1 ;=============================================================================
2 ;
3 ; File gaslist.asm
4 ;
5 ; Managing OSTC3 gas list
6 ;
7 ; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
8 ;=============================================================================
10 ; 2011-08-11 : [jDG] Creation.
12 #include "ostc3.inc" ; Mandatory header
13 #include "convert.inc"
14 #include "math.inc" ; div16x16 for MOD calculations
15 #include "strings.inc"
16 #include "tft.inc"
17 #include "tft_outputs.inc"
19 #include "shared_definitions.h"
21 CBLOCK tmp+0x40 ; Keep space for menu processor
22 gaslist_gas
23 gaslist_O2
24 gaslist_He
25 gaslist_depth
26 gaslist_Type
27 ; Reserved to tmp+0x5F
30 extern convert_mbar_to_feet
32 gui CODE
33 ;=============================================================================
34 ; Append gas description to current string.
35 ; Input: PRODL : gas number (0..4)
36 ; FSR2 : Current string position.
37 ; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2.
38 extern customview_show_mix
39 global gaslist_strcat_gas
40 gaslist_strcat_gas:
41 rcall gaslist_setgas ; Sets gaslist_gas (0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents)
42 ; Retrieve gas definition:
43 gaslist_strcat_gas_0:
44 movf gaslist_gas,W
45 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
46 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2
47 movf gaslist_gas,W
48 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio ; Read opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
49 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_He
51 movff gaslist_O2,lo
52 movff gaslist_He,hi
53 call customview_show_mix ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
54 return
57 ;=============================================================================
58 ; Append current mix to current string (For divemode)
59 ; Input: FSR2 : Current string position.
60 ; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2.
61 global gaslist_strcat_gasx
62 gaslist_strcat_gasx: ; Show current O2/He mix
64 STRCAT ": "
65 movff char_I_O2_ratio,lo
66 movff char_I_He_ratio,hi
67 call customview_show_mix ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
68 return
70 global gaslist_show_type
71 extern tGasDisabled
72 extern tDilDisabled
73 gaslist_show_type:
74 movf gaslist_gas,W
75 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_type ; Read opt_gas_type[WREG]
76 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_Type
78 lfsr FSR1,tGasDisabled ; Base text number
79 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR setup?
80 lfsr FSR1,tDilDisabled ; Base text number
81 movff gaslist_Type,WREG ; 0-3
82 rlncf WREG ; x2
83 addwf FSR1L,F
84 movlw .0
85 addwfc FSR1H,F
86 call strcat_text
87 return
89 global gaslist_toggle_type
90 gaslist_toggle_type:
91 movf gaslist_gas,W
92 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_type ; Read opt_gas_type[WREG]
93 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_Type
94 incf gaslist_Type,F ; 0-3/0-2
95 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR setup?
96 bra gaslist_toggle_type2 ; Yes
97 btfsc gaslist_Type,2 ; >3?
98 clrf gaslist_Type ; Clear to zero
99 movff gaslist_Type,PLUSW1 ; Copy back result
100 return
102 gaslist_toggle_type2:
103 movlw .3
104 cpfslt gaslist_Type ; >2?
