diff src/comm.asm @ 0:11d4fc797f74

author heinrichsweikamp
date Wed, 24 Apr 2013 19:22:45 +0200
children 1ab317814dd7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/comm.asm	Wed Apr 24 19:22:45 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+;   File comm.asm
+;   RS232 via USB
+;   Copyright (c) 2012, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
+;  2011-08-22 : [mH] Creation
+;  2012-02-11 : [jDG] Added "c" set custom text, and "i" identify.
+#include "ostc3.inc"
+#include "eeprom_rs232.inc"
+#include "tft.inc"
+#include "wait.inc"
+#include "strings.inc"
+#include "convert.inc"
+#include "external_flash.inc"
+#include "tft_outputs.inc"
+#include "surfmode.inc"
+#include "rtc.inc"
+#include "adc_lightsensor.inc"
+	extern  testloop,do_main_menu,new_battery_menu,restart,option_reset_all
+#DEFINE timeout_comm_pre_mode   .120        ; Pre-loop
+#DEFINE timeout_comm_mode       .120        ; Download mode
+#DEFINE timeout_service_mode    .120        ; Service mode
+#DEFINE	comm_title_row		.0
+#DEFINE	comm_title_column	.50
+#DEFINE	comm_string_row	.30
+#DEFINE	comm_string_column	.40
+#DEFINE	comm_status1_row		.70
+#DEFINE	comm_status1_column	.10
+#DEFINE	comm_status2_row		.100
+#DEFINE	comm_status2_column	comm_status1_column
+#DEFINE	comm_status3_row		.130
+#DEFINE	comm_status3_column	comm_status1_column
+#DEFINE	comm_warning_row		.160
+#DEFINE	comm_warning_column     .65
+comm code
+	; test for comm
+	global	comm_mode
+    call    TFT_ClearScreen
+    WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_title_column, comm_title_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbTitle		; comm Mode
+    call	TFT_standard_color
+    WIN_TOP     .10
+    WIN_LEFT    .1
+    movlw   0xDE
+    movwf   TBLPTRL
+    movlw   0xEE
+    movwf   TBLPTRH
+    movlw   0x01
+    movwf   TBLPTRU
+    call    color_image                 ; Show usb logo
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status1_column, comm_status1_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbStarting	; Starting...
+    call	TFT_serial                  ; Show serial and firmware version
+    bcf     enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
+	bcf		switch_right
+    bcf     comm_service_enabled
+    bsf     menubit
+    bcf     battery_removed_in_usb      ; =1: The battery has been removed in USB
+    movlw   timeout_comm_pre_mode
+	movwf	timeout_counter
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status1_column+.80, comm_status1_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbStartDone	; Done...
+	call	enable_rs232				; Also sets to speed_normal ...
+	bcf		onesecupdate
+	bcf		LEDr
+	dcfsnz 	timeout_counter,F
+	bra		comm_service_exit           ; Timeout -> Exit
+	call	get_battery_voltage			; gets battery voltage
+    movlw   .3
+    cpfslt  batt_voltage+1              ; Batt Voltage less then 3*256mV?
+    bra     comm_mode3                  ; No
+    ; Set flag
+    bsf     battery_removed_in_usb      ; =1: The battery has been removed in USB
+    bra     comm_mode4
+    ; Voltage ok. Do we have a new battery now?
+    btfsc   battery_removed_in_usb      ; =1: The battery has been removed in USB
+    goto	new_battery_menu            ; show "New battery dialog"
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+    btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
+    bra     comm_service_exit_nousb     ; Disconnected -> Exit
+	btfsc	switch_right				; Abort with right
+	bra		comm_service_exit
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	bra		comm_mode1
+	movlw	0xAA						; start byte=0xAA?
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		comm_mode2a
+	bra		comm_mode2b             ; Startbyte for service mode found
+	movlw	0xBB						; start byte=0xBB?
