual effect to show activity
	WAITMS	.200						;     - pause for 200 ms
	return								;     - done

; Append gas description to current string
; Input:  PRODL : gas number (0..4)
;         FSR2  : Current string position
; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2

	global	gaslist_strcat_gas
	global	gaslist_strcat_gas_WREG
gaslist_strcat_gas:						; entry point with gas/dil in PRODL (0-4) and FLAG_diluent_setup
	movff	PRODL,gaslist_gas			; get current menu item (0-4)
	movlw	.5							; offset between gases and diluents
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR menus?
	addwf	gaslist_gas,F				; YES - add the offset
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; copy to WREG
gaslist_strcat_gas_WREG:				; entry point with gas/dil in WREG (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read O2 ratio
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_He_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; read He ratio
	goto	customview_show_mix			; put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2, and RETURN

; Append current mix to current string (for divemode)
; Input:  FSR2 : Current string position
; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2

	global	gaslist_strcat_gas6
gaslist_strcat_gas6:					; show current O2/He mix
	STRCAT	": "
	movff	gas6_O2_ratio,hi			; TFT_color_code_gaslist needs O2 ratio in hi
	call	TFT_color_code_gaslist		; color-code according to O2 ratio and depth
	movff	gas6_O2_ratio,lo			; customview_show_mix needs O2 ratio in lo
	movff	gas6_He_ratio,hi			;                   ... and He ratio in hi
	goto	customview_show_mix			; put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2, and return
; Helper functions for menu_tree

	global	gaslist_GasDepth
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load gas/dil index into WREG (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of change depths
	tstfsz	PLUSW1						; change depth = 0 ?
	bra		gaslist_GasDepth_1			; NO
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; YES - load base address of opt_gas_type
	tstfsz	PLUSW1						;     - type = disabled ?
	call	TFT_attention_color			;       NO  - print in attention color (yellow)
	STRCAT_TEXT tSetup_GasDepth

	global	gaslist_show_type
	movf	gaslist_gas,W
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of opt_gas_type
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read gas type
	lfsr	FSR1,tGasDisabled			; load base address of gas type labels
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR setup?
	lfsr	FSR1,tDilDisabled			; YES - load base address of diluent type labels
	movff	lo,WREG						; 0-3
	rlncf	WREG						; x2
	addwf	FSR1L,F						; adjust address pointer to required text
	movlw	.0
	addwfc	FSR1H,F
	call	strcat_text					; copy label text

	global	gaslist_toggle_type
	movf	gaslist_gas,W
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of opt_gas_type
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read gas type
	incf	lo,F						; increment type
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR setup?
	bra		gaslist_toggle_type2		; YES - diluents
	btfsc	lo,2						; NO  - gases, type index > 3 ?
	clrf	lo							;       YES - clear to zero
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					;     - copy back result
	movlw	.3
	cpfslt	lo							; index > 2 ?
	clrf	lo							; YES - clear to zero
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; restore gaslist_gas in WREG
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; copy back result

	global	gaslist_strcat_setpoint
	global	gaslist_strcat_setpoint_0
gaslist_strcat_setpoint:				; entry point with setpoint index in PRODL
	movff	PRODL,gaslist_gas			; get current menu item (0-4)
gaslist_strcat_setpoint_0:				; entry point with setpoint index in gaslist_gas
	bsf		leftbind
	btfsc	short_gas_decriptions		; shall use short versions of gaslist_strcat_setpoint?
	bra		gaslist_strcat_setpoint2	; YES - use short version
	STRCAT_TEXT tSP						; "SP"
	incf	gaslist_gas,W				; (0-4) -> (1-5) into WREG
	movwf	lo
	output_8							; print SP number
	bcf		leftbind
	PUTC	":"
gaslist_strcat_setpoint2:				; short version
	btfsc	divemode
	bra		gaslist_strcat_setpoint4	; no "*" in divemode
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; (0-4) into WREG
	bnz		gaslist_strcat_setpoint3	; SP index = 0 ?
	PUTC	"*"							; YES - print *
	bra		gaslist_strcat_setpoint4	;     - continue with cbar value
gaslist_strcat_setpoint3:				; NO
	PUTC	" "							;     - print a space
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; (0-4) into WREG
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar	; load base address of setpoint cbar values
	movf	PLUSW1,W					; read cbar value
	movwf	lo
	clrf	hi
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'3'					; print as X.XX
	btfsc	divemode					; in divemode?
	bra		gaslist_strcat_setpoint5	; YES - skip text in divemode
	STRCAT_TEXT tbar					; NO  - print "bar"
	PUTC	" "							; print a space
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; (0-4) into WREG
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change	; load base address of switch depths
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read switch depth into lo
	bra		gaslist_strcat_depth		; print depth in meters or ft