105 clrf gaslist_Type ; Clear to zero
106 movf gaslist_gas,W
107 movff gaslist_Type,PLUSW1 ; Copy back result
108 return
110 global gaslist_setSP
111 gaslist_setSP:
112 movff PRODL,gaslist_gas ; 0-4
113 return
115 extern tbar
116 global gaslist_strcat_setpoint
117 global gaslist_strcat_setpoint_0
118 gaslist_strcat_setpoint:
119 call gaslist_setSP
120 gaslist_strcat_setpoint_0:
121 bsf leftbind
122 btfsc short_gas_decriptions ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
123 bra gaslist_strcat_setpoint2 ; Short version
125 incf gaslist_gas,W
126 movwf lo
127 output_8
128 bcf leftbind
129 PUTC ":"
130 gaslist_strcat_setpoint2: ; Short version
131 btfsc divemode
132 bra gaslist_strcat_setpoint4 ; no "*" in divemode
133 movf gaslist_gas,W ; Number-1 into WREG
134 bnz gaslist_strcat_setpoint3 ; Not SP1
135 PUTC "*"
136 bra gaslist_strcat_setpoint4
137 gaslist_strcat_setpoint3:
138 PUTC " "
139 gaslist_strcat_setpoint4:
140 movf gaslist_gas,W
141 lfsr FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar
142 movf PLUSW1,W
143 movwf lo
144 clrf hi
145 bsf leftbind
146 output_16dp d'3'
147 btfsc divemode
148 bra gaslist_strcat_setpoint5 ; Skip text in divemode
149 STRCAT_TEXT tbar
150 gaslist_strcat_setpoint5:
151 PUTC " "
152 ; Read switch depth
153 movf gaslist_gas,W
154 lfsr FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change
155 movff PLUSW1,lo
156 bra gaslist_strcat_4 ; And return...
158 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 ; Append gas description to current string.
160 ; Input: PRODL : gas number (0..4)
161 ; FSR2 : Current string position.
162 ; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2.
163 ;
164 ; NOTE: used in the menu-tree for the MENU_CALLBACK entry.
166 gaslist_strcat_gas_better: ; Yes, check if this is a "better gas"
167 movlw .0
168 movff WREG,win_invert
169 decf better_gas_number,W ; better_gas_number-1 -> WREG
170 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; in CCR menus?
171 addlw .5 ; Yes, offset to gases 5-9
172 cpfseq gaslist_gas ; 0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents
173 return
174 call TFT_attention_color ; show in yellow
175 movlw .1
176 movff WREG,win_invert ; and invert
177 return
179 global gaslist_strcat_gas_mod
180 gaslist_strcat_gas_mod:
181 rcall gaslist_setgas ; Sets gaslist_gas (0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents)
183 global gaslist_gastitle
184 gaslist_gastitle:
185 btfsc short_gas_decriptions ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
186 bra gaslist_gastitle2 ; Short version
188 incf gaslist_gas,W
189 movwf lo
190 bsf leftbind
191 output_8
192 bcf leftbind
193 PUTC ":"
195 gaslist_gastitle2: ; Short version
196 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_type
197 btfsc divemode
198 bra gaslist_gastitle3 ; no "*" in divemode
199 movf gaslist_gas,W
200 decf PLUSW1,W ; Type-1 into WREG
201 bnz gaslist_gastitle1 ; Not "First"
202 PUTC "*"
203 bra gaslist_gastitle3
204 gaslist_gastitle1:
205 PUTC " "
206 gaslist_gastitle3: ; Short version
207 call TFT_standard_color
209 btfsc divemode ; In divemode?
210 rcall gaslist_strcat_gas_better ; Yes, check if this is a "better gas"
212 movf gaslist_gas,W ; (0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents)
213 movf PLUSW1,W
214 bnz gaslist_strcat_3
215 call TFT_disabled_color
216 gaslist_strcat_3:
217 rcall gaslist_strcat_gas_0
218 PUTC " "
219 ; Read switch depth
220 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change-.5 ; Setup Diluents-5
221 movlw .4
222 cpfsgt gaslist_gas ; >4? (-> Diluents)
223 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; Setup OC Gases
225 movf gaslist_gas,W ; (0-4 for OC/Bailout, 5-9 for Diluents)
226 movff PLUSW1,lo
227 rcall gaslist_calc_mod ; Compute MOD into WREG
228 cpfsgt lo
229 bra gaslist_strcat_4
230 call TFT_warnings_color ; Turn red if bigger
231 gaslist_strcat_4:
232 TSTOSS opt_units ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
233 bra gaslist_strcat_3_metric
234 ;gaslist_strcat_3_imperial:
235 movf lo,W
236 mullw .100 ; convert meters to mbar
237 movff PRODL,lo
238 movff PRODH,hi
239 call convert_mbar_to_feet ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
240 bsf leftbind
241 output_16_3
242 STRCAT_TEXT tFeets ; "ft"
243 return
245 gaslist_strcat_3_metric:
246 output_99
247 STRCAT_TEXT tMeters ; "m"
248 return
250 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 ; Store current menu item, and display gas description later.