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		comm_mode2				; Cycle
+	bra		comm_download_mode		; Startbyte for download mode found
+	; Startbyte found
+	call	rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
+	movlw	0x4B
+	movwf	TXREG1					; Send Answer
+	; Now, check comm command
+	call	rs232_get_byte				; first byte
+	call	rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+	movlw	UPPER comm_service_key
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
+	call	rs232_get_byte				; second byte
+	call	rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+	movlw	HIGH (comm_service_key & 0xFFFF)
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
+	call	rs232_get_byte				; third byte
+	call	rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+	movlw	LOW comm_service_key
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
+	; Enable comm service mode
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status2_column, comm_status2_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbServiceMode	; Service mode enabled
+    bsf     comm_service_enabled
+	bra		comm_download_mode0		; Startbyte for download mode found
+comm_service_exit_nousb:                ; Disconnected -> Exit
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status3_column, comm_status3_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbClosed      ; Port closed
+    bra     comm_service_exit_common
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status3_column, comm_status3_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbExit        ; Exited
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	movlw	0xFF                        ; Reply FF
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
+	; Wait 1 second
+	bcf		onesecupdate
+	btfss	onesecupdate
+	bra		$-2
+	; Wait 1 second
+	bcf		onesecupdate
+	btfss	onesecupdate
+	bra		$-2
+	call	disable_rs232
+	bcf		LEDr
+    goto    restart
+    bsf     LEDr
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status3_column, comm_status3_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbLlBld               ; Low Level Bootloader started
+    WIN_TOP  	comm_warning_row
+	WIN_LEFT 	comm_warning_column
+    TFT_WRITE_PROM_IMAGE dive_warning_block 	; Show Warning icon
+    goto    0x1FF0C
+; Sends external flash from 0x3E0000 to 0x3FD000 (118784bytes) via comm
+    movlw   0x50                            ; send echo
+    movwf   TXREG1
+    call    rs232_wait_tx                   ; Wait for UART
+    ; Read 5 bytes into buffer.
+	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
+	movlw	.5								; counter
+	movwf	lo
+	movlw   0x55                            ; 5'ft byte checksum.
+	movwf   hi
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_send_firmware_abort   ; No, abort!
+	movf	RCREG1,W
+	movwf   POSTINC2                        ; Store checksum byte.
+	xorwf   hi,F                            ; Also xor into checksum
+	rlncf   hi,F                            ; And rotate it.
+	decfsz	lo,F
+	bra		comm_send_firmware_loop
+	; Check that 5ft byte checksum's checksum
+	movf    hi,W
+	bnz     comm_send_firmware_failed
+    movlw   0x4C                            ; send OK
+    movwf   TXREG1
+    call    rs232_wait_tx                   ; Wait for UART
+	; Passed: goto second stage verification.
+	; NOTE: Bootloader is Bank0. With buffer at address 0x200.
+	goto    0x1FDF0                         ; And pray...
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_string_column, comm_string_row
+	STRCPY_PRINT    "Checksum failed"
+    movlw   0xFF                            ; send ABORTED byte.
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx                   ; Wait for UART
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; Done.
+; Reset to Dive 1 in logbook
+	clrf    EEADRH                      ; Make sure to select eeprom bank 0
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	.4
+	write_int_eeprom	.5
+	write_int_eeprom	.6
+	write_int_eeprom	.2				; Also, delete total dive counter
+	write_int_eeprom	.3				
+	call	ext_flash_erase_logbook		; And complete logbook (!)
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; Done.
+comm_reset_battery_gauge:           ; Resets battery gauge registers
+    call    reset_battery_pointer   ; Resets battery pointer 0x07-0x0C and battery_gauge:5
+    bra		comm_download_mode0		; Done.
+; erases range in 4kB steps
+    movlw   0x42                        ; send echo
+    movwf   TXREG1
+    call    rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+    bcf     INTCON,GIE	; All interrups off!
+    rcall   comm_get_flash_address		; Get three bytes address or return
+    btfsc   rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got Data?
+    bra     comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done.
+    call    rs232_get_byte
+    btfsc   rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got byte?
+    bra     comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done.
+    movff   RCREG1,lo
+; Got 4bytes: 3bytes address and 1 bytes (lo) amount of 4kB blocks
+    call    ext_flash_erase4kB          ; Erase block!
