line source
; File start.asm
; Startup subroutines
; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
; 2011-08-06 : [mH] moving from OSTC code
#include "" ; Mandatory header
#include ""
#include ""
#include "shared_definitions.h" ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
extern init_ostc3
extern option_restore_all
; Reset vector: What to do on device wake-up and hard reset.
reset_v code 0x00000
; goto start
goto 0x1FF00 ; Bootloader
ORG 0x00004 ; Needed for second-level bootloader
goto start
boot CODE
global start
lfsr FSR0,0x000 ; Clear rambank 0-14
movlw 0x0F
cpfseq FSR0H ; Bank 14 done?
bra clear_rambank ; clear...
call init_ostc3
bsf no_sensor_int ; disable sensor interrupt
; Air pressure compensation after reset
call get_calibration_data ; Get calibration data from pressure sensor
banksel common ; get_calibration_data uses isr_backup
bcf no_sensor_int ; normal sensor interrupt mode
call TFT_DisplayOff ; display off
bsf LEDr ; Status LED
bcf pressure_refresh
; First pass will not have valid temperature!
btfss pressure_refresh ; Air pressure compensation
bra $-2
bcf LEDr
; Second pass
bcf pressure_refresh
btfss pressure_refresh ; Air pressure compensation
bra $-2
clrf rel_pressure+0
clrf rel_pressure+1
clrf surface_interval+0
clrf surface_interval+1
SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, last_surfpressure
movlw LOW max_surfpressure
movff WREG,sub_a+0 ; max. "allowed" airpressure in mbar
movlw HIGH max_surfpressure
movff WREG,sub_a+1 ; max. "allowed" airpressure in mbar
movff last_surfpressure+0,sub_b+0
movff last_surfpressure+1,sub_b+1
call subU16 ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
btfss neg_flag ; Is 1080mbar < amb_pressure ?
bra start_copy_pressure ; NO: current airpressure is lower then "allowed" airpressure, ok!
; not ok! Overwrite with max. "allowed" airpressure
movlw LOW max_surfpressure
movff WREG,last_surfpressure+0 ; max. "allowed" airpressure in mbar
movlw HIGH max_surfpressure
movff WREG,last_surfpressure+1 ; max. "allowed" airpressure in mbar
movff last_surfpressure+0,last_surfpressure_15min+0
movff last_surfpressure+1,last_surfpressure_15min+1
movff last_surfpressure+0,last_surfpressure_30min+0
movff last_surfpressure+1,last_surfpressure_30min+1 ; Rests all airpressure registers
; reset deco data for surface mode
movlw d'79'
movff WREG,char_I_N2_ratio ; 79% N2
SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; copy for deco routine
movff int_I_pres_respiration+0,int_I_pres_surface+0 ; copy for desat routine
movff int_I_pres_respiration+1,int_I_pres_surface+1
extern deco_reset
call deco_reset
call rtc_init ; init clock
movlw HIGH .512 ; =2
movwf EEADRH
read_int_eeprom .0
movlw 0xAA
cpfseq EEDATA ; =0xAA
bra no_deco_restore ; No
extern restore_decodata_from_eeprom
call restore_decodata_from_eeprom ; Reload deco data and date/time from eeprom
call deco_calc_desaturation_time ; calculate desaturation time
banksel common
call deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min ; calculate deco in surface mode
banksel common
bcf menubit ; clear menu flag
; Check for Power-on reset here
extern new_battery_menu,use_old_batteries
; *****************************************************************************
; "new_battery_menu" and "use_old_batteries" 'goto' back to "power_on_return"
; *****************************************************************************
btfsc RCON,POR ; Was this a power-on reset?
goto use_old_batteries ; No, load last stored battery values
call lt2942_get_status ; Check for gauge IC
btfsc rechargeable ; cR hardware?
goto use_old_batteries ; Yes, load last stored battery values
; No, cR and we have a power-on reset
goto new_battery_menu ; show "New battery dialog"
global power_on_return
bsf RCON,POR ; Set bit for next detection
; check firmware and reset Custom Functions after an update
movlw d'1'
movwf EEADR
movlw d'1'
movwf EEADRH
call read_eeprom ; read current version x
movff EEDATA,temp1
incf EEADR,F ; set to 0x102
call read_eeprom ; read current version y
movff EEDATA,temp2
clrf EEADRH ; Reset EEADRH
movlw softwareversion_x
cpfseq temp1 ; compare version x
bra check_firmware_new ; is not equal -> reset CF and store new version in EEPROM
movlw softwareversion_y
cpfseq temp2 ; compare version y
bra check_firmware_new ; is not equal -> reset CF and store new version in EEPROM
bra restart ; x and y are equal -> do not reset cf
call TFT_boot ; Initialize TFT (includes clear screen)
clrf CCPR1L ; Backlight off
movlw LOW 0x1E000
movlw HIGH 0x1E000
movlw UPPER 0x1E000
extern color_image
call color_image ; Show logo
call TFT_standard_color
WIN_SMALL .10,.100
STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tNewFirmware1 ; "Update successfull!"
