line source
; File mcp.asm
; Basic routines for RX circuity
; Copyright (c) 2012, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
; 2012-08-12 : [mH] Creation
#include ""
#include ""
mcp_writebyte_1st macro char
movlw char
rcall mcp_write_one_byte
mcp_writebyte_2nd macro char
movlw char
rcall mcp_write_one_byte2
; Writes mcp_temp+0 to config reg
mcp_write_config macro char
movlw char
rcall mcp_write_config_reg
mcp code
movwf mcp_temp+0 ; save one byte
bcf TRISG,0 ; CLK output
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bsf mcp_ncs ; cs=1
bcf mcp_ncs ; cs=0
bcf TRISB,3 ; mcp_lf_data output
movlw .8
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
btfss mcp_temp+0,7
bcf mcp_lf_data
btfsc mcp_temp+0,7
bsf mcp_lf_data
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
rlncf mcp_temp+0,F ; shift byte left no carry
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 8Bit done?
bra mcp_write_one_byte_loop ; Not yet...
movwf mcp_temp+0 ; save one byte
movlw .8
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
btfss mcp_temp+0,7
bcf mcp_lf_data
btfsc mcp_temp+0,7
bsf mcp_lf_data
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
rlncf mcp_temp+0,F ; shift byte left no carry
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 8Bit done?
bra mcp_write_one_byte_loop2; Not yet...
bsf TRISB,3 ; mcp_lf_data input again
bsf mcp_ncs ; cs=1
bsf TRISG,0 ; CLK input
bcf TRISG,0 ; CLK output
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bcf mcp_ncs ; cs=0
movlw .7
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 7 Bit done?
bra mcp_readloop ; Not yet...
movlw .8
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
btfss mcp_lf_data
bcf mcp_temp+0,7
btfsc mcp_lf_data
bsf mcp_temp+0,7
rlncf mcp_temp+0 ; MSB first
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 8 Bit done?
bra mcp_readloop2 ; Not yet...
; Dummy clk for parity bit
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bsf mcp_ncs ; cs=1
bsf TRISG,0 ; CLK input
mcp_write_config_reg: ; Writes mcp_temp+0 to config #WREG
movwf mcp_temp+2 ; Save config#
bcf TRISG,0 ; CLK output
clrf mcp_temp+3 ; for parity
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bsf mcp_ncs ; cs=1
bcf mcp_ncs ; cs=0
bcf TRISB,3 ; mcp_lf_data output
bsf mcp_lf_data
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0 ; Write command done.
; Now, 4Bit register address
movlw .4
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
btfss mcp_temp+2,3
bcf mcp_lf_data
btfsc mcp_temp+2,3
bsf mcp_lf_data
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
rlncf mcp_temp+2,F ; shift byte left no carry
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 4Bit done?
bra mcp_write_config_reg1 ; Not yet...
; 8Bit data
movlw .8
movwf mcp_temp+1 ; Bit counter
btfss mcp_temp+0,7
bcf mcp_lf_data
btfsc mcp_temp+0,7
bsf mcp_lf_data
btfsc mcp_temp+0,7
incf mcp_temp+3,F ; count 1's...
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
rlncf mcp_temp+0,F ; shift byte left no carry
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0
decfsz mcp_temp+1,F ; 8Bit done?
bra mcp_write_config_reg2 ; Not yet...
; 1bit parity
btfss mcp_temp+3,0
bsf mcp_lf_data ; Set row parity bit
btfsc mcp_temp+3,0
bcf mcp_lf_data ; clear row parity bit
bsf mcp_clk ; clk=1
bcf mcp_clk ; clk=0 ; Parity bit done.
bsf TRISB,3 ; mcp_lf_data input again
bsf mcp_ncs ; cs=1
bsf TRISG,0 ; CLK input
global mcp_reset
mcp_reset: ; reset RX chip# (Normal mode)
; Make sure row parity bit is correct
; yyyaaaa01234567P
; yyy: Command
; aaaa: Address
; 0-7: Data
; P: Parity bit. Set/Clear that 0-7+P are odd number of ones
; Current config:
banksel buffer
movlw b'10100100' ; Config0: LCZ disabled, Wakeup => High = 2ms, Low = 2ms
movwf buffer+0
movlw b'00000000' ; Config1: +20pF LCX Normal mode
; movlw b'01000000' ; Config1: +20pF LCX carrier out mode
movwf buffer+1
movlw b'00000000' ; Config2: +25pF LCY
movwf buffer+2
movlw b'00000000' ; Config3
movwf buffer+3
movlw b'00000000' ; Config4
movwf buffer+4
; movlw b'00001111' ; Config5 33%
; movlw b'00101111' ; Config5 14%
movlw b'10011111' ; Config5 60%
movwf buffer+5
bra mcp_reset_common
global mcp_reset_rssi
mcp_reset_rssi: ; reset RX chip# for RSSI mode
; Make sure row parity bit is correct
; yyyaaaa01234567P
; yyy: Command
; aaaa: Address
; 0-7: Data
; P: Parity bit. Set/Clear that 0-7+P are odd number of ones
; Current config:
banksel buffer
movlw b'10101000' ; Config0: LCZ disabled, Wakeup => High = 2ms, Low = 2ms
movwf buffer+0
movlw b'10000000' ; Config1: +20pF LCX and RSSI Mode
movwf buffer+1
movlw b'00000000' ; Config2: +25pF LCY
movwf buffer+2
movlw b'00000000' ; Config3
movwf buffer+3
movlw b'00000000' ; Config4
movwf buffer+4
movlw b'11010000' ; Config5 60%
movwf buffer+5
banksel TRISB
bcf TRISB,2
bcf mcp_ncs ; CS=1
bsf mcp_power ; Power-up
btfss mcp_power
bra mcp_reset_common
; Compute column parity byte
banksel buffer
movf buffer+0,W
xorwf buffer+1,W
xorwf buffer+2,W
xorwf buffer+3,W
xorwf buffer+4,W
xorwf buffer+5,W
xorlw 0xFF
movwf buffer+6 ; <- Column parity byte
banksel mcp_temp+0
mcp_writebyte_1st b'10100000' ; Reset Command
mcp_writebyte_2nd b'00000000' ; Dummy byte
mcp_writebyte_1st b'00100000' ; Clamp off
mcp_writebyte_2nd b'00000000' ; Dummy byte
movff buffer+0,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .0
movff buffer+1,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .1
movff buffer+2,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .2
movff buffer+3,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .3
movff buffer+4,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .4
movff buffer+5,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte
mcp_write_config .5
movff buffer+6,mcp_temp+0 ; Data byte (Column parity byte)
mcp_write_config .6
; mcp_writebyte_1st b'11000000' ; Read from Config0
; mcp_writebyte_2nd b'00000000' ; Dummy clks + Odd Parity Bit (Bit0)
; call mcp_readbyte ; read into mcp_temp+0