+    movlw   0x10
+    addwf   ext_flash_address+1,F
+    movlw   .0
+    addwfc  ext_flash_address+2,F       ; Increase address by .4096, or 0x1000
+    decfsz  lo,F
+    bra     comm_erase_range4kb1        ; Loop until lo=zero
+    bra     comm_download_mode0         ; Done (Sends the 4C OK too).
+comm_erase_4kb:				; Get 3 bytes start address
+	bcf		INTCON,GIE	; All interrups off!	
+	rcall	comm_get_flash_address		; Get three bytes address or return
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got Data?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done.
+	call	ext_flash_erase4kB          ; Erase one block
+	bra		comm_download_mode0 		; Done.
+comm_write_range:				; Get 3 bytes start address
+    movlw   0x30                        ; send echo
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+	bcf		INTCON,GIE                  ; All interrups off!
+	rcall	comm_get_flash_address		; Get three bytes address or return
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got Data?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0  		; No, Done.
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done (and send OK byte too).
+	movf	RCREG1,W
+	call	ext_flash_byte_write        ; write one byte
+	call	incf_ext_flash_address_p1   ; increase address+1
+	bra		comm_write_range_loop
+comm_send_range:				; Get 3 bytes start address and 3 bytes amount
+    movlw   0x20                        ; send echo
+    movwf   TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+	bcf		INTCON,GIE	; All interrups off!	
+	rcall	comm_get_flash_address		; Get three bytes address or return
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got Data?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	movff	RCREG1,up
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	movff	RCREG1,hi
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	movff	RCREG1,lo
+    ; If lo==0, we must precondition hi because there is to many bytes send !
+    movf    lo,W    
+    bnz     $+4
+    decf    hi,F
+; 6bytes received, send data
+comm_send_range2:						; needs ext_flash_address:3 start address and up:hi:lo amount
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_start
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	bra		comm_send_range24		; counter 24bit
+	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	decfsz	lo,F
+	bra		comm_send_range24_loop
+	decf	hi,F
+	movlw	0xFF
+	cpfseq	hi
+	bra		comm_send_range24_loop
+	decf	up,F
+	movlw	0xFF
+	cpfseq	up
+	bra		comm_send_range24_loop
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; Done.
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return									; No, return
+	movff	RCREG1,ext_flash_address+2
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return									; No, return
+	movff	RCREG1,ext_flash_address+1
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return									; No, return
+	movff	RCREG1,ext_flash_address+0
+	return
+	; Enable comm download mode
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_status2_column, comm_status2_row
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbDownloadMode; Download mode enabled
+	bsf		INTCON,GIE					; All interrups on
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	movlw	0xBB                        ; Command Echo
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
+    bsf		INTCON,GIE					; All interrups on
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+    movlw   0x4C                        ; 4C in service mode
+    btfss   comm_service_enabled
+	movlw	0x4D                        ; 4D in download mode
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
+	movlw	timeout_service_mode
+	movwf	timeout_counter 			; Timeout
+	bcf		switch_right
+	bcf		onesecupdate
+	dcfsnz 	timeout_counter,F
+	bra		comm_service_exit           ; Timeout -> Exit
+	call	rs232_get_byte              ; Check for a byte
+    btfsc   comm_service_enabled
+	btg     LEDr                        ; Blink in Service mode
+    btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
+    bra     comm_service_exit_nousb     ; Disconnected -> Exit
+	btfsc	switch_right				; Abort with right
+	bra		comm_service_exit
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	bra		comm_download_mode1
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow
+	bra		comm_download_mode2	; Wait for command byte
+	; command received!
+	bcf		LEDr
+	movlw	0xFF
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_service_exit			; exit
+	movlw	"a"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_send_headers			; Send all 256 dive headers
+	movlw	"b"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_set_time				; Read time and date from the PC and set clock
+	movlw	"c"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_set_custom_text		; Send a opt_name_length byte string of custom text.
+	movlw	"f"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_send_dive				; Send header and profile for one dive
+	movlw	"i"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_identify               ; Send firmware, serial, etc.