252 ; Input: PRODL : gas number (0..4)
253 ; NOTE: used in the menu-tree for the MENU_CALLBACK entry.
254 global gaslist_setgas
255 gaslist_setgas:
256 movff PRODL,gaslist_gas
257 movlw .5
258 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; in CCR menus?
259 addwf gaslist_gas,F ; Yes, offset to gases 5-9
260 return
263 global gaslist_cleanup_list ; Takes care that only one gas can be first and first has 0m change depth
264 gaslist_cleanup_list:
265 bcf ignore_last_edited_gas
266 movlw .0
267 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
268 addlw .5 ; Yes, adjust offset
269 subwf gaslist_gas,F
270 gaslist_cleanup_list1:
271 clrf lo
272 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_type ; Read opt_gas_type[WREG]
273 movlw .5 ; Check 5 gases
274 movwf hi
275 gaslist_cleanup_list2:
276 decf hi,w ; 0-4
277 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
278 addlw .5 ; Yes, adjust offset
279 movff PLUSW1,hi_temp
280 movlw .1
281 cpfseq hi_temp ; gas = first ?
282 bra gaslist_cleanup_list3 ; No
283 incf lo,F ; Yes, count "first gases"
285 btfss ignore_last_edited_gas ; If we are not in the second-pass mode
286 bra gaslist_cleanup_list2b
288 decf hi,w ; 0-4
289 cpfseq gaslist_gas ; Do not disable last edited gas
290 gaslist_cleanup_list2b:
291 movff hi,lo_temp ; Keep the last "first gas" found
292 gaslist_cleanup_list3:
293 decfsz hi,F
294 bra gaslist_cleanup_list2 ; Loop
296 tstfsz lo ; No gas active?
297 bra gaslist_cleanup_list4 ; No, at least one is active
299 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
300 bra gaslist_cleanup_list3a ; Yes.
301 ; make gas1 first and zero
302 movlw .1 ; First
303 movwf lo_temp
304 movwf INDF1
305 bra gaslist_cleanup_list5 ; Set change depth to zero
307 gaslist_cleanup_list3a:
308 movlw .5
309 addwf FSR1L,F
310 movlw .0
311 addwfc FSR1H,F ; Setup to Diluents
312 ; make dil1 first and zero
313 movlw .1 ; First
314 movwf lo_temp
315 movwf INDF1
316 bra gaslist_cleanup_list5 ; Set change depth to zero
318 gaslist_cleanup_list4:
319 movlw .1
320 cpfsgt lo ; More then one "first gas"?
321 bra gaslist_cleanup_list5 ; No, done.
322 ; More then one Gas is "first gas"
323 ; Disable last found "first gas" but keep it's change depth
324 decf lo_temp,W ; 0-4
325 cpfseq gaslist_gas ; Do not disable last edited gas
326 bra gaslist_cleanup_list4b
327 ; Do not disable last edited gas
328 ; search again but ignore last edited gas
329 bsf ignore_last_edited_gas
330 bra gaslist_cleanup_list1 ; Loop until only one "first gas" is left
332 gaslist_cleanup_list4b:
333 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
334 addlw .5 ; Yes, adjust offset
335 clrf PLUSW1 ; Disable gas
336 bra gaslist_cleanup_list ; Loop until only one "first gas" is left
338 gaslist_cleanup_list5:
339 ; Read switch depth
340 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change-.5 ; Setup Diluents-5
341 btfss ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
342 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; No, setup OC Gases
343 decf lo_temp,W
344 btfsc ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
345 addlw .5 ; Yes, adjust offset
346 clrf PLUSW1 ; Set First gas to zero m
347 return
349 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
350 ; Increment/Decrement O2 ratio
351 global gaslist_pO2
352 gaslist_pO2:
353 movf gaslist_gas,W
354 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio ; Read opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
355 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_He
356 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
357 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2
359 incf gaslist_O2,F ; O2++
360 movf gaslist_He,W
361 addwf gaslist_O2,W
362 movwf lo
363 movlw .101
364 cpfslt lo ; O2+He<101?
