view src/ @ 179:070eb90dde99

1.54 beta start
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 07 Oct 2014 14:21:46 +0200 (2014-10-07)
parents 2f1f3da0ae98
children abc429e8b46a
line wrap: on
line source
;   File ostc3.asm
;   OSTC3 Platform definitions
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;   2011-05-24 : [jDG] Cleanups from initial Matthias code.


        LIST      P=18F87K22	; change also: Configure->SelectDevice from Mplab


#include <>
#include <>                        ; Portmap

#DEFINE	softwareversion_x		d'1'		; Software version  XX.YY
#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'55'		; Software version  XX.YY
#DEFINE softwareversion_beta 	1 			; (and 0 for release)

#DEFINE comm_service_key        0xABCDEF


#DEFINE	CCP1CON_VALUE		b'00001100'		; PWM1 for LED dimming
#DEFINE T2CON_ECO           b'00000100'		; 1:1 Postscaler, 1:1 Prescaler, Timer 2 start -> 980Hz (Good compromise of no-flicker and efficiency)
#DEFINE T2CON_NORMAL        b'00001110'
#DEFINE T2CON_FASTEST       b'00001110'		; 1:2 Postscaler, 1:16 Prescaler, Timer 2 start -> 1960Hz (no-flicker)

#DEFINE TMR0H_VALUE         .245             ; RX Timeout (~3ms)

; Timing for button hold-down flags
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_FIRST        .255-.128  ; in steps of 7,8125ms -> 1s
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_CONT         .255-.32   ; in steps of 7,8125ms -> 0.25s
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_CONT_DIVE    .255-.64   ; in steps of 7,8125ms -> 0.5s

; Color Definitions: 8Bit RGB b'RRRGGGBB'
#DEFINE	color_red	    	b'11100000'     ; (7,0,0)
#DEFINE	color_dark_red	    b'10000101'     ; (4,1,1)
#DEFINE	color_violet    	b'11101011'     ; (7,2,3)
#DEFINE	color_blue		    b'11000111'     ; (6,1,3)
#DEFINE	color_green	        b'00011100'     ; (0,7,0)
#DEFINE	color_greenish      b'00111110'     ; (1,7,2)
#DEFINE color_dark_green    b'00111001'     ; (1,6,1)
#DEFINE	color_yellow 	    b'11111101'     ; (7,7,1)
#DEFINE	color_white         b'11111111'     ; (7,7,3)
#DEFINE	color_black         b'00000000'     ; (0,0,0)
#DEFINE	color_deepblue      b'00000010'     ; (0,0,2)
#DEFINE	color_grey	        b'11011111'     ; (6,7,3)
#DEFINE	color_cyan	        b'11011111'     ; (6,7,3)
#DEFINE	color_lightblue     b'11011011'     ; (6,7,3)
#DEFINE color_orange        b'11111000'     ; (7,6,0)
#DEFINE color_pink          b'11111010'     ; (7,6,2)

#DEFINE	FT_TINY             .0
#DEFINE	FT_SMALL            .1
#DEFINE	FT_MEDIUM           .2
#DEFINE	FT_LARGE            .3

#DEFINE	warn_depth          .1
#DEFINE	warn_cns            .2
#DEFINE	warn_gf             .3
#DEFINE	warn_ppo2           .4
#DEFINE warn_velocity       .5
#DEFINE warn_ceiling        .6
#DEFINE	warn_gas_in_gaslist	.7
#DEFINE	warn_ppo2_hud       .8
#DEFINE warn_battery        .9

; External O2 cell input parameters
#DEFINE	min_mv				.80			; = 8mV
#DEFINE max_mv              .2500       ; = 250mV

; Profile recording parameters
#DEFINE	logbook_profile_version	0x23
#DEFINE	samplingrate_apnoe	.1	; [seconds]
; Warning: Divisors must be <.16 !
#DEFINE	div_temperature		.6	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE	div_deco			.6	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE	div_gf				.12	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE	div_ppo2_sensors    .2	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE	div_decoplan		.12	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE div_cns				.12	; x samplingrate [s]
#DEFINE div_tank			.0	; x samplingrate [s]
; Warning: Information lengths must be <.16 !
#DEFINE infolength_temperature  .2  ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_deco         .2  ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_gf           .1  ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_ppo2_sensors .9  ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_decoplan     .15 ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_cns          .2  ; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_tank         .0  ; [byte]

