1 ;=============================================================================
2 ;
3 ; File math.asm combined next generation V3.03.2
4 ;
5 ; Math subroutines
6 ;
7 ; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
8 ;=============================================================================
10 ; 2011-08-03 : [mH] moving from OSTC code
13 #include "hwos.inc" ; mandatory header
15 math CODE
17 ;=============================================================================
19 global convert_time ; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (up:hi) and minutes (lo)
20 ; also usable for conversion of seconds to minutes and seconds
21 ; trashes xA, xB, xC
22 convert_time:
23 movff lo,xA+0 ; copy hi:lo to xA
24 movff hi,xA+1 ;
25 movlw d'60' ; set divisor to 60
26 movwf xB+0 ; write 60 to xB
27 clrf xB+1 ;
28 rcall div16x16 ; xC = xA / xB with xA as remainder
29 movff xC+1,up ; result is hours / minutes, copy to up (high byte)
30 movff xC+0,hi ; result is hours / minutes, copy to hi (low byte)
31 movff xA+0,lo ; remainder is minutes / seconds, copy to lo
32 return
35 global div16 ; divA:2 = divA:2 / 2^WREG
36 ; trashes WREG
37 div16:
38 bcf STATUS,C ; clear carry
39 rrcf divA+1 ; rotate right high byte, carry into MSB, LSB into carry
40 rrcf divA+0 ; rotate right low byte, carry into MSB, LSB into carry
41 decfsz WREG ; decrement counter, done?
42 bra div16 ; NO - loop
43 return ; YES - done
46 global mult16 ; xA:2 = xA:2 * 2^WREG
47 ; trashes WREG
48 mult16:
49 bcf STATUS,C ; clear carry
50 rlcf divA+0,F ; rotate left low byte, carry into LSB, MSB into carry
51 rlcf divA+1,F ; rotate left high byte, carry into LSB, MSB into carry
52 decfsz WREG ; decrement counter, done?
53 bra mult16 ; NO - loop
54 return ; YES - done
57 global sub16 ; sub_c:2 = sub_a:2 - sub_b:2 with SIGNED values
58 ; sets neg_flag if result is < 0
59 ; trashes WREG
60 sub16:
61 bcf neg_flag ; clear flag which will indicate if result is negative
62 movf sub_b+0,W ; get value to be subtracted, low byte
63 subwf sub_a+0,W ; execute subtraction on low byte
64 movwf sub_c+0 ; copy result to output variable, low byte
65 movf sub_b+1,W ; get value to be subtracted, high byte
66 subwfb sub_a+1,W ; execute subtraction on high byte, considering borrow flag
67 movwf sub_c+1 ; copy result to output variable, high byte
68 btfss STATUS,N ; result negative ?
69 return ; NO - result positive, done
70 bsf neg_flag ; YES - set flag
71 comf sub_c+1 ; - do a 16 bit sign change
72 negf sub_c+0 ;
73 btfsc STATUS,C ; - carry to be propagated ?
74 incf sub_c+1,F ; YES - do it
75 return ; - done
78 global subU16 ; sub_c:2 = sub_a:2 - sub_b:2 with UNSIGNED values
79 ; sets neg_flag if result is < 0
80 ; trashes WREG
81 subU16:
82 bcf neg_flag ; clear flag which will indicate if result is negative
83 movf sub_b+0,W ; get value to be subtracted, low byte
84 subwf sub_a+0,W ; execute subtraction on low byte
85 movwf sub_c+0 ; copy result to output variable, low byte
86 movf sub_b+1,W ; get value to be subtracted, high byte
87 subwfb sub_a+1,W ; execute subtraction on high byte, considering borrow flag
88 movwf sub_c+1 ; copy result to output variable, high byte
89 btfsc STATUS,C ; borrow to propagate (B == /CARRY) ?
90 return ; NO - result positive, done
91 bsf neg_flag ; YES - set flag
92 comf sub_c+1 ; - do a 16 bit sign change
93 negf sub_c+0 ; - ...
94 btfsc STATUS,C ; - carry to be propagated ?