; Append gas description to current string
; Prints gas number, * if first, = if deco gas, gas composition and change depth,
; including fancy color-coding
; Input:  PRODL gas number (0..4)
;         FSR2  current string position
; Output: text appended to buffer pointed by FSR2
; NOTE: used in the menu-tree for the MENU_CALLBACK entry

	global	gaslist_strcat_gas_cd
	global	gaslist_gastitle
gaslist_strcat_gas_cd:					; entry point with gas in PRODL (0-4) and usage of FLAG_diluent_setup
	movff	PRODL,gaslist_gas			; get current menu item (0-4)
	movlw	.5							; offset between gases and diluents
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in diluent menus?
	addwf	gaslist_gas,F				; YES - add the offset
gaslist_gastitle:						; entry point with gas/dil in gaslist_gas (0-4 for gases, 5-9 for diluents)
	bcf		win_invert					; clear flag for inverted output by default
	btfsc	short_gas_decriptions		; shall use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_cd?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle1			; YES - use short version
	incf	gaslist_gas,W				; (0-9) -> (1-10) into WREG
	movwf	lo
	movlw	.6							; diluents start with 6
	cpfslt	lo							; gas number < 6 ?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle_dil		; NO  - it's a diluent
	STRCAT_TEXT tGas					; YES - it's a gas
	bra		gaslist_gastitle0
	movlw	.5							; offset between gases and diluents
	subwf	lo,F						; subtract offset from diluent number (6-10) -> (1-5)
	bsf		leftbind
	output_8							; print gas/dil number (1-5)
	bcf		leftbind
	PUTC	":"
gaslist_gastitle1:						; short version of gaslist_strcat_gas_cd
	btfsc	divemode					; in divemode?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle3			; YES - no "*" and "=" in front of gas composition, no highlighting for transmitters paired

 IFDEF _rx_functions
	btfss	FLAG_tr_enabled				; NO  - TR functions enabled?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle2			;       NO  - continue with gas type
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_transmitter_id_1	;       YES - load base address of transmitter ID table
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				;           - (0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents)
	rlncf	WREG,W						;           - index x2 because IDs are 2 byte
	tstfsz	PLUSW1						;           - transmitter ID low byte <> 0 ?
	bsf		win_invert					;             YES - flag transmitter paired by inverting output
	incf	WREG,W						;           - increment index
	tstfsz	PLUSW1						;           - transmitter ID high byte <> 0 ?
	bsf		win_invert					;             YES - flag transmitter paired by inverting output