; "Better Gas" behavior
; better_gas_window <= minimum_change_depth !
; minimum_change_depth >=5 !
#DEFINE	minimum_change_depth	.3 			; [m]
#DEFINE	better_gas_window_neg   .3			; [m] (Depth above change depth)
#DEFINE	better_gas_window_pos   .1			; [m] (Depth below change depth, if ppO2<opt_ppO2_max)

; Dive mode limits and thresholds
#DEFINE	start_dive_threshold 	.100	; [cm]
#DEFINE	high_altitude_dive_threshold .300;[cm]
#DEFINE	apnoe_timeout			.15 	; [min]
#DEFINE divemode_menuview_timeout   .10 ; [s]
#DEFINE	divemode_timeout		.300	; [s]
#DEFINE	divemode_menu_timeout	.30		; [s]
#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low		.19     ; [cbar] (Default value)
#DEFINE ppo2_lowest_setting     .16     ; [cbar] (Minimum value)
#DEFINE	ppo2_display_high		.120	; [cbar]
#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_high		.160    ; [cbar] (Default value)
#DEFINE ppo2_highest_setting    .160    ; [cbar] (Max. Value)
#DEFINE	cns_display_high		.70		; [%]
#DEFINE	cns_warning_high		.100    ; [%]
#DEFINE	gf_display_high     	.75		; [%]
#DEFINE	gf_warning_high         .100    ; [%]
#DEFINE	depth_warn_mbar 		.13000	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	wake_up_from_sleep		.1160	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	gf_display_threshold	.20		; [%]
#DEFINE simulator_timeout       .15     ; [s]

; Surface mode limits and thresholds
#DEFINE	cns_display_surface_high .70	; [%]
#DEFINE	high_altitude_threshold	 .880	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	max_surfpressure		 .1080	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	timeout_surfacemode		 .90	; [s]

; Decomodel paramters
#DEFINE no_fly_time_ratio		.60		; [%]
#DEFINE	deco_distance			.10		; [dm]

; Safety stop parameters
#DEFINE	safety_stop_length		.180	; [s]
#DEFINE	safety_stop_start		.510	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	safety_stop_end			.290	; [mbar]
#DEFINE	safety_stop_reset		.1010	; [mbar]

; Color-code parameters for the divemode
#DEFINE	color_code_cns_high		.100	; [%]
#DEFINE	color_code_gf_warn_high .101	; [%]
#DEFINE	color_code_velocity_warn_high .10;[m/min]

; Velocity threshold
#DEFINE	velocity_warning_level_1	.7	; [m/min]

; Battery thresholds
#DEFINE lithium_36v_empty       .2400   ; [mV] Saft 3,6V LS14500 AA - threshold for battery percent display
#DEFINE	lithium_36v_low			.2000	; [mV] (Must be bigger then aa_15v_high!)
#DEFINE	aa_15v_high				.1550	; [mV] Energizer 1,5V E2 AA
#DEFINE	aa_15v_low				.1100	; [mV] According to Energizer Datasheet EBC-4201R, Page 2
#DEFINE color_code_battery_low  .10     ; [%]
#DEFINE battery_show_level      .24     ; [%]

; 3,6V battery sensing data points at 70mA load
#DEFINE lithium_36v_75          .3000   ; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_50          .2900   ; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_25          .2600   ; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_10          .2500   ; [mV]

#DEFINE	current_sleepmode           .10
#DEFINE	current_backlight_multi     .115    ; *CCPR1L+current_backlight_offset
#DEFINE	current_backlight_offset    .216
#DEFINE	current_speed_eco           .1914
#DEFINE	current_speed_normal        .4027
#DEFINE	current_speed_fastest       .5050
#DEFINE current_ir_reciever         .139
#DEFINE current_compass             .28

; Brightness thresholds (between zero (off) and 255 (max. power))
#DEFINE	ambient_light_max_high_36V	.175
#DEFINE	ambient_light_max_high_c3  	.240
#DEFINE	ambient_light_max_high_15V  .150
#DEFINE	ambient_light_min_high		.40
#DEFINE	ambient_light_max_medium 	.135
#DEFINE	ambient_light_min_medium 	.30
#DEFINE	ambient_light_max_eco		.90
#DEFINE	ambient_light_min_eco		.15         ; Must be the lowest value!