+	movlw	"n"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_send_string			; Send a 15byte string to the screen
+	movlw	"l"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+    call	TFT_dump_screen             ; Dump the screen contents
+    btfss   comm_service_enabled        ; Done for Download mode
+	bra		comm_download_mode0         ; Loop with timeout reset
+	movlw	0x20
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_send_range             ; send hi:lo:temp1 bytes starting from ext_flash_address:3
+	movlw	0x22
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_reset_logbook_pointers	; Resets all logbook pointers and the logbook (!)
+	movlw	0x23
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_reset_battery_gauge    ; Resets battery gauge registers
+	movlw	0x30
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_write_range            ; write bytes starting from ext_flash_address:3 (Stop when timeout)
+	movlw	0x40
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_erase_4kb              ; erases 4kB block from ext_flash_address:3 (Warning: No confirmation or built-in security here...)
+	movlw	0x42
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_erase_range4kb         ; erases range in 4kB steps (Get 3 bytes address and 1byte amount of 4kB blocks)
+	movlw	0x50
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra		comm_send_firmware          ; sends firmware from external flash from 0x3E0000 to 0x3FD000 (118784bytes) via comm
+	movlw	"t"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+    goto    testloop                    ; Start raw-data testloop
+	movlw	"r"
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+    call	option_reset_all        	; Reset all options to factory default.
+	movlw	0xC1
+	cpfseq	RCREG1
+	bra		$+4
+	bra 	comm_service_ll_bootloader  ; Start low-level bootloader
+    bra		comm_download_mode0         ; Loop with timeout reset
+	movlw	"a"								; send echo
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	; Send 256 bytes/dive (Header)
+	; 1st: 200000h-2000FFh
+	; 2nd: 201000h-2010FFh
+	; 3rd: 202000h-2020FFh
+	; 100: 264000h-2640FFh
+	; 256: 2FF000h-2FF0FFh
+	movlw	0x1F
+	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
+	movlw	0xF0
+	movwf	ext_flash_address+1
+	movlw	0x00
+	movwf	ext_flash_address+0
+	; Adjust address for next dive
+	movlw	0x10
+	addwf	ext_flash_address+1
+	movlw	0x00
+	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2
+	movlw	0x30
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; All 256 dive send?
+	bra		comm_send_headers4			; No, continue
+	bra		comm_download_mode0		; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	clrf	lo							; Counter	
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_start	; 1st byte
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	bra		comm_send_headers3		; counter 24bit
+	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	decfsz	lo,F
+	bra		comm_send_headers_loop
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
+	bra		comm_send_headers2		; continue
+	movlw	"b"								; send echo
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1, hours
+	movlw	d'24'
+	cpfslt	hours
+	clrf	hours
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1, mins
+	movlw	d'60'
+	cpfslt	mins
+	clrf	mins
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1, secs
+	movlw	d'60'
+	cpfslt	secs
+	clrf	secs
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1, month
+	movlw	d'13'
+	cpfslt	month
+	movwf	month
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	rcall	comm_check_day                  ; Check day
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	return                          		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1, year
+	movlw	d'100'
+	cpfslt	year
+	clrf	year
+	; All ok, set RTCC
+	call	rtc_set_rtc                     ; writes mins,sec,hours,day,month and year to rtc module
+    bra		comm_download_mode0             ; Done. back to loop with timeout reset
+; Set OSTC3 custom text string (opt_name_length ascii chars).
+    movlw	"c"								; send echo
+    movwf	TXREG1
+    call	rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    lfsr	FSR2,opt_name
+    movlw	opt_name_length
+    movwf	lo								; counter
+    call	rs232_get_byte
+    btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow          ; Got byte?
+    return                                  ; No, abort!
+    movff	RCREG1,POSTINC2                  ; Store character
+    decfsz	lo,F
+    bra		comm_set_ctext_loop
+    bra		comm_download_mode0        ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+; Reply Serial (2 bytes low:high), firmware (major.minor) and custom text.