WIN_SMALL .10,.140
STRCPY_TEXT tNewFirmware2 ; "New Firmware: "
movlw softwareversion_x
movwf lo
bsf leftbind
PUTC "."
movlw softwareversion_y
movwf lo
bcf leftbind
STRCAT_PRINT "" ; Print second row
call TFT_Display_FadeIn ; Display resulting surface screen.
; place "after-update reset" here...
extern oPressureAdjust, option_reset, option_save
lfsr FSR0,oPressureAdjust
call option_reset ; Reset FSR0 option to factory default.
lfsr FSR0,oPressureAdjust
call option_save ; Save in EEPROM
movlw d'1' ; store current version in EEPROM
movwf EEADR
movlw d'1'
movwf EEADRH
movlw softwareversion_x
movwf EEDATA
call write_eeprom ; write version x
incf EEADR,F ; set to 0x102
movlw softwareversion_y
movwf EEDATA
call write_eeprom ; write version y
clrf EEADRH ; Reset EEADRH
movlw .7
movwf lo
; Wait 1 second
bcf onesecupdate
btfss onesecupdate
bra $-2
decfsz lo,F ; Wait 10 seconds...
bra check_firmware_new2
global restart
clrf STKPTR ; Never return from here
extern option_save_all, option_check_all
btfsc menubit ; Return from Menu/COMM mode or timeout?
call option_save_all ; Yes, save all settings into EEPROM
call option_restore_all ; Restore everything from EEPROM
call option_check_all ; Check all options (and reset if not within their min/max boundaries)
call option_save_all ; Save all settings into EEPROM after they have been checked
clrf flag1 ; clear all flags
clrf flag2
clrf flag3
clrf flag4
clrf flag5
clrf flag6
clrf flag7
clrf flag8
clrf flag9
clrf flag10
clrf hardware_flag ; hardware descriptor flag
bsf tft_is_dimming ; TFT is dimming up (soon), ignore ambient sensor!
; configure hardware_flag byte
bsf ambient_sensor ; Clear flag
bsf optical_input ; Clear flag
call lt2942_get_status ; Check for gauge IC
btfss rechargeable ; cR hardware?
bra restart2 ; No
call lt2942_init ; Yes, init battery gauge IC
bcf ambient_sensor ; Clear flag
bcf optical_input ; Clear flag
btfsc vusb_in
bra restart3 ; USB (and powered on)
bcf PORTE,0 ; Start comms
btfss vusb_in
bra restart3 ; USB (and powered off)
bsf ble_available ; ble available
bsf PORTE,0 ; Stop comms
btfsc ble_available ; ble available?
bra restart4 ; Yes, can't be a cR
btfss rechargeable ; Rechargeable
bra restart4 ; No, can't be a cR
bsf analog_o2_input ; Set flag for analog
; The hardware_flag is now:
; 3: 0x0A
; cR: 0x05
; 2 with BLE: 0x11
; 3 with BLE: 0x1A
; Select high altitude (Fly) mode?
movff last_surfpressure_30min+0,sub_b+0
movff last_surfpressure_30min+1,sub_b+1
movlw HIGH high_altitude_threshold
movwf sub_a+1
movlw LOW high_altitude_threshold ; Hard-wired 880mbar
movwf sub_a+0
call subU16 ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
btfss neg_flag ; Result negative (Ambient>880mbar)?
bsf high_altitude_mode ; No, Set Flag!
btfss analog_o2_input
bsf TRISB,3
btfss rechargeable
bsf TRISG,0
call ext_flash_disable_protection ; Disable write protection for external flash
bsf flip_screen ; Flip 180°
TSTOSS opt_flip_screen ; =1: Flip the screen
bcf flip_screen ; Normal orientation
goto surfloop ; Jump to Surfaceloop!
; Setup all flags and parameters for divemode and simulator computations.
global restart_set_modes_and_flags
restart_set_modes_and_flags: ; "Call"ed from divemode, as well!
call option_restore_all ; Restore everything from EEPROM
; Setup sampling rate
movlw .2
movwf samplingrate
TSTOSS opt_sampling_rate ; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
bra restart_set_modes_and_flags1
movlw .10
movwf samplingrate
movff opt_dive_mode,lo ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea
bcf FLAG_apnoe_mode
bcf FLAG_ccr_mode ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
bcf FLAG_gauge_mode ; =1: In Gauge mode
call disable_ir_s8 ; IR off
tstfsz lo
bra restart_set_modes_and_flags2
; OC Mode
decfsz lo,F
bra restart_set_modes_and_flags3
; CC Mode
bsf FLAG_ccr_mode ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
call enable_ir_s8 ; Enable IR/S8-Port
decfsz lo,F
bra restart_set_modes_and_flags4
; Gauge Mode
bsf FLAG_gauge_mode ; =1: In Gauge mode
; Apnea Mode
bsf FLAG_apnoe_mode
return ; start in Surfacemode