95 incf sub_c+1,F ; YES - do it
96 return ; - done
99 global cmpU16 ; sub_a:2 - sub_b:2 with UNSIGNED values
100 ; sets neg_flag if result is < 0, but does not store result itself
101 ; trashes WREG
102 cmpU16:
103 bcf neg_flag ; clear flag which will indicate if result is negative
104 movf sub_b+0,W ; get value to be subtracted, low byte
105 subwf sub_a+0,W ; execute subtraction on low byte
106 movf sub_b+1,W ; get value to be subtracted, high byte
107 subwfb sub_a+1,W ; execute subtraction on high byte, considering borrow flag
108 btfss STATUS,C ; borrow to propagate (B == /CARRY) ?
109 bsf neg_flag ; YES - result is negative, set flag
110 return ; done
113 global mult16x16 ; xC:4 = xA:2 * xB:2 with UNSIGNED values
114 ; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
115 mult16x16:
116 clrf xC+2 ; clear the high-order bits
117 clrf xC+3
118 ;
119 movf xA+0,W ; do the "L" multiplication
120 mulwf xB+0
121 movff PRODL,xC+0 ; copy result to xC
122 movff PRODH,xC+1
123 ;
124 movf xA+0,W ; do the "I" multiplication
125 mulwf xB+1
126 movf PRODL,W ; get the product's low byte...
127 addwf xC+1,F ; ... and add it to xC+1
128 movf PRODH,W ; get the product's high byte...
129 addwfc xC+2,F ; ... and add it to xC+2 obeying carry bit from xC+1
130 ;
131 movf xA+1,W ; do the "O" multiplication
132 mulwf xB+0
133 movf PRODL,W ; get the product's low byte...
134 addwf xC+1,F ; ... and add it to xC+1
135 movf PRODH,W ; get the product's high byte...
136 addwfc xC+2,F ; ... and add it to xC+2 obeying carry bit from xC+1
137 clrf WREG ; clear WREG...
138 addwfc xC+3,F ; ... add add it to xC+3 obeying carry bit from xC+2 (can only happen in "O" multiplication)
139 ;
140 movf xA+1,W ; do the "F" multiplication
141 mulwf xB+1
142 movf PRODL,W ; get the product's low byte...
143 addwf xC+2,F ; ... and add it to xC+2
144 movf PRODH,W ; get the product's high byte...
145 addwfc xC+3,F ; ... and add it to xC+3 obeying carry bit from xC+2
146 return
149 global div16x16 ; xC:2 = xA:2 / xB:2 with xA as remainder
150 ; trashes WREG
151 div16x16:
152 movlw .16 ; process 16 bits ...
153 movwf math_loop ; ... initialize loop counter
154 movff xA+0,xC+0 ; copy xA to xC
155 movff xA+1,xC+1 ; ...
156 clrf xA+0 ; clear xA, will now be used to hold the remainder
157 clrf xA+1 ; ...
158 div16x16_1:
159 bcf STATUS,C ; clear carry flag to shift in a zero bit
160 rlcf xC+0,F ; shift left xC
161 rlcf xC+1,F ; ... shifting MSB out of xC...
162 rlcf xA+0,F ; ... and into LSB of xA
163 rlcf xA+1,F ; ...
164 btfsc STATUS,C ; did the remainder overflow (carry set)?
165 bra div16x16_2 ; YES - directly generate a result bit = 1
166 movf xB+0,W ; NO - compute remainder - divisor = xA - xB, trash result to WREG
167 subwf xA+0,W ; - ...
168 movf xB+1,W ; - ...
169 subwfb xA+1,W ; - ...
170 btfss STATUS,C ; - remainder < divisor (-> borrow flag set, equals carry flag cleared) ?
171 bra div16x16_3 ; YES - result bit = 0, keep LSB of xC+0 being 0
172 div16x16_2:
173 bsf xC+0,0 ; NO - result bit = 1, set LSB of xC+0 to 1
174 movf xB+0,W ; - subtract divisor from remainder "for real": xA = xA - xB
175 subwf xA+0,F ; - ...
176 movf xB+1,W ; - ...
177 subwfb xA+1,F ; - ...
178 div16x16_3:
179 decfsz math_loop,F ; decrement loop counter, all bits done?
180 bra div16x16_1 ; NO - loop
181 return ; YES - done
184 global div32x16 ; xC:4 = xC:4 / xB:2 with xA as remainder
185 ; trashes WREG
186 div32x16:
187 movlw .32 ; process 32 bits ...
188 movwf math_loop ; ... initialize loop counter
189 clrf xA+0 ; clear xA, will be used to hold the remainder
190 clrf xA+1 ; ...