365 decf gaslist_O2,F ; O2-- (Unchanged)
367 movf gaslist_gas,W
368 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; And write back to opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
369 return
371 global gaslist_mO2
372 gaslist_mO2:
373 movf gaslist_gas,W
374 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
375 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2
377 decf gaslist_O2,F
378 movlw gaslist_min_o2
379 cpfslt gaslist_O2
380 bra gaslist_mO2_1
381 movlw gaslist_min_o2
382 movwf gaslist_O2
383 gaslist_mO2_1:
384 movf gaslist_gas,W
385 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; And write back to opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
386 return
388 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 ; Increment/Decrement He ratio
390 global gaslist_pHe
391 gaslist_pHe:
392 movf gaslist_gas,W
393 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
394 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2
395 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio ; Read opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
396 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_He
398 incf gaslist_He,F ; He++
399 movf gaslist_He,W
400 addwf gaslist_O2,W
401 movwf lo
402 movlw .101
403 cpfslt lo ; O2+He<101?
404 decf gaslist_He,F ; Yes, He-- (Unchanged)
406 movf gaslist_gas,W
407 movff gaslist_He,PLUSW1 ; And write back to opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
408 return
410 global gaslist_mHe
411 gaslist_mHe:
412 movf gaslist_gas,W
413 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio ; Read opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
414 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_He
416 decf gaslist_He,F
417 bnn gaslist_mHe_1
418 clrf gaslist_He
419 gaslist_mHe_1:
420 movf gaslist_gas,W
421 movff gaslist_He,PLUSW1 ; And write back to opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
422 return
424 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 ; Increment/Decrement switch depth
426 global gaslist_pDepth
427 gaslist_pDepth:
428 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change-.5 ; Setup Diluents-5
429 movlw .4
430 cpfsgt gaslist_gas ; >4? (-> Diluents)
431 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; Setup OC Gases
433 movf gaslist_gas,W
434 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2 ; Read char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
436 incf gaslist_O2,F
437 movlw gaslist_max_change_depth
438 cpfsgt gaslist_O2
439 bra gaslist_pDepth_1
440 movlw gaslist_max_change_depth
441 movwf gaslist_O2
442 gaslist_pDepth_1:
443 movf gaslist_gas,W
444 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; Write back to char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
445 return
447 global gaslist_mDepth
448 gaslist_mDepth:
449 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change-.5 ; Setup Diluents-5
450 movlw .4
451 cpfsgt gaslist_gas ; >4? (-> Diluents)
452 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; Setup OC Gases
454 movf gaslist_gas,W
455 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2 ; Read char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
457 decf gaslist_O2,F
458 btfsc STATUS,N
459 clrf gaslist_O2
461 movf gaslist_gas,W
462 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; And write back to char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
463 return
465 global gaslist_spplus
466 gaslist_spplus:
467 movf gaslist_gas,W
468 lfsr FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar
469 movff PLUSW1,lo ; Read char_I_setpoint_cbar[WREG]
470 movlw gaslist_sp_stepsize
471 addwf lo,F
472 movlw gaslist_sp_max
473 cpfsgt lo