+    movlw	"i"								; send echo
+    movwf	TXREG1
+    call	rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    ;---- Read serial from internal EEPROM address 0000
+	clrf	EEADRH
+	clrf	EEADR                       ; Get Serial number LOW
+	call	read_eeprom                 ; read byte
+	movff	EEDATA,lo
+	incf	EEADR,F                     ; Get Serial number HIGH
+	call	read_eeprom                 ; read byte
+	movff	EEDATA,hi
+    ;---- Emit serial number
+	movff   lo,TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx
+	movff   hi,TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx
+	;---- Emit fiwmware hi.lo
+	movlw   softwareversion_x
+	movwf   TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx
+	movlw   softwareversion_y
+	movwf   TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx
+	;---- Emit custom text
+	movlw   opt_name_length
+	movwf   hi
+	lfsr    FSR2,opt_name
+    movff   POSTINC2,TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx
+	decfsz	hi,F
+	bra		common_identify_loop
+    bra     comm_download_mode0             ; Done.
+	movlw	"f"								; send echo
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0		; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1,lo						; Store dive number (0-255)
+; First, send the header (again)
+	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
+	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
+	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
+	; 3rd: 202000h-202FFFh -> lo=2
+	; 256: 2FF000h-2FFFFFh -> lo=255
+	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
+	clrf	ext_flash_address+1
+	movlw	0x20
+	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
+	movlw	.16
+	mulwf	lo				; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
+	movf	PRODL,W
+	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
+	movf	PRODH,W
+	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2,F
+	incf_ext_flash_address	d'2'				; Skip 0xFA, 0xFA
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read start address of profile
+	movff		temp1,ext_flash_log_pointer+0
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read start address of profile
+	movff		temp1,ext_flash_log_pointer+1
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read start address of profile
+	movff		temp1,ext_flash_log_pointer+2
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read end address of profile
+	movff		temp1,convert_value_temp+0
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read end address of profile
+	movff		temp1,convert_value_temp+1
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read end address of profile
+	movff		temp1,convert_value_temp+2
+	decf_ext_flash_address	d'8'				; Back again to first 0xFA in header
+    movf        ext_flash_log_pointer+0,W
+    cpfseq      convert_value_temp+0            ; Equal?
+    bra         comm_send_dive1                 ; No, Send header
+    movf        ext_flash_log_pointer+1,W
+    cpfseq      convert_value_temp+1            ; Equal?
+    bra         comm_send_dive1                 ; No, Send header
+    movf        ext_flash_log_pointer+2,W
+    cpfseq      convert_value_temp+2            ; Equal?
+    bra         comm_send_dive1                 ; No, Send header
+    ; Start=End -> Not good, abort
+    bra		comm_download_mode0                 ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	; Send header
+	clrf	hi							; Counter	
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_start	; 1st byte
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	bra		comm_send_dive_header
+	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
+	call	rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	decfsz	hi,F
+	bra		comm_send_dive_header2
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
+	; Set address for profile
+	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+0,ext_flash_address+0
+	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,ext_flash_address+1
+	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,ext_flash_address+2
+	movlw	.6								; Skip 6byte short header in profile - only for internal use
+	call	incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20	; increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching
+	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Read one byte into temp1, takes care of banking at 0x200000
+	call	rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	movff	temp1,TXREG1						; Send a byte
+	; 24bit compare with end address
+	movff	convert_value_temp+0,WREG
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+0
+	bra		comm_send_dive_profile
+	movff	convert_value_temp+1,WREG
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+1
+	bra		comm_send_dive_profile
+	movff	convert_value_temp+2,WREG
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2
+	bra		comm_send_dive_profile
+	call	rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	bra		comm_download_mode0		; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	movlw	"n"								; send echo
+	movwf	TXREG1
+	call	rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	WIN_SMALL	comm_string_column, comm_string_row
+	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
+	movlw	.16
+	movwf	lo								; counter
+	call	rs232_get_byte
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_send_string_abort          ; No, abort!
+	movff	RCREG1,POSTINC2					; Store character
+	decfsz	lo,F
+	bra		comm_send_string_loop
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""							; Show the text
+    bra		comm_download_mode0             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	movff	RCREG1, day
+	movff	month,lo		; new month
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.28
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.30
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.30
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.30
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.30
+	dcfsnz	lo,F
+	movlw	.31
+	cpfsgt	day						; day ok?
+	return							; OK
+	movlw	.1						; not OK, set to 1st
+	movwf	day
+	return	
+        END
\ No newline at end of file