191 div32x16_1:
192 bcf STATUS,C ; clear carry flag to shift in a zero bit
193 rlcf xC+0,F ; shift left xC
194 rlcf xC+1,F ; ...
195 rlcf xC+2,F ; ...
196 rlcf xC+3,F ; ... shifting MSB out of xC...
197 rlcf xA+0,F ; ... and into LSB of xA
198 rlcf xA+1,F ; ...
199 btfsc STATUS,C ; did the remainder overflow (carry set)?
200 bra div32x16_2 ; YES - directly generate a result bit = 1
201 movf xB+0,W ; NO - compute remainder - divisor = xA - xB, trash result to WREG
202 subwf xA+0,W ; - ...
203 movf xB+1,W ; - ...
204 subwfb xA+1,W ; - ...
205 btfss STATUS,C ; - remainder < divisor (-> borrow flag set, equals carry flag cleared) ?
206 bra div32x16_3 ; YES - result bit = 0, keep LSB of xC+0 being 0
207 div32x16_2:
208 bsf xC+0,0 ; NO - result bit = 1, set LSB of xC+0 to 1
209 movf xB+0,W ; - subtract divisor from remainder "for real": xA = xA - xB
210 subwf xA+0,F ; - ...
211 movf xB+1,W ; - ...
212 subwfb xA+1,F ; - ...
213 div32x16_3:
214 decfsz math_loop,F ; decrement loop counter, all bits done?
215 bra div32x16_1 ; NO - loop
216 return ; YES - done
219 ;=============================================================================
221 ; ISR math functions
223 global isr_shift_C31 ; 24 bit shift, repeated WREG times, dedicated to a specific usage:
224 ; Because less than 8 bits are shifted and only C[2:1] is needed,
225 ; we don't care what bit is inserted.
226 isr_shift_C31:
227 rrcf isr_xC+3,F ; shift three bytes
228 rrcf isr_xC+2,F
229 rrcf isr_xC+1,F
230 decfsz WREG ; decrement loop counter, done?
231 bra isr_shift_C31 ; NO - loop
232 return ; YES - done
235 global isr_unsigned_mult16x16 ; isr_xC = isr_xA * _isr_xB with UNSIGNED values
236 ; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
237 isr_unsigned_mult16x16:
238 movf isr_xA+0,W ; multiply a[0] * b[0]
239 mulwf isr_xB+0
240 movff PRODL,isr_xC+0 ; store product to c[1]:c[0]
241 movff PRODH,isr_xC+1
242 ;
243 movf isr_xA+1,W ; multiply a[1] * b[1]
244 mulwf isr_xB+1
245 movff PRODL, isr_xC+2 ; store product to c[3]:c[2]
246 movff PRODH, isr_xC+3
247 ;
248 movf isr_xA+0,W ; multiply a[0] * b[1]
249 mulwf isr_xB+1
250 movf PRODL,W ; add cross product to c[3]:c[2]:c[1]
251 addwf isr_xC+1,F
252 movf PRODH,W
253 addwfc isr_xC+2,F ; propagate carry
254 clrf WREG
255 addwfc isr_xC+3,F ; propagate carry
256 ;
257 movf isr_xA+1,W ; multiply a[1] * b[0]
258 mulwf isr_xB+0
259 movf PRODL,W ; add cross product
260 addwf isr_xC+1,F
261 movf PRODH,W
262 addwfc isr_xC+2,F ; propagate carry
263 clrf WREG
264 addwfc isr_xC+3,F ; propagate carry
265 return
268 global isr_signed_mult16x16 ; isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB with SIGNED values
269 ; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
270 isr_signed_mult16x16:
271 rcall isr_unsigned_mult16x16 ; do an unsigned multiplication first
272 ; ; manage sign extension of operand B
273 btfss isr_xB+1,7 ; is B negative ?
274 bra isr_signed_mult_checkA ; NO - continue checking operand A
275 movf isr_xA+0,W ; Yes - add -65536 * A
276 subwf isr_xC+2,F
277 movf isr_xA+1,W
278 subwfb isr_xC+3,F
279 isr_signed_mult_checkA ; manage sign extension of operand B
280 btfss isr_xA+1,7 ; is A negative ?
281 return ; NO - done
282 movf isr_xB+0,W ; Yes - add -65536 * B
283 subwf isr_xC+2,F
284 movf isr_xB+1,W
285 subwfb isr_xC+3,F
286 return
288 END |