474 bra gaslist_spplus2
475 movlw gaslist_sp_min
476 movwf lo
477 gaslist_spplus2:
478 movf gaslist_gas,W
479 movff lo,PLUSW1 ; Write back to char_I_setpoint_cbar
480 return
482 global gaslist_spdepthplus
483 gaslist_spdepthplus:
484 movf gaslist_gas,W
485 bz gaslist_spdepthplus3 ; Setpoint 1 is always 0m
486 lfsr FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change
487 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2 ; Read char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
488 incf gaslist_O2,F
489 movlw gaslist_max_change_depth
490 cpfsgt gaslist_O2
491 bra gaslist_spdepthplus_1
492 movlw gaslist_max_change_depth
493 movwf gaslist_O2
494 gaslist_spdepthplus_1:
495 movf gaslist_gas,W
496 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; Write back to char_I_deco_gas_change[WREG]
497 return
499 gaslist_spdepthplus3:
500 movlw .0
501 movff WREG,char_I_setpoint_change+0 ; Reset to 0m
502 return
504 global gaslist_spdepthminus
505 gaslist_spdepthminus:
506 movf gaslist_gas,W
507 bz gaslist_spdepthplus3 ; Setpoint 1 is always 0m
508 lfsr FSR1,char_I_setpoint_change
509 movff PLUSW1,gaslist_O2 ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
510 decf gaslist_O2,F
511 btfsc STATUS,N
512 clrf gaslist_O2
513 movf gaslist_gas,W
514 movff gaslist_O2,PLUSW1 ; And write back to opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
515 return
517 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 ; Compute MOD from ppO2 Max and current O2 Ratio.
519 ;
520 ; Input: gaslist_gas = current gas index.
521 ; opt_gas_O2_ratio[gaslist_gas] = current O2 ratio
522 ; Output: WREG = MOD [m]
523 ;
524 gaslist_calc_mod:
525 movf gaslist_gas,W ; Read current gas O2 ratio
526 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; Read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
527 movf PLUSW1,W
529 btfsc divemode ; In divemode?
530 bra gaslist_calc_mod_divemode ; Yes.
532 ; Pamb max = ppO2 Max / O2 ratio
533 movwf xB+0
534 clrf xB+1
536 movff opt_ppO2_max,WREG
537 mullw .10
538 movff PRODL,xA+0
539 movff PRODH,xA+1
540 call div16x16
542 ; Prof = Pamb - 1bar.
543 movf xC+0,W
544 addlw -.10
545 return
547 gaslist_calc_mod_divemode:
548 extern TFT_color_code1
549 movwf hi ; Copy O2%
550 movlw warn_gas_in_gaslist
551 call TFT_color_code1 ; Color-code current row in Gaslist (%O2 in hi), opt_ppO2_max as threshold
552 return
553 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 global gaslist_ppo2
556 gaslist_ppo2:
557 STRCAT_TEXT tppO2 ; ppO2:
558 movf gaslist_gas,W
559 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change-.5 ; Setup Diluents
560 btfss ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
561 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; No, setup OC/Bailout Gases
562 movf PLUSW1,W
563 mullw .10 ; PROD=Depth in mbar/10 (100 = 1.00 bar)
564 movlw .100
565 addwf PRODL,F
566 movlw .0
567 addwfc PRODH,F ; add 1bar
568 movff PRODL,xA+0
569 movff PRODH,xA+1
570 movf gaslist_gas,W ; Read current gas O2 ratio
571 lfsr FSR1,opt_dil_O2_ratio-.5 ; Read dil_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
572 btfss ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
573 lfsr FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio ; No, read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
574 movff PLUSW1,xB+0
575 clrf xB+1
576 call mult16x16 ; char_I_O2_ratio * (p_amb/10)
577 movff xC+0,xA+0
578 movff xC+1,xA+1
579 movlw d'100'
580 movwf xB+0
581 clrf xB+1
582 call div16x16 ; xC=(char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10)/100
583 ; Check very high ppO2 manually
584 tstfsz xC+2 ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
585 bra gaslist_ppo2_2 ; Yes, display fixed Value!