	rcall	gaslist_strcat_gas_type		; print "*" for first gas/dil, "=" for a deco gas or " " else
	call	TFT_standard_color
	btfsc	divemode					; in divemode?
	rcall	gaslist_strcat_gas_better	; YES - check if this is a "better gas"
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of gas types
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index into WREG (0-4 for gases, 5-9 for diluents)
	movf	PLUSW1,W					; read gas/dil type into WREG
	bnz		gaslist_gastitle4			; type = disabled? NO  - keep color
	call	TFT_disabled_color			;                  YES - switch color to disabled
	bra		gaslist_gastitle5			;                      - skip ppO2 check for disabled gases
	btfss	divemode					; in divemode?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle5			; NO  - no ppO2 check if not in divemode
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; YES - load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				;     - load index into WREG (0-4 for gases, 5-9 for diluents)
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					;     - read O2 ratio into hi
	call	TFT_color_code_gaslist		;     - set color according to ppO2 limits
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; copy gas/dil index to WREG (0-9)
	rcall	gaslist_strcat_gas_WREG		; print gas composition
	btfss	divemode					; in divemode?
	bra		gaslist_gastitle6			; NO  - continue printing a space
	rcall	gaslist_strcat_gas_type		; YES - print "*" for first gas/dil, "=" for a deco gas, or a space else
	bra		gaslist_gastitle7			;     - continue with change depth
	PUTC	" "							; print a space
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of change depths
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load gas/dil index into WREG (0-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read change depth into lo
gaslist_strcat_depth:					; entry point for general printing of depths with value in meters in lo
	TSTOSS	opt_units					; check depth units
	bra		gaslist_strcat_depth_metric	; 0 - use Meters
gaslist_strcat_depth_imperial:			; 1 - use Feet
	movf	lo,W
	mullw	.100						; convert meters to mbar
	movff	PRODL,lo
	movff	PRODH,hi
	call	convert_mbar_to_feet		; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
	;bsf	leftbind
	output_16_3							; limit to 999 and display only 0-999
	STRCAT_TEXT tFeets					; append "ft"	REMARK: still one char to long for space available in divemode menu!
	PUTC	" "							; print a space
	STRCAT_TEXT tMeters					; "m"

gaslist_strcat_gas_better:				; color-code output if this is the best gas/diluent
	btfss	better_gas_hint				; shall better gas hints be given?
	return								; NO - return
	movf	best_gas_number,W			; get best gas number into WREG
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR (pSCR) menus?
	movf	best_dil_number,W			; YES - overwrite with best diluent number
	tstfsz	WREG						; is a best gas/dil available?
	bra		gaslist_strcat_gas_better1	; YES - proceed
	return								; NO  - return
	decf	WREG,W						; (1-5) -> (0-4)
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in diluent menus?
	addlw	.5							; YES - add offset between gases and diluents (0-4) -> (5-9)
	cpfseq	gaslist_gas					; compare with given gas/dil (0-4 for OC bailout gases, 5-9 for diluents)
	return								; not equal - return
	bsf		win_invert					;     equal - invert
	movlw	color_green					;           - select green color (gas is something "good")
	goto	TFT_set_color				;           - activate color and return

	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of gas types
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index to WREG (0-4 for gases, 5-9 for diluents)
	decf	PLUSW1,W					; read gas/dil type into WREG and...
										; ...decrement by 1  (-1 for disabled,  0 for first,  1 for travel/normal, 2 for deco)
	bnz		gaslist_strcat_gas_type_1	; type = first? NO  - continue with checking for deco gas
	PUTC	"*"							;               YES - print "*" for first
	return								;                   - done
	decf	WREG,W						; decrement gas type (-2 for disabled, -1 for first,  0 for travel/normal, 1 for deco)
	decf	WREG,W						; decrement gas type (-3 for disabled, -2 for first, -1 for travel/normal, 0 for deco)
	bnz		gaslist_strcat_gas_type_2	; type = deco? NO  - neither first nor deco
	PUTC	"="							;              YES - print "=" for a deco gas
	return								;                   - done
	PUTC	" "							; neither first nor deco, print a space