; IR Link timeout
#DEFINE ir_timeout_value            .64         ; multiples of 62,5ms

; Gaslist hard-coded limits
#DEFINE gaslist_min_o2              .7          ; Minimum O2 [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_change_depth    .100        ; Max. change depth [m]
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_stepsize         .10         ; Steps for Setpoint Setup [cbar]
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_max              .160        ; Max. Setpoint [cbar]
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_min              .50         ; Min. Setpoint [cbar]

; Compass display
#DEFINE compass_fast_treshold       .9         ; show new heading instantly if new and old > compass_fast_treshold

;---------------------------- Macros ------------------------------------

TSTOSS  macro opt_reg           ; TeST Option Skip if not Zero
    movff   opt_reg,WREG
    tstfsz  WREG,A
    bra     $+4

;---------------------------- Bank0 DATA ------------------------------------
isr_backup  equ		    0x60
isr_backup  udata_ovr   isr_backup    ; Reserved space for interupt data

;---- Backup for general registers
isr_prod    res 2

;---- MS5541 subroutines
amb_pressure	res	2
temperature		res	2

W1              res 2           ; Raw (packed) calibration data
W2              res 2
W3              res 2
W4              res 2	        ; 100
C1              res 2           ; Decoded calibration data
C2              res 2
C3              res 2
C4              res 2           ; Here: C4-250
C5              res 2           ; Here: Reference Temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
C6              res 2
D1              res 2           ; raw pressure
D2              res 2           ; raw temperature
xdT				res	2
xdT2			res	2
OFF				res	2
SENS			res	2
dLSB            res 1           ;Pressure sensor interface 
dMSB            res 1
clock_count     res 1
sensor_state_counter res 1		; counts to eight for state maschine
amb_pressure_avg res 2
temperature_avg	res	2
minimum_temperature	res 2		; minimum temperature
last_temperature	res 2
last_pressure	res 2
last_pressure_velocity	res 2   ; For velocity
last_surfpressure res 2
last_surfpressure_15min res 2
last_surfpressure_30min res 2
rel_pressure	res 2
sim_pressure	res 2   ; hold simulated pressure in mbar if in Simulator mode
max_pressure	res 2
avr_rel_pressure	res 2
avr_rel_pressure_total res 2
;---- Data for ISR math subroutines
isr_xC          res 4
isr_xA          res 2
isr_xB          res 2

;---- Data for ISR routines
isr1_temp       res 1           ; ISR temp variable, used in ms5541.asm, isr_rtcc, isr_battery_gauge
isr2_temp       res 1           ; ISR temp variable, used isr_battery_gauge

;---- Display brightness
max_CCPR1L		res	1			; Max. brightness value for CCPR1L

; Battery gauge (nAs, nC)
battery_gauge	res	6			; 48Bit -> 78Ah max...

; IR-Link
ir_buffer           res .18
ir_counter          res 1
ir_timeout          res 1       ; Timeout for valid data

; Compass raw data
compass_DX          res 2
compass_DY          res 2
compass_DZ          res 2

accel_DX            res 2
accel_DY            res 2
accel_DZ            res 2

; Compass FILTERED data
compass_DX_f        res 2
compass_DY_f        res 2
compass_DZ_f        res 2

accel_DX_f          res 2
accel_DY_f          res 2
accel_DZ_f          res 2

; Compass calibration data
compass_CX_f        res 2
compass_CY_f        res 2
compass_CZ_f        res 2

