line source
; File ostc3.asm
; Definition of the ostc3 dive computer platform.
; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
; 2011-05-24 : [jDG] Cleanups from initial Matthias code.
; 2011-06-24 : [MH] Added clock speeds.
#include ""
;----------------------------- CONFIG ---------------------------------
CONFIG RETEN = OFF ;Disabled - Controlled by SRETEN bit
CONFIG SOSCSEL = HIGH ;High Power SOSC circuit selected
CONFIG XINST = OFF ;Code won't excute in extended mode...
CONFIG FOSC = INTIO2 ;Internal RC oscillator, no clock-out
CONFIG PWRTEN = OFF ;Disabled, because incompatible with ICD3 (Ri-400)
CONFIG BOREN = ON ;Controlled with SBOREN bit
CONFIG BORPWR = MEDIUM ;BORMV set to medium power level
CONFIG WDTEN = ON ;WDT controlled by SWDTEN bit setting
CONFIG WDTPS = 128 ;1:128
CONFIG MCLRE = ON ;MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
CONFIG CCP2MX = PORTBE ;RE7-Microcontroller Mode/RB3-All other modes
boot CODE
global init_ostc3
banksel common ; Bank1
;init oscillator
movlw b'01110010'
movlw b'00001000'
movwf OSCCON2 ; Secondary Oscillator running
movlw b'00000000'
movwf OSCTUNE ; 4x PLL Disable (Bit6) - only works with 8 or 16MHz (=32 or 64MHz)
bcf RCON,SBOREN ; Bown-Out off
bcf RCON,IPEN ; Priority Interrupts off
clrf CM1CON ; Disable
banksel WDTCON
movlw b'10000000'
movwf WDTCON ; Setup Watchdog
; I/O Ports
banksel 0xF16 ; Addresses, F16h through F5Fh, are also used by SFRs, but are not part of the Access RAM.
clrf REFOCON ; No reference oscillator active on REFO pin
clrf ODCON1 ; Disable Open Drain capability
clrf ODCON2 ; Disable Open Drain capability
clrf ODCON3 ; Disable Open Drain capability
clrf CM2CON ; Disable
clrf CM3CON ; Disable
movlw b'11000000' ; ANSEL, AN7 and AN6 -> Analog inputs, PORTA is digital.
movwf ANCON0
movlw b'00000111' ; ANSEL, AN8, AN9, AN10 -> Analog in
movwf ANCON1
movlw b'00000010' ; ANSEL, AN17 -> Analog input
movwf ANCON2
banksel common
movlw b'00000000' ; 1= Input -> Data TFT_high
movwf TRISA
movlw b'00000000' ; Init port
movwf PORTA
movlw b'00000011' ; 1= Input, (RB0, RB1) -> Switches, RB2 -> Power_MCP, RB3 -> s8_npower, RB4 -> LED_green, RB5 -> /TFT_POWER
movwf TRISB
movlw b'00101000' ; Init port
movwf PORTB
movlw b'10011010' ; 1= Input, (RC0, RC1) -> SOSC, RC2 -> TFT_LED_PWM, (RC3,RC4) -> I²C, RC5 -> MOSI_MS5541, (RC6, RC7) -> UART1
movwf TRISC
movlw b'00000000' ; Init port
movwf PORTC
movlw b'00100000' ; 1= Input, RD0 -> TFT_NCS, RD1 -> TFT_RS, RD2 -> TFT_NWR, RD3 -> TFT_RD, RD4 -> MOSI_Flash, RD5 -> MISO_Flash, RD6 -> CLK_Flash, RD7 -> TFT_NRESET
movwf TRISD
movlw b'00000000' ; Init port
movwf PORTD
movlw b'00000000' ; 1= Input, RE1 -> Power_IR, RE2 -> CS_MCP, RE3 -> LED_blue, RE4 -> power_sw1, RE5 -> Set to 1 for cR hardware
movwf TRISE
movlw b'00110001' ; Init port
movwf PORTE
movlw b'01111110' ; 1= Input, (RF1, RF2, RF3, RF4, RF5) -> Analog
movwf TRISF
movlw b'00000000' ; Init port
movwf PORTF
movlw b'00001110' ; 1= Input, <7:6> not implemented, RG0 -> TX3_PIEZO_CFG, RG2 -> RX2, RG3 -> AN17_RSSI, RG4 -> SOSC_OUT, RG5 -> /RESET
movwf TRISG
movlw b'00000001' ; Init port
movwf PORTG
movlw b'00000000' ; 1= Input -> Data TFT_low
movwf TRISH
movlw b'00000000' ; Init port
movwf PORTH
movlw b'10011011' ; 1= Input, RJ4 -> vusb_in, RJ5 -> power_sw2, RJ6 -> CLK_MS5541, RJ7 -> MISO_MS5541
movwf TRISJ
movlw b'00100000' ; Init port
movwf PORTJ
; Timer 0
movlw b'00000001' ; Timer0 with 1:4 prescaler
; movlw b'00001000' ; Timer0 with 1:1 prescaler
movwf T0CON
; Timer 1 - Button hold-down timer
movlw b'10001100' ; 32768Hz clock source, 1:1 Prescaler -> ; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR1L:TMR1H
movwf T1CON
banksel 0xF16 ; Addresses, F16h through F5Fh, are also used by SFRs, but are not part of the Access RAM.