; Housekeeping for the gas/dil settings, e.g. making sure there is one FIRST only
; Input:  gaslist_gas  last edited gas/dil (0-9)

	global	gaslist_cleanup_list
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of opt_gas_type
	movlw	.5							; offset between gases and diluents
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR-Menu?
	subwf	gaslist_gas,F				; YES - subtract offset from gaslist_gas: (5-9) -> (0-4)
	bcf		ignore_last_edited_gas
	clrf	lo							; counter for number of "firsts" found
	movlw	.5							; initialize hi as loop counter for checking 5 gases/diluents
	movwf	hi
gaslist_cleanup_list2:					; loop body
	decf	hi,W						; WREG = current gas/dil (0-4)
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR-Menu?
	addlw	.5							; YES - add offset from gases to diluents -> (5-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,WREG					; read type into WREG
	decfsz	WREG						; is type = first (ex type code 1)?
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list3		; NO  - done with this gas/dil
	incf	lo,F						; YES - increment number of "firsts" found
	btfss	ignore_last_edited_gas		;     - shall we ignore the last edited gas/dil?
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list2b		;       NO  - continue remembering the "last first" gas/dil (do a shortcut)
	decf	hi,W						;       YES - get the current gas/dil as (0-4)
	cpfseq	gaslist_gas					;           - is this the last edited gas/dil?
	movff	hi,up						;             (NO) - remember the last "first gas" found
	decfsz	hi,F						; decrement loop counter
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list2		; loop counter became 0 ? NO  - loop
	tstfsz	lo							;                         YES - any first gas/dil at all?
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list4		;                               YES - at least one first gas/dil existing
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			;                               NO  - in CCR-Menu?
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_dil_type			;                                     YES - load base address of opt_gas_type
	movlw	.1							;                                   - load coding for first gas
	movwf	INDF1						;                                   - make gas/dil 1 the first gas
	return								;                                   - done
	movlw	.1
	cpfsgt	lo							; more then one "first gas" found?
	return								; NO  - done
	decf	up,W						; YES - WREG = last found "first gas" - 1 (0-4)
	cpfseq	gaslist_gas					;     - is this the last edited gas/dil?
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list4b		;       NO  - disable it
	bsf		ignore_last_edited_gas		;       YES - do not disable last edited gas, search again but ignore the last edited gas
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list1		;           - loop until only one "first" is left over
	btfsc	FLAG_diluent_setup			; in CCR-Menu?
	addlw	.5							; YES - adjust offset
	clrf	PLUSW1						; disable gas
	bra		gaslist_cleanup_list0		; redo from start until only one "first" is left over

; Tank Settings
; Inputs: char_I_tank_size       size of the tank,                     using unit text tLiter ("l")
;         char_I_tank_pres_fill  fill pressure in multiples of 10 bar, using unit text tbar10 ("0 bar")

	global	gaslist_tank_size_pres
gaslist_tank_size_pres:					; dynamic title: xx l, xx0 bar
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_tank_size		; load base address of char_I_tank_size
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read char_I_tank_size[WREG] into lo
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_tank_pres_fill	; load base address of char_I_tank_pres_fill
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; read char_I_tank_pres_fill[WREG] into hi
	STRCAT	"     "						; print 5 leading spaces for alignment
	output_8							; print tank size
	STRCAT_TEXT tLiter					; print unit (" l")
	movff	hi,lo						; copy fill pressure into lo
	output_8							; print fill pressure (it is stored in multiples of 10 bar)
	STRCAT_TEXT tbar10					; print unit ("0 bar")

	global	gaslist_tank_size
gaslist_tank_size:						; adjust char_I_tank_size between min_tank_size and max_tank_size
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_tank_size		; load base address of char_I_tank_size
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read char_I_tank_size[WREG] into lo
	incf	lo,F						; increment tank size by 1 liter
	movlw	max_tank_size				; load max. allowed value into WREG
	cpfsgt	lo							; tank size <= max value?
	bra		gaslist_tank_size_1			; YES - new value can be used
	movlw	min_tank_size				; NO  - wrap-around to min value
	movwf	lo							;     - and write to lo
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back tank size to char_I_tank_size[WREG]

	global	gaslist_tank_pres
gaslist_tank_pres:						; adjust char_I_tank_pres_fill between 5(0) and 29(0) bar
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_tank_pres_fill	; load base address of char_I_tank_pres_fill
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read char_I_tank_pres_fill[WREG] into lo
	incf	lo,F						; increment fill press by by 1(0) bar
	movlw	max_fill_press				; load max. allowed value into WREG
	cpfsgt	lo							; press <= max value?
	bra		gaslist_tank_pres_1			; YES - new value can be used
	movlw	min_fill_press				; NO  - wrap-around to min value
	movwf	lo							;     - and write to lo
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back tank size to char_I_tank_pres_fill[WREG]