; Compass more data
compass_heading     res 2       ; Corrected heading (in 1°) : -180 .. 180
compass_heading_old res 2       ; Old heading (For smoother display)
compass_heading_shown res 2     ; Displayed heading
compass_roll        res 2       ; Rotation around the X axis
compass_pitch       res 2       ; Rotation arounf the Y axis

compass_a           res 2       ; Tmp data for Q15 arithmetics
compass_b           res 2
compass_r           res 3

CNS_start           res 2       ; CNS value at beginning of dive
GF_start            res 1       ; GF value at beginning of dive

;---------------------------- Common DATA ------------------------------------

common          equ         0x100       ; Alias for "banksel common"
common          udata_ovr   common      ; Bank1 general variables

;---- Time and Date
secs         	   		res 1           
mins            		res 1
hours           		res 1
day             		res 1
month           		res 1
year            		res 1
surface_interval		res 2

flag1            		res 1
flag2           		res 1
flag3           		res 1
flag4           		res 1
flag5           		res 1
flag6           		res 1
flag7           		res 1
flag8           		res 1
flag9           		res 1
flag10           		res 1

temp1			res 1
temp2			res 1

;---- Interface to wait macros
wait_temp       res 1
waitms_temp     res 1

;---- Interface to graphic subroutines (aa_wordprocessor, color_processor, ...)
win_leftx2      res 1
win_top         res 1
win_width       res 2
win_height      res 1
win_bargraph    res 1
win_color1      res 1
win_color2      res 1
win_font        res 1
win_invert      res 1

;---- Draw subroutines
tft_temp4       res 1
tft_temp3       res 1
tft_temp2       res 1
tft_temp1       res 1

;---- data conversion subroutines
lo              res 1
hi              res 1
up				res 1

;---- RS232 temp variables
uart1_temp      res 1
uart2_temp      res 1

;---- Data for math subroutines
divA            res 2
divB            res 1
xC              res 4
xA              res 2
xB              res 2
sub_c           res 2
sub_a           res 2
sub_b           res 2

;---- Data for conversion subroutines
cvt_flags       res 1
ignore_digits   res 1

#define leftbind            cvt_flags,0
#define ignore_digit3       cvt_flags,1
#define ignore_digit4       cvt_flags,2
#define ignore_digit5       cvt_flags,3
#DEFINE enable_screen_dumps cvt_flags,4 ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)

;---- Misc.
speed_setting        	res 1           ; =1: Eco, =2: Normal, =3: Fastest
nofly_time              res 2   		; No Fly time in Minutes (Calculated after Dive)
timeout_counter 		res 1
timeout_counter2		res 1
timeout_counter3		res 1
batt_voltage			res 2			; Battery voltage in mV
batt_percent            res 1           ; Battery in percent (1-100)
ambient_light			res 2			; ambient_light level
lo_temp					res 1
hi_temp					res 1
desaturation_time		res 2  
convert_value_temp      res 3           ; used in menu_battery_state_convert_date
active_gas				res 1
active_diluent          res 1           ; As a backup when switching back from Bailout to CCR
decoplan_page			res 1
warning_counter			res 1			; Counts amount of warning in divemode
warning_counter_backup	res 1			; Backup of warning_counter
warning_page            res 1           ; current # of warning page

; Remind history for menu processor (and such):
menustack               res 5           ; menu stack
menupos					res 1           ; Logbook and divemode menu
menupos2				res 1           ; For dive mode simulator and pre-menu
menupos3				res 1           ; For Customviews
menupos4				res 1           ; For divemode menu

; Apnoe stuff that must be in bank common
apnoe_mins				res 1
apnoe_secs				res 1
apnoe_max_pressure		res 2

; Divemode
divemins				res 2
divesecs				res 1
samplingrate            res 1
samplesecs_value		res 1
divisor_temperature		res 1
divisor_deco			res 1
divisor_gf				res 1
divisor_ppo2_sensors	res 1
divisor_decoplan		res 1
divisor_cns				res 1
divisor_tank            res 1
average_depth_hold      res 4
average_depth_hold_total res 4
total_divetime_seconds	res 2
average_divesecs        res 2   ; For the resettable stopwatch
decodata				res 2
apnoe_timeout_counter 	res 1
apnoe_surface_mins 		res 1
apnoe_surface_secs		res 1
tft_gaslist_temp        res 1