movlw 0x55
movwf EECON2
movlw 0xAA
movwf EECON2
bsf RTCCFG,RTCWREN ; Unlock sequence for RTCWREN
bsf RTCCFG,RTCEN ; Module enable
bsf RTCCFG,RTCOE ; Output enable
movlw b'00000100' ; 32768Hz SOCS on RTCC pin (PORTG,4) Bit7-5: Pullups for Port D, E and J
movwf PADCFG1
movlw b'11000100'
movwf ALRMCFG ; 1 second alarm
movlw d'1'
movwf ALRMRPT ; Alarm repeat counter
movlw 0x55
movwf EECON2
movlw 0xAA
movwf EECON2
bcf RTCCFG,RTCWREN ; Lock sequence for RTCWREN
banksel common
; A/D Converter
movlw b'00011000' ; power off ADC, select AN6
movwf ADCON0
movlw b'00100000' ; 2.048V Vref+
movwf ADCON1
movlw b'10001101' ; Right justified
movwf ADCON2
;init serial port1 (TRISC6/7)
movlw b'00001000' ; BRG16=1
movwf BAUDCON1
; movlw b'00100100' ; BRGH=1, SYNC=0
; movwf TXSTA1
movlw .34 ; SPBRGH:SPBRG = .34 : 114285 BAUD @ 16MHz (+0,79% Error to 115200 BAUD)
movwf SPBRG1 ; SPBRGH:SPBRG = .207 : 19230 BAUD @ 16MHz (-0,16% Error to 19200 BAUD)
clrf SPBRGH1 ;
; movlw b'10010000'
; movwf RCSTA1
clrf RCSTA1
clrf TXSTA1 ; UART disable
bcf PORTC,6 ; TX hard to GND
;init serial port2 (TRISG2)
banksel BAUDCON2
movlw b'00100000' ; BRG16=0 ; inverted for IR
movwf BAUDCON2
movlw b'00100000' ; BRGH=0, SYNC=0
movwf TXSTA2
movlw .102 ; SPBRGH:SPBRG = .102 : 2403 BAUD @ 16MHz
movwf SPBRG2
clrf SPBRGH2
movlw b'10010000'
movwf RCSTA2
banksel common
; Timer3 for IR-RX Timeout
clrf T3GCON ; Reset Timer3 Gate Control register
; movlw b'10001101' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, not synced
movlw b'10001001' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, synced
; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR3L:TMR3H
movwf T3CON
; SPI Module(s)
; SPI2: External Flash
movlw b'00110000'
movwf SSP2CON1
movlw b'00000000'
movwf SSP2STAT
; ->0,25MHz Bit clock @1MHz mode (Eco)
; -> 4MHz Bit clock @16MHz mode (Normal)
; -> 16MHz Bit clock @64MHz mode (Fastest)
; MSSP1 Module: I2C Master
movlw b'00101000' ; I2C Master Mode
movwf SSP1CON1
movlw b'00000000'
movwf SSP1CON2
movlw 0x27
movwf SSP1ADD ; 100kHz @ 16MHz Fosc
; PWM Module(s)
; PWM1 for LED dimming
movlw b'00001100'
movwf CCP1CON
movlw b'00000001'
movwf PSTR1CON ; Pulse steering disabled
movlw d'255'
movwf PR2 ; Period
; 255 is max brightness (300mW)
clrf CCPR1L ; Duty cycle
clrf CCPR1H ; Duty cycle
movwf T2CON
; Timer5 for ISR-independent wait routines
clrf T5GCON ; Reset Timer5 Gate Control register
; movlw b'10001101' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, not synced
movlw b'10001001' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, synced
; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
movwf T5CON
; Timer7 for 62,5ms Interrupt (Sensor states)
banksel 0xF16 ; Addresses, F16h through F5Fh, are also used by SFRs, but are not part of the Access RAM.
clrf T7GCON ; Reset Timer7 Gate Control register
; movlw b'10001101' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, not synced
movlw b'10001001' ; 1:1 Prescaler -> 2seconds@32768Hz, synced
movwf T7CON
clrf TMR7L
movlw .248
movwf TMR7H ; -> Rollover after 2048 cycles -> 62,5ms
banksel common
; Interrupts
movlw b'11010000'
movwf INTCON
movlw b'00001000' ; BIT7=1: Pullup for PORTB disabled
movwf INTCON2
movlw b'00000000'
movwf INTCON3
movlw b'00000001' ; Bit0: TMR1
movwf PIE1
movlw b'00000010' ; Bit1: TMR3
movwf PIE2
movlw b'00000000' ; Bit1: TMR5
movwf PIE5
movlw b'00100001' ; Bit0: RTCC, Bit5: UART2
movwf PIE3
movlw b'00001000' ; Bit3: TMR7
movwf PIE5
bsf power_sw1
btfss power_sw1
bra $-4
bsf power_sw2
btfss power_sw2
bra $-4
movlw d'2'
movwf speed_setting ; Normal
global speed_eco
movlw d'1'
movff WREG,speed_setting ; Bank-independent
; Done in ISR
global speed_normal
movlw d'2'
movff WREG,speed_setting ; Bank-independent
; Done in ISR
global speed_fastest
movlw d'3'
movff WREG,speed_setting ; Bank-independent
; Done in ISR