; Transmitter functions

 IFDEF _rx_functions

	global	gaslist_tank_id_pres
gaslist_tank_id_pres:					; dynamic title: shows ID and pressure from transmitter with ID opt_transmitter_id[gaslist_gas]
										;                When changing layout, adapt output position TFT_menu_tank_pres!
	STRCAT	"  ID: "					; print header
	; get ID							;
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_transmitter_id_1	; load base address of opt_transmitter_id
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	rlncf	WREG,W						; multiply by 2 because IDs are 2 byte in size
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; copy opt_transmitter_id+0[gaslist_gas] to lo
	incf	WREG,W						; increment index
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; copy opt_transmitter_id+1[gaslist_gas] to hi
	; check if a transmitter is paired to this tank
	tstfsz	hi							; high byte of ID <> 0 ?
	bra		gaslist_tank_id_pres_1		; YES - a transmitter is paired to the tank
	tstfsz	lo							; low  byte of ID <> 0 ?
	bra		gaslist_tank_id_pres_1		; YES - a transmitter is paired to the tank
	; no transmitter paired
	STRCAT	"----"						;
	bcf		menu_update_tank_pres		; stop imprinting of tank pressure updates
	; show ID
	movf	hi,W						; copy high byte of ID to WREG
	output_hex							; print it
	movf	lo,W						; copy low  byte of ID to WREG
	output_hex							; print it
	bsf		menu_update_tank_pres		; start imprinting of tank pressure updates

	global	gaslist_tank_pairing
	incf	pairing_slot,F				; goto next RX data slot
	btfsc	pairing_slot,3				; slot = 8?
	bra		gaslist_tank_pairing_none	; YES - offer unpairing
	movf	pairing_slot,W				; NO  - copy slot to WREG
	call	get_transmitter_id_by_slot	; WREG = slot (0-7) -> hi:lo = transmitter ID
	tstfsz	hi							; transmitter found (probe on high byte)?
	bra		gaslist_tank_pairing_common	; YES - select this transmitter
	tstfsz	hi							; transmitter found (probe on low byte)?
	bra		gaslist_tank_pairing_common	; YES - select this transmitter
	bra		gaslist_tank_pairing		; NO  - try next slot
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_transmitter_id_1	; load base address of opt_transmitter_id
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index into WREG (0-9)
	rlncf	WREG,W						; multiply by 2 because IDs are 2 byte in size
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; copy lo to opt_transmitter_id+0[gaslist_gas]
	incf	WREG,W						; increment index
	movff	hi,PLUSW1					; copy hi to opt_transmitter_id+1[gaslist_gas]
	return								; done
	setf	pairing_slot				; prime slot number with 255 aka -1
	clrf	hi							; adjust "no transmitter" ID
	clrf	lo							; adjust "no transmitter" ID
	bra		gaslist_tank_pairing_common	; continue with common part


; Increment/Decrement O2 ratio

	global	gaslist_pO2
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_He_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; read He ratio into hi
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read O2 ratio into lo

	incf	lo,F						; O2++
	movf	hi,W						; get He ratio into WREG
	addwf	lo,W						; add O2 ratio to WREG
	movwf	up							; move sum He + O2 to up
	movlw	.101						;
	cpfslt	up							; O2 + He < 101?
	decf	lo,F						; O2-- (revoke ++)
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back O2 ratio to opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]

	global	gaslist_mO2
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read O2 ratio into lo

	decf	lo,F						; O2--
	movlw	gaslist_min_o2				; get minimum allowed O2 ratio
	cpfslt	lo							; current O2 ratio below allowed minimum?
	bra		gaslist_mO2_1				; NO
	movwf	lo							; YES - copy minimum O2 ratio to lo
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back O2 ratio to opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]