; Profile storing
AlarmType			res 1
samplesecs			res 1
EventByte			res 1
EventByte2			res 1
ProfileFlagByte		res 1

; External flash
ext_flash_address		res 3	; 24bit Address
ext_flash_log_pointer	res 3	; 24bit Address for logbook profile storing
ext_flash_dive_counter  res 3   ; 24bit Counter for dive length (increased in write_byte_ext_flash_plus)

; I2C
i2c_temp            res 2       ; Temp

; O2 Sensor data
o2_mv_sensor1       res 2       ; in 0.1mV steps
o2_mv_sensor2       res 2       ; in 0.1mV steps
o2_mv_sensor3       res 2       ; in 0.1mV steps
o2_ppo2_sensor1     res 1       ; Sensor1 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
o2_ppo2_sensor2     res 1       ; Sensor2 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
o2_ppo2_sensor3     res 1       ; Sensor3 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
hud_battery_mv      res 2
hud_status_byte     res 1
;Status Byte/
#DEFINE hud_connection_ok       hud_status_byte,0	;Bit0 = 1 -> HUD connection ok
;Bit1 = 1 -> HUD is calibrated
;Bit2 = 1 -> HUD Battery is low (<3000mV)
#DEFINE	sensor1_active          hud_status_byte,3	;=1: Sensor1 is active
#DEFINE	sensor2_active          hud_status_byte,4   ;=1: Sensor2 is active
#DEFINE	sensor3_active          hud_status_byte,5   ;=1: Sensor3 is active
;Bit6 unused in stand-alone HUD
;Bit7 unused in stand-alone HUD

sensor_setpoint     res 1       ; sensor ppo2 in 0.01bar for deco routine

better_gas_number	res 1       ; number (1-5) of the "better gas" in divemode, =0: no better gas available
customview_divemode res 1       ; keeps last custom view
customview_surfmode res 1
safety_stop_countdown	res 1	; counts seconds of safety stop

;---------------------------- TMP DATA ---------------------------------------
; Space for various overlayed data from color, word, menu processors, etc.

tmp             udata_ovr   0x1A0       ; Bank1 shared TMP space
tmp             equ         0x1A0       ; Alias for CBLOCK directive.
                res         0x060       ; RESERVED area.

; Reserve BANK2 for general purpose buffer (strings, images, etc).
; NOTE: Needs to be aligned with a bank (LOW(buffer)==0).
buffer          udata_ovr   0x200
buffer          res .256

opt_table       equ         0xE00
opt_table       udata_ovr   opt_table

;---- Dive Options
opt_gas_O2_ratio        res 5   ; Needed because deco gaslist use N2
opt_dil_O2_ratio        res 5   ; Must be in line with opt_gas_O2_ratio
opt_gas_He_ratio        res 5   ; He ratio Gas1-5
opt_dil_He_ratio        res 5   ; Must be in line with opt_gas_He_ratio
opt_gas_type            res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
opt_dil_type            res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
opt_dive_mode           res 1   ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea
opt_ppO2_max            res 1   ; PPO2 Max for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode
opt_ccr_mode            res 1   ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor
opt_ppO2_min            res 1   ; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding in divemode
opt_OC_bail_gas_change  res 5   ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
;---- Managing Settings

opt_brightness          res 1   ; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
opt_salinity            res 1	; 0-5%
#DEFINE opt_name_length    .60  ; Custom text string 5 rows with 12 chars
opt_name                res opt_name_length
opt_language            res 1   ; Current language. 0=EN, 1=DE, 2=FR, 3=SP
opt_units               res 1   ; 0:m/°C, 1:ft/°F
opt_dateformat			res	1	; =0:MMDDYY, =1:DDMMYY, =2:YYMMDD
opt_last_stop           res 1   ; =3:3m, =4:4m, =5:5m, =6:6m
opt_aGF_high            res 1   ; Alternative GF HIGH
opt_aGF_low             res 1   ; Alternative GF LOW
opt_GF_high             res 1   ; GF HIGH
opt_GF_low              res 1   ; GF LOW
opt_enable_aGF          res 1   ; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
opt_compass_gain        res 1   ; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gaus)
opt_sampling_rate       res 1   ; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
opt_dive_color_scheme   res 1   ; 0-3
opt_pressure_adjust     res 1   ; SIGNED int (two's complement), -20/+20mbar max.
opt_enable_safetystop   res 1   ; =1: A safety stop is shown
opt_calibration_O2_ratio    res 1   ; %O2 of calibration gas
opt_x_s1                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
opt_x_s2                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
opt_x_s3                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
opt_sensor_fallback     res 1   ; =1: Fallback to SP1 when sensor is lost
opt_flip_screen         res 1   ; =1: Flip the screen