586 movff xC+0,lo
587 movff xC+1,hi
588 bcf ignore_digit4
589 bsf leftbind
590 output_16dp d'3' ; x.xx
591 STRCAT_TEXT tbar ; bar
592 return
593 gaslist_ppo2_2:
594 STRCAT ">6.6"
595 return
597 global gaslist_MOD_END
598 gaslist_MOD_END:
599 rcall gaslist_calc_mod ; Compute MOD into WREG
600 movwf lo ; Copy to lo
602 TSTOSS opt_units ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
603 bra gaslist_MOD_metric
604 ;gaslist_MOD_imperial:
605 movf lo,W
606 mullw .100 ; convert meters to mbar
607 movff PRODL,lo
608 movff PRODH,hi
609 call convert_mbar_to_feet ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
610 bsf leftbind
611 output_16_3
612 STRCAT_TEXT tFeets ; "ft"
613 bra gaslist_MOD_common
614 gaslist_MOD_metric:
615 output_8
616 STRCAT_TEXT tMeters ; m
617 gaslist_MOD_common:
618 PUTC "/"
620 rcall gaslist_calc_mod ; Output: WREG = MOD [m]
621 addlw .10 ; MOD=MOD+10m
622 movwf xB+0
623 clrf xB+1
624 movlw d'100'
625 movwf xA+0
626 movf gaslist_He,W ; He value in % -> WREG
627 subwf xA+0,F ; xA+0 = 100 - He Value in %
628 clrf xA+1
629 call mult16x16 ; xA*xB=xC
630 movff xC+0,xA+0
631 movff xC+1,xA+1
632 movlw d'100'
633 movwf xB+0
634 clrf xB+1
635 call div16x16 ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
636 ; xC:2 = ((MOD+10) * 100 - HE Value in %) / 100
637 movlw d'10'
638 subwf xC+0,F ; Subtract 10m...
639 movff xC+0,lo
640 ; END 8Bit only
641 ; movlw d'0'
642 ; subwfb xC+1,F
643 ; movff xC+1,hi
644 TSTOSS opt_units ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
645 bra gaslist_END_metric
646 ;gaslist_END_imperial:
647 movf lo,W
648 mullw .100 ; convert meters to mbar
649 movff PRODL,lo
650 movff PRODH,hi
651 call convert_mbar_to_feet ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
652 bsf leftbind
653 output_16_3
654 STRCAT_TEXT tFeets ; "ft"
655 return
656 gaslist_END_metric:
657 output_8
658 STRCAT_TEXT tMeters ; m
659 return
661 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
662 global gaslist_reset_mod_title
663 gaslist_reset_mod_title:
664 STRCAT_TEXT tDepthReset
666 gaslist_reset_mod_title2:
667 rcall gaslist_calc_mod ; Compute MOD into WREG
668 movwf lo ; Copy to lo
670 movf gaslist_gas,W ; Compare to switch depth
671 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change ; Setup Diluents
672 btfss ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
673 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; No, setup OC Gases
674 movf PLUSW1,W
675 cpfslt lo
676 bra gaslist_strcat_4 ; And return...
677 call TFT_warnings_color ; Turn red if bigger !
678 bra gaslist_strcat_4 ; And return...
680 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 global gaslist_reset_mod
682 gaslist_reset_mod:
683 rcall gaslist_calc_mod ; Compute MOD
684 movwf gaslist_depth
686 movf gaslist_gas,W ; Read current gas O2 ratio
688 lfsr FSR1,char_I_dil_change ; Setup Diluents mH
689 btfss ccr_diluent_setup ; In CCR-Menu?
690 lfsr FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change ; No, setup OC Gases
692 movff gaslist_depth,PLUSW1 ; And save new change depth
693 return
694 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
695 END |