; Increment/Decrement He ratio

	global	gaslist_pHe
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read O2 ratio into lo
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_He_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; read He ratio into hi

	incf	hi,F						; He++
	movf	hi,W						; get He ratio into WREG
	addwf	lo,W						; add O2 ratio to WREG
	movwf	up							; move sum He + O2 to up
	movlw	.101						;
	cpfslt	up							; O2 + He < 101?
	decf	hi,F						; He-- (revoke ++)
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	hi,PLUSW1					; write back He ratio to opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]

	global	gaslist_mHe
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_He_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,hi					; read He ratio into hi

	decf	hi,F						; He--
	bnn		gaslist_mHe_1				; He ratio negative?
	clrf	hi							; YES - set He ratio to 0
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	hi,PLUSW1					; write back He ratio to opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]

; Increment/Decrement switch depth

	global	gaslist_pDepth
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of opt_gas_change
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-4)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read switch depth into lo
	incf	lo,F						; increment switch depth
	movlw	gaslist_max_change_depth	; get max change depth
	cpfsgt	lo							; above max change depth?
	bra		gaslist_pDepth_1			; NO
	movwf	lo							; YES - revert to max change depth
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back switch depth

	global	gaslist_mDepth
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of opt_gas_change
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-4)
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read switch depth into lo
	decf	lo,F						; decrement switch depth
	btfsc	STATUS,N					; did depth became negative?
	clrf	lo							; YES - reset to zero
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back switch depth

	global	gaslist_spplus
	movf	gaslist_gas,W
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read setpoint
	movlw	gaslist_sp_stepsize
	addwf	lo,F
	movlw	gaslist_sp_max
	cpfsgt	lo
	bra		gaslist_spplus2
	movlw	gaslist_sp_min
	movwf	lo
	movf	gaslist_gas,W
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back setpoint

	global	gaslist_spdepthplus
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; get setpoint number (0-4)
	bz		gaslist_spdepthplus2		; setpoint number = 0? YES - force depth to always be 0m
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change	; load base address of char_I_setpoint_change
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read setpoint depth into lo
	incf	lo,F						; increment depth
	movlw	gaslist_max_change_depth	; get max. depth
	cpfsgt	lo							; switch depth > max. depth?
	bra		gaslist_spdepthplus_1		; NO
	movwf	lo							; YES - copy to lo
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; re-load index
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back setpoint depth

	global	gaslist_spdepthminus
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; get setpoint number (0-4)
	bz		gaslist_spdepthminus2		; setpoint number = 0? YES - force depth to always be 0m
	lfsr	FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change	; load base address of char_I_setpoint_change
	movff	PLUSW1,lo					; read setpoint depth into lo
	decf	lo,F						; decrement switch depth
	btfsc	STATUS,N					; did depth became negative?
	clrf	lo							; YES - reset to zero
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back setpoint depth

	movlw	.0
	movff	WREG,char_I_setpoint_change+0	; hard reset to 0m

; Compute MOD from char_I_ppO2_max/char_I_ppO2_max_deco and current O2 ratio
; Input:  gaslist_gas                   = current gas index.
;         opt_gas_O2_ratio[gaslist_gas] = current O2 ratio
; Output: WREG                          = MOD [m]
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0...9)
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movff	PLUSW1,xB+0					; read O2 ratio into xB+0
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; load base address of opt_gas_type
	movff	PLUSW1,xA+0					; read gas/dil type into xA+0 (used as temp here)
	movff	char_I_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; get max ppO2 for deco into xB+1 (used as temp here)
	movlw	.3							; type code for deco gases
	cpfseq	xA+0						; is it a deco gas?
	movff	char_I_ppO2_max,xB+1		; NO - overwrite ppO2 max with none-deco max
	movf	xB+1,W						; copy resulting ppO2 max into WREG
	clrf	xB+1						; clear xB+1 for div16x16 operation
	mullw	.10							; multiply ppO2 max value with 10
	movff	PRODL,xA+0					; copy result to xA
	movff	PRODH,xA+1
	call	div16x16					; xC = xA / xB with xA as remainder
	movf	xC+0,W						; copy result to WREG
	addlw	-.10						; subtract 10 cbar
	return								; return with final result in WREG