;-----------------------------EEPROM DATA ------------------------------------
; Automatic reset of all options when this is changed:
#define    eeprom_opt_serial   0x0005   ; Version 0.5

; Flags
#DEFINE	switch_left				flag1,0
#DEFINE	switch_right			flag1,1			
#DEFINE neg_flag				flag1,2	; e.g. sub16 (sub_c = sub_a - sub_b)
#DEFINE pressure_refresh 		flag1,3	; =1: A new pressure/temperature is available
#DEFINE	sleepmode				flag1,4	; =1: In Sleepmode
#DEFINE	tft_is_dimming			flag1,5	; =1: The TFT is dimming, ignore light sensor
#DEFINE	display_velocity		flag1,6	; =1: show velocity
#DEFINE	no_sensor_int			flag1,7	; =1: block any further access to pressure sensor

#DEFINE	rs232_recieve_overflow	flag2,0	; =1: An RS232 timeout overflow occoured
#DEFINE	stored_gas_changed		flag2,1	; =1: Stored Gas changed
#DEFINE	high_altitude_mode		flag2,2	; =1: Unit was manually turned on with ambient pressure <880mbar
#DEFINE	FLAG_apnoe_mode			flag2,3	; =1: Apnoe mode selected
#DEFINE	restore_deco_data		flag2,4	; =1: Restore deco data (After simulation)
#DEFINE premenu					flag2,5	; =1: Premenu/Divemenu selected
#DEFINE	menubit					flag2,6	; menu
#DEFINE	simulatormode_active	flag2,7	; =1: Simulator mode active, override pressure sensor readings

#DEFINE divemode_menu           flag3,0	; =1: Divemode menu is shown
#DEFINE	onesecupdate			flag3,1	; =1 after any second
#DEFINE twosecupdate			flag3,2	; =1: New two-second update
#DEFINE	toggle_customview		flag3,3	; =1: Next customview
#DEFINE	oneminupdate			flag3,4	; =1 after any minute
#DEFINE	divemode				flag3,5	; =1: in Divemode
#DEFINE	battery_is_36v          flag3,6	; =1: 3,6V Battery is in use
#DEFINE	warning_active          flag3,7	; =1: A warning is active in divemode or surfacemode

#DEFINE	better_gas_available	flag4,0	; =1: A better gas is available
#DEFINE	blinking_better_gas		flag4,1	; =1: Gas is blinking
#DEFINE menuview                flag4,2 ; =1: A menuview is shown in divemode (e.g. "Menu?")
#DEFINE quarter_second_update   flag4,3 ; =1: A new 1/4 second has begun
#DEFINE divemode_gaschange      flag4,4 ; =1: The gas will change very soon
#DEFINE	decostop_active			flag4,5	; =1: Decompression stop shown
#DEFINE depth_greater_100m      flag4,6 ; =1: Current Depth > 100m
#DEFINE	realdive				flag4,7	; =1: A real dive during divemode

#DEFINE	dive_warning_displayed	flag5,0	; =1: The warning sign is shown
#DEFINE	reset_average_depth		flag5,1	; =1: Reset the average depth
#DEFINE	store_sample			flag5,2	; =1: Store a new sample
#DEFINE	divemode2				flag5,3	; =1: Dive longer then one minute
#DEFINE	FLAG_active_descent		flag5,4	; Used in Apnoe mode
#DEFINE	event_occured			flag5,5	; =1: An event occured, store it!
#DEFINE	divemode_menu_active	flag5,6 ; =1: The divemode menu is shown
#DEFINE	temp_changed			flag5,7	; =1: The temperature changed