	global	gaslist_ppo2
	STRCAT_TEXT tppO2					; ppO2:
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of opt_gas_change
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movf	PLUSW1,W					; read change depth into WREG
	mullw	.10							; PROD = depth in mbar/10 (100 = 1.00 bar)
	movlw	.100						; add 1 bar
	addwf	PRODL,F
	movlw	.0
	addwfc	PRODH,F
	movff	PRODL,xA+0					; copy result to xA
	movff	PRODH,xA+1
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_O2_ratio
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movff	PLUSW1,xB+0					; read O2 ratio into xB+0
	clrf	xB+1						; clear xB+1
	call	mult16x16					; calculate char_I_O2_ratio * (p_amb/10)
	movff	xC+0,xA+0					; copy result to xA
	movff	xC+1,xA+1
	movlw	d'100'						; load 100 to xB
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16					; xC = xA / xB = (char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10)/100
	; check for very high ppO2
	tstfsz	xC+2						; xC+2 remains from mult16x16, xC+2 > 0 (-> ppO2 is > 6.55 bar) ?
	bra		gaslist_ppo2_1				; YES - display a fixed max value
	movff	xC+0,lo						; copy result to lo, hi
	movff	xC+1,hi
	bcf		ignore_digit4
	bsf		leftbind
	output_16dp d'3'					; print ppO2 as x.xx
	STRCAT_TEXT tbar					; print "bar"
	STRCAT	">6.6"

	global	gaslist_MOD_END
	STRCAT_TEXT tMOD					; print "MOD:"
	rcall	gaslist_calc_mod			; compute MOD into WREG
	movwf	lo							; copy result to lo
	call	gaslist_strcat_depth		; print depth in meters or feet as configured
	PUTC	"/"							; print "/"
	STRCAT_TEXT tEND					; print "END:"
	rcall	gaslist_calc_mod			; compute MOD into WREG
	addlw	.10							; compute MOD = MOD + 10m
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	movlw	d'100'
	movwf	xA+0
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; load base address of opt_gas_He_ratio
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0...9)
	movf	PLUSW1,W					; read He ration into WREG
	subwf	xA+0,F						; xA+0 = 100 - He ratio in %
	clrf	xA+1
	call	mult16x16					; xA*xB=xC
	movff	xC+0,xA+0
	movff	xC+1,xA+1
	movlw	d'100'
	movwf	xB+0
	clrf	xB+1
	call	div16x16					; xC = xA / xB with xA as remainder
	;									; xC:2 = ((MOD+10) * 100 - HE Value in %) / 100
	movlw	d'10'						; subtract 10 m
	subwf	xC+0,F						; ...
	movff	xC+0,lo						; copy result to lo
	bra		gaslist_strcat_depth		; print depth in meters or feet as configured and return

	global	gaslist_reset_mod_title
	STRCAT_TEXT tDepthReset
	rcall	gaslist_calc_mod			; compute MOD into WREG
	movwf	lo							; copy result to lo
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of opt_gas_change
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movf	PLUSW1,W					; read change depth into WREG
	cpfslt	lo							; change depth > MOD ?
	bra		gaslist_strcat_depth		; NO  - return
	call	TFT_warnings_color			; YES - use red color
	bra		gaslist_strcat_depth		;     - return

	global	gaslist_reset_mod
	rcall	gaslist_calc_mod			; compute MOD into WREG
	movwf	lo							; copy result to lo
	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_change			; load base address of opt_gas_change
	movf	gaslist_gas,W				; load index (0-9)
	movff	lo,PLUSW1					; write back new change depth