#DEFINE gas6_changed            flag6,0	; =1: Gas 6 has been selected/changed underwater
#DEFINE	onehourupdate			flag6,1	; =1: A new hour has just begun
#DEFINE	settime_setdate			flag6,2	; =1: In the Set Time or Set Date Menu
#DEFINE setpoint_changed        flag6,3	; =1: Setpoint has been changed
#DEFINE second_row_warning      flag6,4	; =1: The second row contains a warning
#DEFINE FLAG_ccr_mode           flag6,5	; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
#DEFINE dive_hud1_displayed     flag6,6 ; =1: The Sensor1 HUD reading is displayed
#DEFINE dive_hud2_displayed     flag6,7 ; =1: The Sensor2 HUD reading is displayed

#DEFINE dive_hud3_displayed     flag7,0 ; =1: The Sensor3 HUD reading is displayed
#DEFINE no_more_divesecs        flag7,1 ; =1: Do no longer show seconds in divemode
#DEFINE FLAG_gauge_mode         flag7,2 ; =1: In Gauge mode
#DEFINE ignore_last_edited_gas  flag7,3 ; Used in gaslist_cleanup_list
#DEFINE ccr_diluent_setup       flag7,4 ; =1: Setting up Diluents ("Gas6-10")
#DEFINE menu_show_sensors       flag7,5 ; =1: Update HUD data in menu
#DEFINE short_gas_decriptions   flag7,6 ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
#DEFINE max_depth_greater_100m  flag7,7 ; =1: Max. Depth > 100m

#DEFINE is_bailout              flag8,0 ; =1: Bailout
#DEFINE is_bailout_menu         flag8,1 ; =1: Bailout
#DEFINE toggle_gf               flag8,2 ; =1: Toggle GF/aGF
#DEFINE use_agf                 flag8,3 ; =1: Use aGF (instead of GF)
#DEFINE battery_removed_in_usb  flag8,4 ; =1: The battery has been removed in USB
#DEFINE adc_running             flag8,5 ; =1: The ADC is in use
#DEFINE comm_service_enabled    flag8,6 ; =1: COMM Service mode unlocked
#DEFINE compass_enabled         flag8,7 ; =1: The compass and accelerometer chip is active

#DEFINE compass_fast_mode       flag9,0 ; =1: The compass is in fast mode
#DEFINE in_color_menu           flag9,1 ; =1: In the color scheme menu
#DEFINE bailoutgas_event        flag9,2 ; =1: bailout was selected or a gaschange during bailout
; unused
#DEFINE show_safety_stop		flag9,4	; =1: Show the safety stop
#DEFINE	safety_stop_active      flag9,5	; =1: The safety stop is currently displayed
#DEFINE new_s8_data_available   flag9,6 ; =1: New data frame recieved
#DEFINE	c3_hardware             flag9,7;  =1: OSTC 3C hardware

#DEFINE s8_digital              flag10,0; =1: Digital I/O
#DEFINE menu_show_sensors2      flag10,1; =1: Update mV data in calibration menu
#DEFINE use_02_sensor1          flag10,2; =1: Use this sensor for deco
#DEFINE use_02_sensor2          flag10,3; =1: Use this sensor for deco
#DEFINE use_02_sensor3          flag10,4; =1: Use this sensor for deco
#DEFINE setpoint_fallback       flag10,5; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
#DEFINE	blinking_setpoint       flag10,6; =1: SP is blinking
#DEFINE flip_screen             flag10,7; =1: Screen is flipped by 180°
; C-code Routines
; PART 2
    extern deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min    
    extern deco_calc_CNS_fraction
    extern deco_calc_desaturation_time
    extern deco_calc_hauptroutine
    extern deco_calc_tissue
    extern deco_calc_percentage
    extern deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
    extern deco_calc_dive_interval
    extern deco_clear_CNS_fraction
    extern deco_clear_tissue
    extern deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
    extern deco_push_tissues_to_vault